About Us

To inspire and prepare diverse human minds and spirits to flourish through facilitating outstanding opportunities for creativity and innovative achievements in learning, discovery, and citizenship all in the service of the local and global public good.

To fulfill the promise of a significant international Werklund School of Education engaged with local and global communities in relevant, responsible, and reciprocal relationships, we will engage our teaching and learning, research and scholarship and service and community in defining and practicing just and equitable global citizenship.

- Stepping beyond the comfortable and familiar is a thoughtful, purposeful, and active commitment to engage with others of difference. This action takes courage and openness;
- Engaging with differences provides rich opportunities to view and deal with issues through an enriched and deepened lens. Through dialogue with others of difference, we co-create opportunities to problem-solve and, subsequently, to respond to local and global challenges in new and innovative ways;
- Advocating for social justice and peace locally, nationally, and internationally as an embedded praxis;
- Advocating for social justice and peace is informed by ethical, equitable, and inclusive praxis with respect to culture, race, ethnicity, religious belief, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, marital status, roles, and physical and mental abilities; and,
- Supporting lifelong learning that embraces formal and informal learning in diverse learning environments, formal research activities, tacit knowledge, and alternate knowledge sharing traditions.