What's Happening?


Travel Resources & Visiting Scholars

Message from Dr. Roswita Dressler - Associate Dean International
The Office of Internationalization supports the Werklund School of Education in meeting the goals of the Global Engagement Plan. Goal 1: Increasing the Diversity of the Campus Community includes international experiential learning opportunities we offer through the Teaching Across Borders program, the Doctoral Seminar, and new initiatives we are developing. Goal 2: Improving Global and Intercultural Capacity happens through our workshops, visits of students and scholars from elsewhere, and our supporting grants. Goal 3: Enhancing Global Partnerships is done through our existing reciprocal agreements with international partners. We work in collaboration with the Office of Research and the Office of Teaching and Learning to support Werklund School of Education faculty members in internationalizing their research and teaching.
Academic Support Offices
The Office of Internationalization is part of the Academic Support Offices in the Werklund School of Education. We share space with the Office of Research and the Office of Teaching and Learning.