
Integrated Services in Education Workshop
Me, Myself, and iKids: Screen time, social media, and child development
This interactive workshop explored the pervasiveness of technology in children’s lives, present and recent research on how screen time and social media are changing the neurological, social, and emotional development of children and youth, and discuss how parents can understand, model, and establish boundaries around media and technology in the family.
Talks and Presentations
Association for Moral Education Conference (Seattle, WA) - October 2019
Mueller, M., & Schwartz, K. (2019). What’s a parent to do? Screen time and parental monitoring in early childhood. Symposia presented at the Association for Moral Education Conference, Seattle, WA
Canadian Psychological Association Convention (Halifax, NS) - June 2019
Schwartz, K.D., & Stelnicki, A. M. (June, 2019). Resiliency at-risk: Impact of parental OSI on youth resilience and psychological outcomes. Paper presented at the 80thAnnual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Halifax, NS.
Mueller, M., & Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2019). The impact of screen time on child development outcomes and the role of parents. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Halifax, NS.
Baek, M., & Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2019). Lived experiences of spouses living in first responder families: Trajectories of growth and development. Poster presented at the 80th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Halifax, NS.
Society for Prevention Research (San Fransico, CA) - May 2019
Van Bavel, M., Exner-Cortens, D., Sitter, K., & Hurlock, D. (2019). Development of a photo-based program evaluation method: centering youth voice through visual research. Poster presented at the Society for Prevention Research, San Fransico, CA.
Exner-Cortens, D., Van Bavel, M., Wright, A., Carter, R., & Krause, P. (2019). Finding clarity: A photo-cased evaluation of a gender transformative program for adolescent boys. Poster presented at the Society for Prevention Research , San Fransico, CA.
National Association of School Psychology (Atlanta, GA) - February 2019
Mueller, M., Schwartz, K. (February, 2019). Screen Time Impacts on Development and the Role of Parents. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Atlanta, GA.
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference (San Diego, CA) - November 2018
Schwartz, K. D., Norris, D., Cramm, H., Tam-Seto, L., Mahar, A., Eichler, M., Smith-Evans, K., Blackburn, D., Stelnicki, A. M., & Wheeler, B. (November, 2018). The long way home: A qualitative study of Veteran families in military-to-civilian transition. Invited poster symposium presented at the 2018 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2018). Examining the impact of parental mental health in military-connected youth school engagement: Do developmental assets buffer negative effects. Poster presented at the 2018 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum (Regina, SK. ) - October, 2018
Baek, C. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (October, 2018). The lived experience of first responder families: Risks of stress, mental illness, and familial conflict. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK.
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (October, 2018). Does Canadian Armed Forces service member mental well-being contribute to higher substance use among their partners? Poster presented at the 9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK.
Norris, D., Cramm, H., Schwartz, K. D., Mahar, A., Tam-Seto, L., & Smith-Evans, K. (October, 2018). Military-to-civilian transition: Implications for program and policy development. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK.
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (October, 2018). How military life impacts academic indicators for military-connected children. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK.
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (October, 2018). Examining the relationship between parent mental health and children’s academic performance in Canadian military families. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK.
European Adolescent Research Association (EARA) Conference (Ghent, BE.) - September, 2018
Schwartz, K. D., Theron, L., & Scales, P. (September, 2018). Context matters: Exploring developmental assets that predict thriving and risk in Zulu youth. Paper presented at the 2018 European Adolescent Research Association (EARA) Conference, Ghent, BE.
Schwartz, K. D., Stelnicki, A. M., & Wheeler, B. (September, 2018). Military strong: Youth developmental assets and resilience in military-connected families. Poster presented at the 2018 European Adolescent Research Association (EARA) Conference, Ghent, BE.
Psychologists' Association of Alberta - The 2018 Annual Meeting & Professional Development Day (Calgary, AB) - September 2018
Baek, M., & Schwartz, K. D. (September, 2018). The Lived Experience of First Responder Families: Transmission of Job-Related Stress. Poster presented at the Psychological Association of Alberta Conference, Calgary, AB.
Van Bavel, M., Schwartz, K.D., & Fellner, K. (September, 2018). Creative spaces: Creating a space for the promotion and wellness of Indigenous student. Poster presented at the Psychological Association of Alberta Conference, Calgary, AB.
International Congress of Applied Psychology (Montreal, QC) - June 2018
Van Bavel, M., Schwartz, K. D., & Fellner, K. (2018). Creating spaces for wellness: Indigenous students health and wellness through art. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC.
Van Bavel, M., & Young, J. (2018). Multicultural consultation: Considerations when working with Indigenous populations. Poster presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC.
National Association of School Psychology (Chicago, IL) - February 2018
Van Bavel, M., & Schwartz, K. D. (February, 2018). Exploring the protective factors that promote thriving in Aboriginal adolescents. [Paper presentation]
Van Bavel, M. (February, 2018). Systematic Review on Bystander Interventions to Reduce Bullying.Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Canadian Psychological Association National Convention (Toronto, ON) - June 2017
Schwartz, K. D., Flanigan, L., Craig, H., & Hoey, F. (June, 2017). Working with complex families: Challenges and responsibilities for psychologists in schools. [Paper presentation]
Schwartz, K. D., & Norris, D. (June, 2017). Military families in transition: From service to civilian life. [Roundtable moderator]
Young, J.M., Chu, M-W. & Jones, K. M. (June, 2017). Validating an individual program plan assignment for preservice teachers. In G. Wilcox (Chair), Preparing preservice teachers to program for individual student needs. Symposium conducted at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN.
Jones, K. M., Young, J.M. & Chu, M-W. (June, 2017). Validation study results, implications and future directions for an individual program plan assignment for preservice teachers. In G. Wilcox (Chair), Preparing preservice teachers to program for individual student needs. Symposium conducted at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN.
Jones, K. M., Chu, M-W. & Young, J.M. (June, 2017). Developing an individual program plan assignment for preservice teachers. In G. Wilcox (Chair), Preparing preservice teachers to program for individual student needs. Symposium conducted at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN.
Craig, H. & Young, J. M. (June, 2017). Working with complex families: Now what? School psychology and working alliances with complex families. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN.
Young, J. M., Gray, C., Heudes, A. & Cairns, S. (June, 2017). Post-secondary student’s experiences from an on-campus drop-in drum circle program. Poster session presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN
Van Bavel, M., & Schwatz, K. D. (June, 2017). Exploring Self-Compassion as a Developmental Strength that Promotes Thriving in Aboriginal Adolescents. Poster session presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, CAN
Owerko Centre Conference (Calgary, AB) - June 2017
McLellan, Q., Kirton, A., Wilkes, T.C., Schwartz, K. D., Ma, K., Jaworska, N., Langevin, L. M.,Swansburg, R., Zewdie, E., Ciechanski, P., Damji, O., & MacMaster, F. P. (June, 2017). Frontal lobe cortical thickness and response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in youth with major depressive disorder. [Poster presentation]
Occupational Stress Injury Symposium (Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB) - April 2017
Schwartz, K. D. (April, 2017). Exploring effects of OSI and PTSD on CAF military and Veteran families. [Paper presentation]
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute Symposium (Calgary, AB) - April 2017
McLellan, Q., Kirton, A., Wilkes, T.C., Schwartz, K. D., Ma, K., Jaworska, N., Langevin, L. M., Swansburg, R., Zewdie, E., Ciechanski, P., Damji, O., & MacMaster, F. P. (April, 2017). Cortical thickness and response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in youth with major depressive disorder. [Poster presentation]
Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists (San Antonio, TX) - February 2017
Schwartz, K. D. (February, 2017). Social media, adolescent mental health, and the school psychologist. [Paper presentation]
7th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum (Vancouver, BC) - November 2016
Schwartz, K. D., Norris, D., & Cramm, H. (November, 2016). Qualitative study on mental health of military families in transition to civilian life. [Paper presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2016). Married to the malady: Impact of OSI’s on spousal relationships. [Paper presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2016). Parenting with an OSI: The effect of children’s mental health. [Paper presentation]
Wheeler, B., Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2016). Developmental assets and their relation to school engagement and academic self-efficacy in Canadian military children. [Poster presentation]
Schwartz, K. D. & Stelnicki, A. M. (November, 2016). Military strong: Youth developmental assets in families with parental OSI. [Paper presentation]
22nd International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions World Congress (Calgary, AB) - September 2016
Schwartz, K. D. (September, 2016). Embracing Ubuntu: The presence and power of developmental assets in Zulu youth. [Paper symposium]
Young, J. M., Schwartz, K. D., & Winterflood, H. (September, 2016). An exploration of Canada’s aboriginal youths’ strengths and school engagement. [Paper symposium]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (September, 2016). Resilience in military families: The role of parental mental health. [Paper symposium]
Schwartz, K. D., Dimitropolous, G., & Goldade, R. (September, 2016). What’s right with kids these days?: Three perspectives on how youth are thriving and what we shouldn’t do about it. [Paper symposium]
77th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention (Victoria, BC) - June 2016
Young, J. M., Schwartz, K. D., & Winterflood, H. (June, 2016). Empowering first nation youth through school engagement. [Poster presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2016). Military parent mental health and child functioning. [Paper presentation]
Schwartz, K. D. & Stelnicki, A.M. (June, 2016). Developmental assets and risk and thriving outcomes in military family youth. [Paper presentation]
Wheeler, B., Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2016). School engagement as a protective factor for children in military families. [Paper presentation]
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention 2016 (New Orleans, LA) - February 2016
Smygwaty, S. L., & Schwartz, K. D. (February, 2016). Strengthening parent-adolescent relationship quality through teen triple-p. [Poster presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., Schwartz, K. D., & Campbell, I. (February, 2016). Resilience in military children: Developmental strengths and school performance. [Paper presentation]
Winterflood, H., Schwartz, K.D., & Young, J. (2016, February). School Bonding and Academic Achievement in Aboriginal Youth. [Poster presentation]
Winterflood, H., & Skwarchuk, S. (February, 2016). Using a card game intervention to promote number knowledge. [Poster presentation]
Young, J. M., Schwartz, K. D., & Winterflood, H. (February, 2016). Engaging Aboriginal Youth in Education with Positive Youth Development. [Poster presentation]
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) 2015 Forum (Quebec City, QC) - November 2015
Schwartz, K. D., & Stelnicki, A. M., (November, 2015). Exploring the strengths of children and adolescents from military families to promote positive development. [Paper presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2015). How children respond to OSI: Social, emotional, and behavioural outcomes in children of military parents. [Poster presentation]
National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Convention (Vancouver, BC) - November 2015
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2015). Examining the developmental strengths of children from military families. [Poster presentation]
Pathways to Resilience III Conference: Beyond Nature Versus Nurther (Halifax, NS) - June 2015
Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2015). For crying out loud: Seeking and finding developmental assets in rural South African township youth. [Paper presentation]
Canadian Psychological Association 76th Annual Convention (Ottawa, ON) - June 2015
Schwartz, K.D., Jones, K., Fraccaro, R., & Syeda, M. (June, 2015). Developing working alliances with diverse student populations. [Paper presentation]
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention 2015 (Orlando, FL) - February 2015
Attewell, V., & Schwartz, K. (February, 2015). The Psychometrics of Studying Dating Aggression Using Experience Sampling Methodology. [Paper presentation]
Durber, C. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (February, 2015). Emotion regulation: Exploring the roles of mothers and fathers. [Poster presentation]
Schwartz, K. D., & Boudreau, A. M. (February, 2015). Treating childhood neglect: A 10 year follow-up review. [Poster presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (February, 2015). Children of military families after deployment: Implications for school psychologists. [Poster presentation]
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) 2014 Forum (Toronto, ON) - November 2014
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (November, 2014). The impact of Canadian military parents’ PTSD on the developing child: A literature review of the social, emotional, and behavioural outcomes in school-age children. [Poster presentation]
Canadian Psychological Association 75th Annual Convention (Vancouver, BC) - June 2014
Ross, K.H., Stelnicki, A.M., Attewell, V.D., Kubas, H.A., & Hopkins, M. (June, 2014). Creating opportunities for connection across difference: A program evaluation of We Should Know Each Other.In Program development and evaluation: A natural fit with service learning (Symposium). [Paper presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (June, 2014). Children's academic achievement: A review of the military family literature. [Poster presentation]
Development 2014 (Ottawa, ON) - May 2014
Attewell, V.A., & Schwartz, K. D. (May, 2014). Cyber-based dating aggression: Correlations with traditional adolescent dating aggression in past, present and future relationships. [Poster presentation]
Stelnicki, A. M., & Schwartz, K. D. (May, 2014). Military parents with PTSD: A Review of the behavioural, social and emotional effects on adolescent development. [Poster presentation]
Behavioral Science Conference (Banff, AB) - March 2014
Attewell, V., & Schwartz, K. (March, 2014). The correlation between adolescent cyber-based dating aggression and traditional adolescent dating aggression. [Poster presentation]
Society for Research with Adolescence Biennial Meeting (Austin, TX) - March 2014
Attewell, V., & Schwartz, K. (March, 2014). The co-occurrence of cyber-based dating aggression and traditional adolescent dating aggression in past, present, and future romantic relationships. [Poster presentation]
National Association of School Psychologist Annual Convention 2014 (Washington, DC) - February 2014
Attewell, V., & Schwartz, K. (February, 2014). Cyber-based dating aggression: analyzing the partner aggression technology scale. [Poster presentation]