Results & Presentations

Like Parent, Like Child: The Association Between Parental Self-Stigma and Youth Self-Stigma in ADHD
Jelinkova, K. & Climie, A.E. (2022, Sept 30). Like Parent, Like Child: The Association Between Parental Self-Stigma and Youth Self-Stigma in ADHD [Poster]. 9th Annual ADHD Research Day, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrado, Canada.

Growth And Fixed Mindsets in Children with ADHD: A Review
Siemens, T.E., & Climie, E.A. (2022, September 30). Growth and Fixed Mindsets in Children with ADHD: A Review [Virtual Poster Presentation]. Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance – CADDRA, 2022 ADHD Research Day, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada,

Positive Childhood Experiences, Life Stress, Social Support, and Emotional Regulation for Canadians with ADHD
Lowe, C., Al-Khaz’Aly, H., Callahan, B. L., & Climie, E. A. (2022). Positive childhood experiences, life stress, social support, and emotional regulation for Canadians with ADHD. [Poster presentation]. CADDRA 2022 Research Day, St. Johns, Canada.

Mindfulness-Based Interventions Reduce Emotion Dysregulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review
Gamboa, J., Climie, E. (2022). Mindfulness-based interventions and emotional dysregulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A systematic review. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 83rd Annual National Convention; June 17-19; Calgary, AB.

Enhancing Children's Reading Development: Psychometric Properties of the Reading Readiness Screening Tool
Minhas, P., Miller, C., & Climie, E. (June 17, 2022). Enhancing Children’s Reading Development: Psychometric Properties of the Reading Readiness Screening Tool. Poster presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association annual conference, Calgary, AB.

How Okay Are You? The Strengths and Resilience of Children with ADHD
Charabin, E., & Climie, A. E., (2022). How Okay Are You? The Strengths and Resilience of Children with ADHD. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention; June 17-19; Calgary, AB.

Self-Stigma and Self-Esteem: The Experiences of Youth with ADHD Across Ages 8 to 17
Jelinkova, K., & Climie, A. E. (2022, June 15-16). Self-Stigma and Self-Esteem: The Experience of Youth with ADHD Across Ages 8 to 17 [Poster]. Development 2022: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The Relationship Between Self-Stigma and Self-Esteem in Youth with ADHD
Jelinkova, K., & Climie, A. E. (2022, June 17-19). The Relationship Between Self-Stigma and Self-Esteem in Youth with ADHD [Poster]. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Maternal Distress, DNA Methylation, and ADHD: A Systematic Review
Lowe, C., Ross, K. M., & Climie, E. A. (2022). Maternal distress, DNA methylation, and ADHD: A systematic review. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 83rd Annual General Meeting and National Convention, Canada.

Pregnancy-Specific Anxiety, Epigenetic Age, and Offspring ADHD Symptoms
Lowe, C., Ross, K. M., England-Mason, G., Dewey, D., Giesbrecht, G. F., Letourneau, N., Climie, E. A. (2022). Pregnancy-specific anxiety, epigenetic age, and offspring ADHD symptoms. [Poster presentation]. Owerko Centre Conference 2022, Canada.

Perinatal Maternal Anxiety and Offspring ADHD Symptoms Through Epigenetic Age Acceleration DNA Methylation: A Preliminary Research Proposal
Lowe, C., Climie, E. A., Letourneau, N., & Ross, K. M. (2022). Perinatal maternal anxiety and offspring ADHD symptoms through epigenetic age acceleration DNA methylation: A preliminary research proposal. [Poster presentation]. Development 2022: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Calgary, Canada.

You're Making Me Nervous: How Anxiety Relates to Empathy in Children with and without ADHD
Charabin, E., Jelinkova, K., Miller, C., Gray, C., & Climie, A. E., (2021, October 1). You're Making Me Nervous: How Anxiety Related to Empathy in Children with and without ADHD [Poster]. CADDRA 8th Annual ADHD Research Day.

Miss. Diagnosis: A Systematic Review of ADHD in Adult Women
Attoe, D. & Climie, E.A. (2021, Oct). Miss. Diagnosis: A Systematic Review of ADHD in Adult Women. Poster Presentation at the 8th Annual Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) ADHD Research Day.

Relationship between Empathy and Anxiety in Children with and without ADHD
Miller, C., Charabin, E., Jelinkova, K., Gray, C., & Climie, A. E. (2021, June 7-25). Relationship between Empathy and Anxiety in Children with and without ADHD [Poster]. 82nd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Virtual Event.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder & Insecure Attachment in Middle Childhood: A Review
Wilkins, J. & Climie, E. (2021, June 7-25). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder & Insecure Attachment in Middle Childhood: A Review. Poster presentation at the 82nd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention.

ADHD Skills Workshop: Building Executive Functioning and Study Skills in Students with ADHD
Hartling, L., Miller, C. & Climie, E.A. (2021, June.) ADHD skills workshop: Building executive functioning and study strategies in undergraduate students with ADHD. Poster presented at the 82nd annual Canadian Psychological Association’s Nation Convention, Virtual Event.

Social Competence in Adolescents with ADHD after Attending a Social Skills Summer Camp
Neprily, K., & Climie, E. (2020, October). Social competence in adolescents with ADHD after attending a social skills summer camp. Poster presented at 16th Annual CADDRA ADHD Conference, St. John’s, NL.

Self-Esteem in Youth with ADHD Attending Summer Camp
Charabin, E., Climie, A. E., & Neprily, K. (2020, October). Self-Esteem in Youth with ADHD Attending Summer Camp. Poster presented at 16th Annual CADDRA ADHD Conference, St. John’s, NL.

Social Skills Summer Camp for Adolescents with ADHD: Parental Perceptions of Camp Outcomes
Neprily, K., & Climie, E. (2020, July). Social Skills Summer Camp for Adolescents with ADHD: Parental Perceptions of Camp Outcomes. Poster presented at 79th Annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, QC.