Community Links
Health Link - 24/7 Health Advice
Call 811 or visit My Health Alberta
For Health and Mental Health related information, options, and location of services in Alberta.
ACCESS Mental Health
Call 403-943-1500 or visit ACCESS for further information and options for services available in Calgary.
Psychologists' Association of Alberta
Visit the PAA website for more information about psychological services and registered psychologists in your area. The website also has a Referral Search option if you are interested in seeking an assessment sooner or looking for other services.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Call 403-297-1700 or visit CMHA
CMHA Calgary offers a range of programs and services to the community.
ALIS - Government of Alberta
For all available Education and Career Planning Resources, visit ALIS Alberta.
Transition Planning Guide: A Career and Education Planning Guide for Students with Disabilities
- University of Calgary Psychology Clinic
- Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
- Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD)
- Employment Preparation – Mount Royal University
- CMHA - Recovery College
Reading Apps
- K12 Timed Reading Practice – Lite
- Mad Libs
- Read Me Stories 30 Book Library
- The Reading Game
- eReading: Greek Myths
- eReading: Gulliver’s Travels
- Jack and the Beanstalk Children’s Interactive Storybook
- Milly, Molly, and the Bike Ride
- Tumble Books ToGo Munsch 6-pack