About Us
The Graduate Programs in Education Students' Association (GPESA) is a volunteer organization that represents graduate students in Graduate Programs in Education (GPE) at the University of Calgary.

What does GPESA do?
Our Goals
Our goal is to increase the quality of the programs offered through the GPE by representing students on the various committees within the University of Calgary, increase ties with communites and professionals outside the university, and facilitate the potential for students to network and build beneficial relationships that could enhance participation in their relevant field during and after their studies
Advocacy, Academics & Socialization
We actively advocate for our members within Werklund and the Graduate Programs in Education (GPE) and collaborate at a higher level with the Graduate Students' Association (GSA). Academically, we offer learning opportunities, connect students with academic supports, and provide chances for professional development. Additionally, we are committed to fostering community-building, networking, and socialization to enhance the overall experience for our members.
Relationship with the Graduate Students' Association (GSA)
GPESA is a Departmental Graduate Association (DGA) of the GSA. The GSA Departmental Graduate Association (DGA) program gives graduate students in every department, regardless of size, the chance to plan and manage their own graduate students’ association. The GSA provides us with an operationanl bursary and a forum for presenting grauate student thoughts and concerns at the Graduate Representative Council (GRC).
Contact Us
Feel free to e-mail us at gpesa@ucalgary.ca or contact our executive/your EDSA representative to voice your ideas, concerns, or provide comments regarding your experience as a GPE student at the University of Calgary. Also, please fill out the Graduate Student Interests and Concerns Survey to let us know how we can better support you!
2024 - 2025 Executive Officers

Fabielle Cruz, President
Fabielle Rocha Cruz has worked as an English language teacher in bilingual and international schools in Curitiba, Brazil, with experience in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and multilingual education. In recent years, she worked as a Pre-service English Teaching undergraduate professor at a private university. Her research interests include bilingual and plurilingual education, educational guidelines for bilingual education and Brazilian curriculum, multiliteracies, digital literacy, and video games in education.

Lily Jaiqiu Cai, Vice President, Academics
Lily Cai is currently in the third year of the Ed.D. program, specializing in Adult Learning. Her research interests are with immigrants, volunteerism, and anti-racism. With a M.A. in Intercultural Communication and over a decade of professional experience in the community, she brings to the GPESA team expertise in communicating with diverse stakeholders and a passion for enhancing education experiences beyond the traditional classroom. She understands the importance of representation and is thrilled to give back to the Werklund graduate community through working to enhance the graduate journey of Adult Learning students.
Email: lily.cai@ucalgary.ca

Shuvo Chowdhury Rahul, Vice President, Finance and Operations
I have hands-on experience working multiple voluntary and leadership roles throughout my academic career. I have developed good communication skills, teamwork, and collaborative skills by working with individuals and professionals from diverse disciplines. I aspire to utilize my skills and expertise for the betterment of graduate students in Werklund School of Education. If I am elected for this role, I will work diligently and honestly to bring a positive impact on Graduate Programs in Education.
Email: shuvo.rahul@ucalgary.ca

Samara Karishma, Secretary
I was the vice president for the Education Student's Association 2018-2019 and would love to be involved in the Werklund community again. As an engagement coordinator for the Canadian Rare Disease Network, I would succeed in the secretary role as I have experience keeping meeting minutes, communicating with steering committee members across Canada, replying to emails and helping curate grant documents as well as maintaining the social media platforms, newsletter and website. I also update events happening across Canada for the network and have great experience collecting the events, organizing them and adding them to the CRDN website.

Vice president, Student Life
Shahneela Tasmin Sharmi is a dynamic leader and advocate for student well-being, currently serving as Vice President for Student Life at GPESA. She is passionate about fostering inclusive communities and enhancing student engagement through diverse initiatives. With extensive teaching experience spanning over a decade in K-12 settings and at the university level in Bangladesh, Shahneela is dedicated to supporting learners in reaching their academic potential. Her academic background includes research on equity and AI in education, where she explores innovative ways to improve learning outcomes. Combining her teaching expertise with leadership skills, she works to create enriching experiences that empower students and build a vibrant, supportive community at GPESA.
Email: shahneelatasmin.shar@ucalgary.ca
2024-2025 Officers

Online and Professional Programs Representative, Warren Ferguson,
I have worked as an educator for many years, and I come to the University of Calgary with a passion for professional learning. I believe that serving others is instrumental in helping fellow students feel supported and encouraged in their studies. Online learning has its unique challenges, and it can be somewhat isolating at times. I am committed to serving and advocating for students in online and professional programs. This can be best accomplished by working within a team to build our graduate learning community, and through positive social engagement and professional development.

Promotions and Media Relations Officer, Razieh Alba
As a visual and conceptual artist, Razieh Alba has gained considerable experience in curating thoughtful and engaging social media posts to raise awareness about not only her own work, but about the exciting achievements and events on campus and around Calgary. Alba is currently enrolled in the University of Calgary’s PhD program for Educational Research in Curriculum and Learning. She also works as a Sessional Instructor for the Department of Art and Art History. Having also completed her BFA in Visual Arts and her MFA in Research Creation in the Visual Arts at UofC, Alba is deeply tied to the campus community and is thrilled to be able to give back in her position as the GPESA Social Media Officer.

Brian Gilbert, Peer mentor Coordinator
Brian received his B.Sc. in Natural Sciences (concentrating in chemistry and biology) and his M.A. in Educational Research (specialized in curriculum and learning) from the University of Calgary. He is completing his PhD in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary in Educational Research, where his research focuses on exploring how online communities empower learners to develop scientific literacy skills outside of formal learning environments. Brian is passionate about teaching and learning at both the k-12 and post-secondary levels as well as research in both SoTL and Curriculum. Brian has held multiple teaching roles across the University of Calgary as a Teaching Assistant and Sessional Instructor as well as many research assistant positions focused on improving science education and curriculum development. His interests as an educator and researcher include improving accessibility of science, challenging norms of science education, and adding creativity into science instruction at all levels.
2024-2025 EDSA Representatives

Adult Learning, Chima Nwachukwu
With dual degrees in Adult Education and Economics, complemented with another degree specialization in Community Development, I possess a comprehensive understanding of adult learning and community engagement. My previous experience as a teaching assistant has equipped me with the skills to support students effectively. I am a self-motivated individual with a strong drive to excel. My collaborative approach makes me a valuable team player, and my contributions to the current practices of adult learning will serve as a source of motivation for the graduate program in education.

Counsellling Psychology, Danielle Shinbine
Danielle (She/They) is a third-year student in the Msc Counselling Psychology program. Their research interests are delineated towards examining factors that enable coping and resilience in LGBTQ+ individuals throughout the lifespan, as well as the LGBTQ+ community’s relationship with social media. When not working, Danielle enjoys their hobbies of retro video gaming and visiting animal sanctuaries. In their role as the Counselling Psychology rep, they aspire to be a source of support for fellow graduate students and are eager to contribute to the GPESA team.

Curriculum and Learning, Fiona Couillard
Fiona is a third-year PhD Student in Educational Research under the curriculum and learning specialization. Fiona holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Calgary and a Bachelor of Fine Arts with distinction from the Alberta University of the Arts. Fiona currently sits on the Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee (TLAC) as well as the Curriculum and Learning Committee (EDCL).

Language and Literacy
Coming soon

Coming soon

Learning Sciences
Coming soon

School and Applied Child Psychology, Alexa Rood
I am eager to connect more with the graduate community at Werklund by taking on a leadership role. I have experience in public speaking and am passionate about advocating for myself and other students so we can have the best educational experience we can. Although I am not from Calgary and studied at a different university during my undergraduate work, I want to contribute to the community I am now a part of at the University of Calgary.
2024-2025 Chief Returning Officer and Other Volunteers

Collette Quinn-Hall, Chief Returning Officer
Bio coming soon

Kristal Turner, Volunteer and Advisor
Kristal is a PhD student in Education Research-Learning Sciences with a history of advising in higher education. She is skilled in Nonprofit Work, Event Planning, Office Administration, and Community Engagement. Strong research professional with an MA degree in education research and a Bachelor's degree in archaeology from The University of Calgary.

Alexandria Poppendorf, Volunteer
I am an educational leadership doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary who is deeply passionate about place-based pedagogies and posthuman futures. With over 15 years of experience in educational leadership, I am a critical scholar who strives to shed light on inequities in our higher education places. My concerns include the systemic exploitation of international students and graduate workers, the commodification of knowledge by our institutions (e.g, for-profit publication, colonial themes inherent in funding practices, bullying and gift-giving within faculties, etc.), and oppression caused by monolithic understandings of knowledge. I'm a past GPESA president and currently serve as Vice President Academic for the Graduate Students' Association. I'm happy to continue to support our GPESA and the richness of learning within WSE!
Thank You to Our 2023-2024 Team

Emily Coombs, Co-President (EDPS)
Emily Coombs is an queer autistic researcher studying the intersection of autism and LGBTQ+ identity, the experiences of autistic women and lesbian mental health. As Dr. Maroney's graduate student they have worked on expanding these fields of study. Emily also is affiliated with the University of Alberta and the University of Victoria where they study autistic adults experiences with higher education and autonomy. As similar research is being spearheaded Emily aims to bridge the institutions they work with.

Alexandria Poppendorf, Co-President (EDER)
Alexandria Poppendorf is a third year PhD student in WSE. Her research explores conceptions of relationality, place, and situatedness with focus on her homeland of central Appalachia, a rural region of the United States characterized by complex culture and genealogies of oppression. Her work promotes self-reflection as a means for interrogating and challenging historic inequity and unwellness. In addition to her experiences as a current student, she is a historian, educator, qualitative researcher, and novelist who has traveled the world as a teacher of English. A historian and teacher, she is uniquely suited to analyze complicated socio-cultural factors which contribute to the topics she explores. Qualitative research is a passion which she combines with her skills as an author, bringing her literary voice and criticality to every piece she writes.

Nurgül Balaç Rodriguez, V.P. Academics
Nurgul Rodriguez is an artist with an interdisciplinary practice, and PhD student at Werklund School of Education. She has an active individual practice of disciplines and media including porcelain, installation, handmade paper, printmaking, three-dimensional pieces, and more recently socially engaged and collaborative projects. Her work is social, political, and personal with a focus on issues of immigration, diasporas, borders, and cultures. She explores becoming a diasporic individual during identity formation within a new culture. Nurgul settled in Calgary in 2009 after many nomadic years of living in Turkey, the United States and Spain with her family. She currently lives in Calgary making, writing, teaching, collaborating and always learning.

Kristal Turner, V.P. Finance and Operations

Fabielle Cruz, V.P. Student Life
Fabielle is a Brazilian research, who was dedicated time to study video games, multiliteracies and education. With a background in language teaching and experience in multicultural multilingual classroom, she hopes to contribute significantly to GPESA and its members.


Tatyana Kim, Online and Professional Programs Representative

Razieh Alba, Promotions & Media Relations Officer
As a visual and conceptual artist, Razieh Alba has gained considerable experience in curating thoughtful and engaging social media posts to raise awareness about not only her own work, but about the exciting achievements and events on campus and around Calgary. Alba is currently enrolled in the University of Calgary’s PhD program for Educational Research in Curriculum and Learning. She also works as a Sessional Instructor for the Department of Art and Art History. Having also completed her BFA in Visual Arts and her MFA in Research Creation in the Visual Arts at UofC, Alba is deeply tied to the campus community and is thrilled to be able to give back in her position as the GPESA Social Media Officer.

Danielle Shinbine, EDSA Rep - Counselling & Psychology
Danielle (She/They) is a second-year student in the Msc Counselling Psychology program. Their research interests are delineated towards examining factors that enable coping and resilience in LGBTQ+ individuals throughout the lifespan, as well as the LGBTQ+ community’s relationship with social media. When not working, Danielle enjoys their hobbies of retro video gaming and visiting animal sanctuaries. In their role as the Counselling Psychology rep, they aspire to be a source of support for fellow graduate students and are eager to contribute to the GPESA team.

Patricia Fontanilla, EDSA Rep - School & Applied Psychology
Patricia is in her second year of her MSc in School and Applied Child Psychology. Currently, her research focuses on resiliency in middle school aged children. For her undergraduate studies, she completed a Bachelor in Community Rehabilitation alongside her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and researched the role of gender in chronic illness. This is Patricia’s first year being part of the GPESA team and she is so excited to work collaboratively with other student representatives to enhance the graduate student experience. She aims to hear students and support them in fostering meaningful experiences and relationships within the Werklund community.

Emmanuel Amaechi, EDSA Rep - Learning Sciences
Emmanuel Amaechi will lead the improvement of student welfare and policy amendment strategies. Students are invited to connect with Emmanuel (Emmanuel.Amaechi@ucalgary.ca) to provide suggestions on how he can represent the student voice or any questions or concerns. About Emmanuel Emmanuel Amaechi Obtained a Bachelor of Science in Education Economics from the University of Nigeria. In March 2023, Emmanuel and his team received Map the System Ucalgary 3rd Place Prize for their work on Mental health. He volunteers to improve children's access to quality education at Street2School in Nigeria. Emmanuel Cares about fairness, and level playing field through quality education.

Fiona Couillard, EDSA Rep - Curriculum & Learning

Collette Quinn-Hall, Chief Returning Officer

Eve Moreau, EDSA Rep - Language & Literacy

Assad Ali Bik, EDSA Rep - Leadership

Lily Jiaqiu Cai, EDSA Rep - Adult Learning
Lily is currently in the second year of the Ed.D. program, specializing in Adult Learning. Her research interests are with immigrants, volunteerism, and anti-racism. With a M.A. in Intercultural Communication and over a decade of professional experience in the community, she brings to the GPESA team expertise in communicating with diverse stakeholders and a passion for enhancing education experiences beyond the traditional classroom. She understands the importance of representation and is thrilled to give back to the Werklund graduate community through working to enhance the graduate journey of Adult Learning students.

Reha Sandu, GPE Peer Mentorship Coordinator
2022-2023 GPESA Officers
Co-President (EDER) - Lili Jardine Co-President (EDPS) - Courtney Miller Vice President, Student Life - André Pires Vice President, Academic - Anna Marrello Vice President, Finance and Operations - Apoorve Chokshi Secretary - Natasha Portela Promotions and Media Relations - Razieh Alba Online and Professional Programs - Jade Oldfield GPE Peer Mentor Coordinator - Aurélia Mir-Orefice
Adult Learning - Rosalind Carson Learning Sciences - Mawuli Kofi Tay Curriculum and Learning - Hiyat Mitchell Language and Literacy - Abigail Williams School and Child Applied Psychology - Katy Lowe Counselling Psychology - Samara Wessel (elected) Leadership - Beatriz Antonieta Moya (elected)