
Reading Intervention

Conditions of Service

Informed Consent

When a psychologist is providing professional services to a child who is a minor, the psychologist must obtain informed consent from the minor’s parent/guardian. Generally, a psychologist is not required to obtain informed consent from both of the parents since either parent normally has the right to consent to services for the child. However, if the parents are separated or divorced, the psychologist must make appropriate inquiries to ensure that the adult requesting services is the child’s legal parent/guardian. It is recommended by the College of Alberta Psychologists that psychologists obtain relevant court documentation prior to commencing services.


If a minor's parents are separated or divorced, ISE will request to view custody/access documentation pertaining to the child client.

ISE requires consent from all parents or guardians with legal custody. Also, should a custodial parent be in agreement with their child participating in the intervention, but be unable/unwilling to actively participate in the process, he/she will be asked to provide a written (email) statement to that effect.  

Supervision of Student-Clinicians

During all phases of the intervention, the student-clinician and client may be observed by other students, staff, and faculty members of ISE. As part of their training, the student-clinician will discuss the intervention process, progress, and outcomes with their Supervising Psychologist and other graduate students..

Final Reports

At the end of every session, the child will have a brief individual progress monitor in which they read a grade level passage aloud to one of the student-clinicians. Their oral reading fluency scores will be recorded each week. Additionally, there will be a post information re-assessment using the original screening materials. This data will form the basis for a short summary report at the end of the intervention. Parents will also have an opportunity to attend an individual feedback meeting with one of the Reading Intervention instructors.

Applying for the Reading Intervention Program

The program will be offered September – December 2023.


Step 1

Please carefully read, complete, and sign the following forms:

  • Reading Intervention Application Form
  • Consent for Reading Intervention Program

Please note that all applicants will be contacted at the beginning of term to set up a 30 minute virtual screening assessment session for their child.

Step 2

Both forms may be submitted in the following way:

By email: 

By fax: 403-210-8712



Step 3

The team will review each application package:

  • If the application is deemed appropriate for the reading intervention, the applicant will be notified by the Administrative Coordinator. A brief screening appointment will be scheduled to assess the child’s reading skills in the areas of decoding and fluency.
  • If the application is deemed inappropriate for the reading intervention, the applicant will also be notified by the Administrative Coordinator.

Step 4

  • Parents will be notified of the outcome of the screening and their child’s assigned intervention group.
  • Sessions will be held once per week for 1 hour on-campus. In rare opportunities we may consider offering the program in 2 x 30 min sessions online.
  • There will be no sessions during University of Calgary holidays.