Teaching Across Borders
The application deadline for Fall 2025 TAB is January 12, 2025.
The Werklund School of Education believes that students who live and teach in another place will have greater awareness and appreciation of diversity and global understanding. Teaching Across Borders (TAB) provides an opportunity for students to participate in a placement in the Fall semester of their final year of their program. Students will volunteer teach, experience a new culture, and share and receive knowledge regarding teacher education and teaching practice.
TAB participants will live in their host country for approximately 9 weeks of the fall semester where they will volunteer in schools for up to 12 hours/week. They will participate in the host culture through activities organized by the partner institution and have time to explore on their own. Some of those activities will expose them to the language(s) and culture(s) of the host placement.
In addition, they will participate in the co-creation of an online TAB community at teachingacrossborders.ucalgaryblogs.ca. Within the community, they will reflect upon their learning, consider how this impacts them as future teachers, and discuss how they plan to integrate their new knowledge and understanding into their teaching practices.
Participants will return to Calgary in November and participate in a debriefing session before beginning their Field 3 practicum experience.
We encourage students to apply with the intent of experiencing, learning, and knowing the world differently, and with a desire to bring positive change.
Partner Countries
TAB students can travel to one of 9 placements in 8 countries.
Regardless of destination, all TAB participants should be aware of these requirements and do their own research into their placement locations:
- Passport required for all travel. Passport must have validity at least 6 months beyond date of return travel.
- Entry requirements are specific to each country. Requirements can change frequently, so visas, specific permits, and/or other requirements may be required for entry, regardless of what is written here.
- Applicants must verify the Check Travel Advice and Advisories for each country, including documents and visas applications required before departure.
- Costs are determined by varying prices for airfare, accommodations, food, local travel and excursions, and personal preferences. It is expected that applicants will complete a travel budget for the respective travel abroad country, keeping in mind travel contingency funds, exchange, and cost of living rates. Budget planning worksheets and TAB information sessions in the Fall are available to assist applicants in preparing a personal travel budget.
From tropical savannas to Ole Miss, check out the placements in North and South America.
Goiânia, Brazil
Partner Institution: Universidade Federal de Goiás
Placement Highlights
In past years, Brazil students' schedules have included public school visits, cultural activities, talks and discussions at the host university, and a placement in the university's language centre. Past years have also included an opportunity to be placed in Portuguese classes with other international students.
We ask Brazil students to find their own accommodations close to the PUC - Goias campus. In the past some students have used AirBnBs. Reliable high speed internet is an important look-for.
Documentation Required
Visa required.
Estimated Costs
Approximately $6000-$7000
Oxford, Mississippi, USA
Partner Institution: University of Mississippi
Placement Highlights
In past years, Mississippi participants have received in-school placements that match their teachable subject areas as much as possible. Some students design and teach their own lessons while others support classroom instruction with their partner teachers. Cultural opportunities are a strong highlight for the Mississippi placement, including American history, football games with Ole Miss, and southern cuisine.
We ask Mississippi students to find their own accommodations. Rental prices are high due to long-term leases being more common than short-term rentals.
Documentation Required
No Visa (for Canadian travellers)
Estimated Costs
Approximately $6000-$8000
Explore the rich traditions and cultures in one of our placements in Southeast Asia.
Hokkaido, Japan
Partner Institution: Hokkaido University of Education (HUE)
Placement Highlights
In past years, students have spent their first month of TAB in Sapporo, participating in intensive Japanese classes as well as cultural activities and school visits. Afterwards, students are typically divided into groups of two between three of HUE's satellite campuses, including Sapporo, Asahikawa, Kushiro, Hakodate, and Iwamizawa. Each site features in-school placements and a variety of cultural opportunities.
Vary by location. Past TAB Cohorts have had homestay opportunities, however more recent TABers have utilized Airbnbs or similar options.
Documentation Required
- No Visa (for Canadian travellers)
- Measles Certificate
Estimated Costs
Approximately $7500-$9000
Osaka, Japan
Partner Institution: Osaka YMCA International School
Placement Highlights
In past years, students have been placed at the junior high/high school in Suito, which is run by the Osaka YMCA. Students have the opportunity to teach in English, sometimes based on their subject area, under the guidance of the school's English as an Additional Language (EAL) specialists. There are no language learning classes for students placed in Osaka, however, there are a range of cultural opportunities close at hand.
We ask you to find your own accommodations, located near the Suito school. Reliable high-speed internet is an important look-for.
Documentation Required
- No Visa (for Canadian travellers)
- Measles Certificate
Estimated Costs
Approximately $7500-$9000
Experience life in Australia while you explore the similarities and differences in their national curriculum.
Brisbane, Queensland
Partner Institution: Queensland University of Technology
Placement Highlights
In past years, Brisbane students have been placed in two private schools, spending part of their TAB time in each school. These slightly longer placements give students the opportunity to get to know the teachers and students in each community, as well as their approaches to teaching and learning. Brisbane usually has a school holiday at the end of September - activities during this holiday have varied from year to year.
Options vary. In the past, students have used AirBnB's in central Brisbane so that they can travel to their schools more easily. Reliable high speed internet is an important look-for.
Documentation Required
- Blue Card (similar to a Canadian police check)
- Electronic Travel Authority
Estimated Costs
Approximately $7000-$8000
Tap into the history and complexity of Europe in one of these placements.
Glasgow, Scotland
Partner Institution: University of Strathclyde
More information coming soon for Fall 2025! -
Hamburg, Germany
Partner Institution: Universität Hamburg
Placement Highlights
In past years, Germany participants have received in-school placements that match their teachable subject areas as much as possible. Typically, students are placed in pairs in bilingual schools, with opportunities to teach lessons in various settings. German schools have a holiday each Fall (e.g., early October in 2018) - activities during this holiday have varied from year to year.
We ask Germany students to find their own accommodations. Students often opt for AirBnBs. Rentals are typically for 1-2 people only.
Documentation Required
- No Visa (under 90 days in Europe)
- Proof of Double Measles Vaccination
Estimated Costs
Approximately $6000-$7000
Madrid, Spain
Partner Institution: Camilo José Cela University
Placement Highlights
In past years, students have been placed in a variety of SEK schools (bilingual English schools) around Madrid. Students often have the opportunity to teach and actively engage students in group activities. There are a variety of cultural opportunities available in Madrid, as well as the opportunity to participate in classes run by the host institution.
Options vary. Students can choose to find an AirBnB in downtown Madrid, to be closer to the city and cultural opportunities, or to stay on campus, to be closer to their teaching placements. Reliable high-speed internet is an important look-for with either option.
Documentation Required
No Visa (under 90 days in Europe)
Estimated Costs
Approximately $7000-$8000
TAB Application Information
Academic Requirements
- Applying for TAB the year before their final year in the program
- In good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their first EDUC 400 semester and overall EDUC 400 year(s)
- Available to take Ethics and Law Education (EDUC 525) and Specialization 2 (EDUC 535) in the summer semester - 2 weeks in mid-July.
- Have completed all of their EDUC 400s and non-education courses by the Spring before they participate in TAB
- Computer literate for online study of Design for Learning (EDUC 521) and Indigenous Education (EDUC 530) while abroad
Commitment Requirements
- Open to learning in a dynamic, challenging environment
- Flexible, resilient, curious, and communicative
- Ready and willing to engage with your placement cohort members
- Committed to participate in mandatory pre-departure and follow-up sessions
- Eligible to travel to the partner country
- Possess a current, valid passport that will not expire for at least 6 months after the end of their time abroad
- In good mental and physical health
Students apply for TAB the year before their final year of their Education degree. Applications are open from mid-November to mid-January of each year. Interested students submit application documents and complete a written application. These give the TAB team more information about you as an applicant, your interests, and suitability for TAB.
Students are encouraged to attend events such as Past Meets Present session and the TAB Showcase to learn from past TAB students about their experience.
Applications open on November 21, 2024 on Elevate.
A Statement of Preparation
Based on your personal research and what you learned during the TAB workshops, addressing these two questions (PDF, max 1 page):
What do you understand as the nature and focus of TAB?
Why would you make a good candidate?
A Resume
An overview of your relevant experiences (PDF, max 2 pages)
A Budget
An outline your anticipated costs and funding sources (PDF, XLS, or Doc). This helps us to better understand which countries are within your means, as not all placements have the same cost of living.
Application Questions
A short answer questionnaire, along with your Top 5 placement rankings, is also submitted as part of your TAB application.
Have Questions about TAB?
Check out the FAQ or connect with us at tab@ucalgary.ca