Conference Agenda
See the amazing topics being discussed by experts from around the world at the Shifting Linguistic Landscapes Conference. Each session includes 30 minutes of instructions and 20 minutes dedicated to questions.
*Registration is now closed but you can watch the recordings

Dr. Ofelia Garcia
8:00am: Opening and Introductions
The conference organizers Dr. Rahat Zaidi, Dr. Umit Boz and Eve Moreau will open with a welcoming address.
8:30am: Translanguaging and Multilingualism in Schools (Keynote Speaker)
Presented by Dr. Ofelia Garcia, she proposes that how we think about language has consequences for the education of all students, and especially in the minoritization of some. Taking the standpoint that language is the widely distributed human capacity to relate to others and to ideas, and that language is not simply a discrete label such as English or French, we will examine how this perspectival shift opens up spaces for pedagogical practices that expand the multilingual capacities of all language users. Besides clarifying the concept of translanguaging that underlies this framework, Dr. Garcia will give examples of how classroom teachers have taken up translanguaging to expand educational opportunities and multilingualism for all.
Sessions are concurrent.
Éveil aux langues en contexte francophone canadien
(Awakening to Languages in the francophonie in Canada)
Presented by: Dr. Marie-Paule Lory
Linguistic landscapes in the foreign language classroom:
A pathway to multilingual pedagogies and teacher professional development
Presented by: Dr. Silvia Melo-Pfeifer
Identity, Investment, and Digital Storytelling for a Multilingual Future
Presented by: Dr. Bonny Norton
Culturally Sustaining Teaching Practices in Elementary Classrooms with Multilingual Learners
Presented by: Dr. Luciana de Oliveira
Sessions are concurrent.
Envisioning a Pedagogy of Cultural Reciprocity for Multilingual Learners in Transnational Contexts
Presented by: Dr. Guofang Li
Literacies in Second Languages: A new language learning and teaching praxis
Presented by: Dr. Raúl Alberto Mora
Pedagogies of belonging:
Multilingual, transcultural and embodied language learning and identity positioning, as experienced by K-12 students from immigrant and refugee backgrounds
Presented by: Dr. Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou
Sessions are concurrent.
Reframing Language in Teaching and Learning:
Building on Plurilingual Repertoires in Mainstream Classrooms
Presented by: Dr. Jacqueline D’warte
Be(com)ing Plurilingual Allies and Activists:
Fostering Cultural and Linguistic Collaboration in the Classroom
Presented by: Dr. Gail Prasad
A (Trans)Raciolinguistic Approach for Literacy Classrooms
Presented by: Dr. Patriann Smith