
Quick Links

Resources that would be of need or value as you prepare for instruction.

Quick Links

The following are links to resources you may wish to access in your preparation for teaching your courses. 

If you are seeking resources to support your research, visit the Werklund Office of Research page to begin.  You can also access our Office of Internationalization if you are interested in an international initiative or project.

For resources to review academic integrity definitions and policies to support students with questions around this topic, visit the following page from the Taylor Institute for the latest information on this. Your students may be visiting the Student Success Centre for information on this and they can find the following handbook on the topic as well.

For review and approval of your course materials before beginning the course, visit the university library's copyright webpage with the or email to submit materials for review.  The library also has guidance on the use of the Leganto reading list tool that is available within the D2L shell for each course.

To review policies for the acceptable use of material protected by copyright, visit here

The Doucette Library, which serves the Werklund School of Education, is located on the 3rd floor of the Education Block.  The Doucette has study spaces and a variety of Lib Guides for reference as well. There are a number of services that the libraries can provide to support you and your students in the classroom.

The University of Calgary Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (OEDI) is mandated to achieve equitable, diverse, inclusive and accessible employment practices and workplaces.  According to the OEDI's mission statement it is intended to "[serve] as a resource for equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility through resources and education, [they] will continue to foster a community of change-makers."

Among the resources they have available is a glossary of terms describe principles and practices of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility.  They have also guidelines to help ensure the integration of these principles into award nominations and grant applications.

Ethics compliance guidelines and support for research ethics applications are available at the University's Research pages. Guidelines specific to projects supported by federal government funders is available and the university has a tutorial to help you prepare for compliance with TCPS2 requirements.  The University's Research Integrity Policy and Code of Conduct are also available for review.

For support with technology such as D2L, Zoom and other software and issues with equipment in the classroom. (Log in required.)

Phone 403.220.3711

Printing and copying can be done on campus via the copier that are located in Education Tower, and other locations on campus.

Login with your Unicard and UCID would be required to copy documents. 

Printing can be done from a USB stick plugged into the printer or it can be initiated from one of the public computers available on campus.  The steps from printing from a computer are available here.

Human Resources has provided a checklist of items to help ensure Contract and Sessional Instructors are fully onboarded with the university.

The Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) can be claimed through your PeopleSoft portal. When entering a PER expense claim, there is a PER option to select that will autocomplete the budget code information required for your claim.
The PER handbook provides further information on this or you can contact HR at or by phone at 403-210-9300.

For access resources and guides for the use of licensed software at the university (D2L, Zoom, YuJa), visit:

To upload grades from Excel to PeopleSoft follow this guide.


Student feedback on the classroom experience is a valuable source of data on the quality of instruction. There have been recent changes to the tools and questions used to gather this information and the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning has information on these changes here. There are also further resources available for instructors and students who wish to familiarize themselves with these processes.

We also encourage instructors to gather mid-course feedback on the quality of instruction. The Taylor Institute outlines the advantages of gathering such feedback, and suggests best practices for best getting this data and integrating it into your teaching practice.  If you are interested in conducting a mid-course survey, please contact the Office Teaching and Learning and let us know your course number and the dates you would like to conduct this anonymous, online survey.

To review and register for workshops and other events, visit:

To create a Destiny One account to register for Taylor Institute workshops and events, visit:

If you are interested in booking space at the Taylor Institute for courses or a non-credit event, visit