Body Image Research Lab - Publications

Tingle, E., Saunders, J. F., Nutter, S., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2023). Taking weight out of the equation: Unintended harms of weight-focused health promotion in schools. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 94(2), 49–58.

Wong, K., Myre, M., Moules, N.J., Lefebvre, D., Morhun, J.M., Saunders, J., Estefan, A., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2022). The enigma of weight: Figures, fitting in, and flux. Frontiers In Psychology Research Topic: Thinking About Bodies in Societies, 13

Russell-Mayhew, S., Estefan, A., Moules, N.J., Lefebvre, D., Morhun, J.M., Saunders, J.F., Wong, K., Myre, M. (2022). The optics of weight: Expert perspectives from the panopticon and synopticon. Psychology & Health,

Alberga, A. S.,  Edache, E., Sigal, R. J., von Rason, K., Russell-Mayhew, S., G.P. Kenny, Doucette, S., Prud’homme, D., Hadjiyannakis, S., Cameron, J. & Goldfield, G. S. (June, 2022). Effects of the HEARTY exercise randomized controlled trial on eating behaviours in adolescents with obesity. Obesity Science & Practice, 9, 158–171..

Nagpal, T., …(13) Russell-Mayhew, S., (3) (2022). Exploring weight bias internalization in pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22, 605–613.

Williams, E. Tingle, E., Morhun, J., Vos, S., Murray, K, Gereluk, D., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2022). “Teacher burnout is one of my greatest fears”: Interrupting a narrative on fire. Canadian Journal of Education, 45(2), 428–453.

Conradson, H.E., Hayden, A., Russell-Mayhew, S. Raffin Bouchal, S. & King-Shier, K. (2022). Positive psychological well-being in women with obesity: A scoping review of qualitative and quantitative primary research. Obesity Science & Practice.

Russell-Mayhew, S., Moules, N., & Estefan, A. (2022). War on weight: Capturing the complexities of weight with hermeneutics. Journal for Applied Hermeneutics.

Saunders, J. F., Nutter, S., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2022). Examining the conceptual and measurement overlap of body dissatisfaction and internalized weight stigma in predominantly female samples: A meta-analysis and measurement refinement study. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 3, 877554.

             (2022). Corrigendum: Examining the conceptual and measurement overlap of body dissatisfaction and internalized weight stigma in predominantly female samples: A meta-analysis and measurement refinement study.  Frontiers in Global Women’s Health

Nutter, S., Saunders, J. F., Brun, I., Exner-Cortens, D., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2022). Changes in pre-service teacher personal and professional attitudes following a comprehensive school health course. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue Canadienne De l’Éducation, 45(1), 227–245.

Kirk, S., Forhan, M., Yusuf, J., Chance, A., Burke, K. Blinn, N., Quirke, S., Ramos Salas, X., Alberga, A. & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2022). Mapping changes in the obesity stigma discourse through Obesity Canada: A content analysis. AIMS Public Health, 9(1), 41–52. doi:10.3934/publichealth.2022004.

Baker, E., Exner-Cortens, D., Brun, I., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2021). Validation of the moral disengagement for adolescent dating violence prevention scale with teacher trainees. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 37(3), 271–288.

Ireland, A., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2021). Working together? A situational analysis of combining prevention efforts targeting obesity and eating disorders in schools. The Qualitative Report26(5), 1427–1443.

Ireland, A., Russell-Mayhew, S., Wullf, D., & Strong, T. (2021). ‘One-size-fits-none’: Understanding weight-related issues in schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 36(6), 1155–1174..

Nagpal, T. S., Ramos Salas, X., Vallis, M., Piccinini-Vallis, H., Adamo, K. B., Alberga, A. S., Bell, R., da Silva, D. F., Davenport, M., Gaudet, L., Incollingo Rodriquez, A. C., Liu, R., Myre, M., Nerenberg, K., Nutter, S., Russell-Mayhew, S., Souza, S. S. C., & Vilhan, C. (2021). Coming soon: An internalized weight bias assessment scale for use during pregnancy. Obesity 29(5), 788–789. doi:10.1002/oby.23169

Brun, I., Russell-Mayhew, S., Klingle, K., & Nutter, S. (2021). Making meaning of overt parental restrictive feeding: A retrospective examination of childhood experiences. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity, 26(7), 2407–2411.

Nutter, S., Russell-Mayhew, S., & Saunders, J. F. (2021). Towards a sociocultural model of weight stigma. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity, 26, 999-1005.

Saunders, J. F., Nutter, S., Brun, I., Exner-Cortens, D., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2021). The efficacy of a comprehensive school health course in changing pre-service teachers’ attitudes and reactions toward weight-related teasing. Canadian Journal of School Psychology,36(3), 245–243.    

Buote, L. C., Wada, K., Russell-Mayhew, S., & Feldstain, A. (2021). Maid in Canada: Controversies, guidelines, and the role of psychologists in relation to Bill C-14. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 63(1), 126–137.

Evans, H., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2020). The responsibility of Canadian counselling psychology to reach systems, organizations, and policy-makers. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy54(4), 685–690.

Kassan, A., Nutter, S., Arthur, N., Green, A., Russell-Mayhew, S., & Sesma Vazquez, M. (2020). Capturing the shadow and light of researcher positionality: A picture-prompted poly-ethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19.

Wharton, S et al. (2020). Obesity in adults: A clinical practice guideline CMAJ [note: all authors are listed on the CMAJ article] Canadian Medical Association Journal, 192(31), E875-91.

Williams, E. P., Russell-Mayhew, S., Moules, N. J., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2020). “My whole world fell apart”: Parents discovering their child has anorexia nervosa. Qualitative Health Research 30(12), 1821–1832.

Brun, I.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., & Mudry, T. (2020). Last Word: Ending the intergenerational transmission of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating: A call to investigate the mother-daughter relationship. Eating Disorders.

Kassan, A., Goopy, S., Green, A., Arthur, N., Nutter. S.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., & Silversides, H. (2020). Becoming new together: Making meaning with newcomers through an art-based ethnographic research design. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 17(2), 294-311.

MacInnis, C., Alberga, A. S., Nutter, S.,* Ellard, J. H., & Russell-Mayhew, S.* (2020). Regarding obesity as a disease is associated with lower weight bias among physicians in Canada: A cross sectional survey study. Stigma & Health.

Nutter, S.,** Russell-Mayhew, S., & Saunders, J. F.** (2020). Towards a sociocultural model of weight stigma. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity, advance online publication.

Nutter, S.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Ellard, J. H., & Arthur, N. (2020). Reducing unintended harm: Addressing weight bias as a social justice issue in counselling through justice motive theory. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice51(2), 106-114 

Alberga, A. S., Nutter, S.,* MacInnis, C., Ellard, J. H., & Russell-Mayhew, S.* (2019). Examining weight bias among practicing Canadian family physicians. Obesity Facts, 12(6), 632-638.

Alberga, A. S.,  Sigal, R. J., Sweet, S. N., Doucette, S., Russell-Mayhew, S., Tulloch, H., Kenny, G. P., Prud’homme, D., Hadjiyannakis, S., & Goldfield, G. S. (2019). Understanding low adherence to an exercise program in adolescents with obesity: The HEARTY trial. Obesity Science & Practice5(5), 437-448.  

Alberga, A., Edache, I., Forhan, M., & Russell-Mayhew, S.* (2019). Weight bias and health care utilization: A scoping review. Primary Health Care Research & Development,  20(e116), 1–14. doi:10.1017/ S1463423619000227 

            Resulting media coverage:

MacInnis, C., Alberga, A. S., Nutter, S.,* Ellard, J. H., & Russell-Mayhew, S.* (2019). Regarding obesity as a disease is associated with lower weight bias among physicians in Canada: A cross sectional survey study. Stigma & Health. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1037/sah0000180

            Resulting media coverage:

Nutter, S.,* Ireland, A.,** Alberga, A., Brun, I.,* Lefebvre, D.,* Hayden., A., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2019). Weight bias in educational settings: A systematic review. Current Obesity Reports8(2), 185-200.

Russell-Mayhew, S. (2019). The weight of the world in her hands. In N. Arthur (Ed.), Counseling in Cultural Context - Identity and Social Justice. Springer International Publishing.

Tkachuk, M.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Kassan, A., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2019). Adapting descriptive psychological phenomenology to include dyadic interviews: Practical considerations for data analysis. The Qualitative Report, 24(2), 352-370.

Williams, E.P.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Gereluk, D., Murray, K., & Ireland, A. (2019). It takes a village: The role of counselling psychology in advancing health and wellness in a faculty of education. Proceedings from the 2018 Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference, 176-183.

Alberga, A., McLaren, L., Russell-Mayhew, S., & von Ranson, K. (2018). Canadian Senate Report on Obesity: Focusing on Individual Behaviours versus Social Determinants of Health May Promote Weight Stigma. Journal of Obesity, Article ID 8645694,

Green, A. R., Kassan, A., Russell-Mayhew, S., & Goopy, S. (2018). Exploring newcomer women's embodied selves: Culturally responsible qualitative research. Qualitative Research in Psychology.doi: 10.1080/14780887.2017.1411545

Klingle, K.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Kassan, A., & Moules, N. (2018). By the water’s edge: A hermeneutic look at suffering and self-compassion in counselling psychology. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,1-10. doi:10.1007/s10447-018-9322-6

Nutter, S.,* Alberga, A., MacInnis, C., Ellard, J. H., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2018). Framing obesity a disease: Indirect effects of affect and controllability beliefs on weight bias. International Journal of Obesity. doi:10.1038/s41366-018-0110-5

Nutter, S.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Arthur, N., & Ellard, J. H. (2018). Weight bias as a social justice issue: A call for dialogue. Canadian Psychology, 59(1), 89-99.

Nutter, S.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Arthur, N., & Ellard, J. H. (2018). Weight bias and social justice: Implications for education and practice. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1007/s10447-018-9320-8

Singh, K., Russell-Mayhew, S., von Ranson, K. M., & McLaren, L. (2018). Is there more to the equation? Weight bias and the costs of obesity. Canadian Journal of Public

Taylor, K., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2018). Working to balance: A preliminary constructivist grounded theory of young women’s positive embodiment. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 52(4). Available at: <>

Williams, E. P.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., & Ireland, A.** (2018). Disclosing an eating disorder: A situational analysis of online accounts. The Qualitative Report, 23(4), 914-931. Retrieved from

Williams, E. P.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Moules, N. J., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2018). Not Quite this and not Quite that: Anorexia Nervosa, Counselling Psychology, and Hermeneutic Inquiry in a Tapestry of Ambiguity. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, 0. Retrieved from

Williams, E.P.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Arthur, N., & Kassan, A. (2018). Weight Bias: Twitter as a Tool for Opening Dialogue among Broad Audiences. Social Networking, 7, 111-125.

Tkachuk, M.,* & Russel-Mayhew, S. (2017). Health and weight beliefs and behaviours of pre-service teachers: Considerations and implications for a health promotion perspective in teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 63(3), 286-393.    

Ramas-Salas, X., Alberga, A.,** Cameron, E., Estey, L., Forhan, M., Kirk, S., Russell-Mayhew, S., Sharma, A. (2017). Addressing Weight Bias and Obesity Discrimination: Moving beyond raising awareness to creating change. Obesity Reviews, 18, 1323-1335. doi: 10.111/obr.12592

Russell-Mayhew, S., Ireland, A.,* Murray, K., Alberga, A. S.,** Nutter, S.,* Gabriele, T., Peat, G., & Gereluk, D. (2017). Reflecting and informing a culture of wellness: The development of a comprehensive school health course in a bachelor of education program. Journal of Educational Thought, 50 (2&3), 156-181.

Lacroix, E., Alberga, A.S.,** Russell-Mayhew, S., McLaren, L., & von Ranson, K.M. (2017). A Systematic Review of the Characteristics and Psychometric Properties of Self-Report Questionnaires to Assess Weight Bias. Obesity Facts,10, 223-237. doi: 10.1159/000475716) 

Arthur, N., Lund, D. E., Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Williams, E.,* Sesma Vazquez, M., & Kassan, A. (2017). Employing Polyethnography to Navigate Researcher Positionality on Weight Bias. The Qualitative Report22(5), 1395-1416. Retrieved from

Russell-Mayhew, S., Ireland, A.,* & Klingle, K.* (2016). Barriers and facilitators to promoting health in schools: Lessons learned from educational professionals. Canadian School Counselling Review, 1(1), 49-55.

Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Alberga, A.S.,** Jelinski, S., Ball, G.D.C., Edwards, A., Oddie, S., Sharma, A., Pickering, B., & Forhan, M.  (2016). An environmental scan of post-secondary training curricula in primary heath care programs for exposure to the implications of weight bias. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(2), article 5.  Available at:

Alberga, A.S.,** McLaren, L., vonRanson, K., Russell-Mayhew, S*. (2016). Weight bias: A call to action. Journal of Eating Disorders, 4(34) doi: 10.1186/s40337-016-0112-4

Nutter, S.,* Russell-Mayhew, S., Alberga, A.,** Arthur, N., Kassan, A., Lund, D., Sesma Vazquez, M., & Williams, E.* (2016). Positioning of weight bias: Moving towards social justice. Journal of Obesity, Article ID 3753650, 10 pages,

Alberga, A.S.** and Russell-Mayhew, S. (2016). Promoting physical activity for all shapes and sizes. Fat Pedagogy Reader, Peter Lang Publishing Inc., New York, U.S.A.

Alberga, A.S.,** Pickering, B., Hayden, K.A., Ball, G.D.C, Edwards, A., Jelinski, S., Nutter, S.,* Odie, S., Sharma, S. & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2016). Weight bias reduction in health professionals: A systematic review. Clinical Obesity, 175-188.  doi: 10.1111/cob.12147

Alberga, A.S.,** Russell-Mayhew, S., von Ranson, K., McLaren, K., Ramos-Salas, X., & Sharma, A.M. (2016). Future research in weight bias: What next? Obesity, 24, 1207-1209. doi:10.1002/oby.21480

Russell-Mayhew, S., & Grace, A.* (2015). A call for social justice and best practices for the integrated prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention. doi:10.1080/10640266.2015.1113829

Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Ireland, A.,* Gabriele, T., Bardick, A., Crooks, J. & Peat, G. (2015). Pilot testing a professional development model for pre-service teachers in the area of health and weight: Feasibility, utility and efficacy. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/1754730X.2015.1040040

Russell-Mayhew, S. (2015). The weight of the world in her hands (under review). Invited chapter. In N. Arthur & C. Collins (Eds.), Culture-Infused Counselling (3rd ed.). Counselling Concepts.

Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Jelinski, S., Ball, G., Edwards, A., Oddie, S., Sharma, A., Pickering, B., Forhan, M., & Alberga, A.** (2015).  Environmental scan of weight bias exposure in primary health care training programs. Manuscript submitted for publication. 

Saraceni, R.,* & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2015). Acceptance Commitment Therapy for women with eating disorders. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Stevens, L., & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2015). Shared risk factors of overweight and disordered eating: An exploration of weight status' association to five-shared risk factors among jr. high students. Manuscript in preparation.

Russell-Mayhew, S. & Mohle, E.* (2015). Does order matter? Intervention effects with five risk factors for obesity and eating disorders. Manuscript in preparation.

Ireland, A.,* & Russell-Mayhew, S. (2015). A case study: The efficacy of professional development about weight-related issues in a rural school. Manuscript in preparation. 

Russell-Mayhew, S. & Sesma-Vazquez, M.** (2015). Current and potential family therapy treatments for eating disorders in Canada. Manuscript in preparation.

Russell-Mayhew, S., & Grace, A.* (in press). A call for social justice and best practices for the integrated prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Eating Disorders.

Russell-Mayhew, S., Nutter, S.,* Ireland, A.,* Gabriele, T., Bardick, A.,* Crooks, J. & Peat, G., (2015). Pilot testing a professional development model for pre-service teachers in the area of health and weight: Feasibility, utility and efficacy. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/1754730X.2015.1040040

*Body Image Research Lab Graduate student author
**Postdoctoral scholar author

Note that in the medical field, last author is often considered the next contributor after the first author and/or is often the principal investigator/lead of the research team. 


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