Adult, Community, and Higher Education

Adult, Community, and Higher Education

Adult, Community, and Higher Education is a program option within the Master of Education (MEd), Specialist route. Visit the Master of Education, Specialist Route page for complete MEd details including fees

This cohort-based Master of Education - Specialist degree in Adult, Community, and Higher Education is geared to adult educators, practitioners, individuals involved in profit/non-profit community-based organizations and initiatives, and higher education leaders. This specialized degree provides graduate students with an opportunity for advanced professional education and learning to increase both knowledge and competence in creating and supporting the development of educated and sustainable adult learning communities that thrive in a variety of settings.

This Master of Education degree attracts people from a variety of adult education/learning settings. These include post-secondary/vocational institutions, not-for-profit organizations, corporations, government offices, and independent contractors/consultants. Within these settings, students might focus on community health/development, international development, adult basic education/literacy, environmental education, program development/design, and other areas that engage them in formal/informal teaching, learning, and leadership of and with adults. Courses in this stream emphasize a core of disciplinary knowledge that will ground learning about adult development, lifelong learning, organizations, community development and engagement, and significant international/global issues and trends. Students also complete research-related courses to gain knowledge of research methodologies and concepts, and have an opportunity to apply them in a preliminary way.

Participation in the program involves successful completion of 12 courses, the majority of which are completed online over a two-year period that goes year-round. Courses in the summer term are completed in a compressed term, which includes a two-week on-campus session.

Program Goals:

  • Explore concepts, models, theories, research, and scholars considered core in the field of adult education and learning
  • Articulate the breadth of adult education and learning contexts, applications and research pursuits, consistent with the premise and intended student base for this MEd stream
  • Engage with people who are active – whether as employees, volunteers or activists – in a broad range of adult education and learning settings and contexts
  • Study various research methodologies and methods used across educational studies, and how they might inform scholarship and practice
  • Employ critical reflection, reading, writing and thinking in generating and responding to readings, in-class discussions, and other course activities
  • Practice a range of learning task formats and structures, including individual and group, written and facilitation, and reflective and analytical assignments
  • Draw on scholarly readings, discussions and assignments to inform adult education and learning practice, and use examples from practice to interpret scholarly material

Experiential learning is learning by doing that bridges knowledge and experience through critical reflection. This program offers the following kinds of experiential learning opportunities:

  • Apply adult learning concepts and theories to experiences.
  • Make meaning of experiences through critical reflection practices.
  • Present and facilitate adult learning and workplace related topics and activities.
  • Engage in peer feedback on presentations, facilitation, and research initiatives. 
  • Access opportunities to present research at academic and professional conferences.
  • Solve problems of practice by creating practical applications in work and community contexts.

Year 1

Adults as Learners
EDER 631.01 
Perspectives on Community
EDER 631.12   


History and Philosophy of Adult Education
EDER 659.15  


Research Methodology in Education
EDER 600 
Lifelong Learning 
EDER 631.17 


Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
EDER 619.08 


Year 2

Workplace Learning & Society
EDER 631.05 
Global Issues & Development
EDER 631.19 


Program & Practice Evaluation
EDER 602 


Collaboratory of Practice
EDER 604 
Policy & Adult Learning 
EDER 631.22 


Writing Educational Research 
EDER 606 


Program Information & Course Descriptions

Course outlines are normally available 1-2 weeks prior to the start of term in D2L.

Blended Delivery

In the Summer term students participate in blended course(s). Fall, Winter and Spring courses are offered fully online. For additional information regarding online delivery, please refer to the eLearn website.

3 units per course

Adults as Learners
EDER 631.01 

This course serves as a wonderful and challenging introduction to the world of adult learning by exploring the learning-teaching transaction both from the learners’ and the facilitator/instructor’s point of view. It adopts the fundamental and respectful adult education principle of starting with the experience of each participant, as adult learners and as facilitators of adult learning.

Research Methodology in Education
EDER 600 

This first course in educational research methodologies provides the background necessary to make cogent decisions around the types of research questions that might be asked and the kinds of insights and answers particular methods can provide.

This introductory course is intended for graduate students in the first year of their cohort-based Master’s of Education programs. The course focuses on some of the issues and dilemmas that frame the context for contemporary research, and guides participants in a preliminary consideration of research strategies, questions and methods, for further study and application in the subsequent course EDER 692 Collaboratory of Practice. In relation to EDER 692 Collaboratory of Practice, this first course includes a discussion of action research in education as a pragmatic way to integrate various methods in one school based research project. Participants will also be encouraged to approach research articles and reports with a critical perspective and develop some skills and techniques for this kind of close reading.

Global Issues & Development
EDER 631.19 

This course aims to explore the role of adult, community, and higher education in responding to the challenges of globalization. It will focus on issues in developing countries and cover a variety of topics, including poverty, literacy, human rights, HIV/AIDS, health, environment, and development. It will provide learners with an opportunity to analyze concepts and prevailing discussions that may be necessary for a critical understanding of globalization, adult education, and social development.

Writing Educational Research
EDER 606 

This course will focus on examining and developing the skills associated with crafting an academic paper. Topics will also include genres and purposes of academic writing, and venues for presentation and publication.

Leading in Adult & Higher Education
EDER 619.02 

In this course and through assigned readings, you will begin with a brief review of some pertinent research on organizational leadership, before turning attention to unique features of adult and higher education contexts. In the latter part of the course, particular attention is paid to ‘leadership in the middle’ and the challenges faced by leaders of both academic and non-academic units in colleges and universities, and in other adult education settings. This course will be of interest to individuals in formal and informal leadership capacities.

Policy & Adult Learning
EDER 631.22 

This course will offer a critical introductory framework to explore contemporary adult education policy issues in Canadian and international education contexts. By drawing from the history, sociology, and philosophy of adult education, students will be able to understand and critically assess adult education policy and practice.

History and Philosophy of Adult Education
EDER 659.15 

The purpose of this course is to explore and assess a variety of historical and philosophical trends that have shaped adult and higher education over the years. Through exploring the past, you will be better able to develop, define and articulate your own philosophical approach to the current practice of adult education and higher education, as it relates to your specific context and culture.

Lifelong Learning
EDER 631.17 

This course aims to explore the current theories, policies, and practices of lifelong learning within the context of knowledge-based economy. In particular, we will critically analyze key debates about the relationship between lifelong learning, democracy, and equality within post-industrial societies. Graduate students will be challenged to explore their professional development practices and to expand their understanding and appreciation as to how ‘lifelong learning’ extends beyond the learning that occurs within formal and traditional education and professional contexts. 

Workplace Learning & Society
EDER 631.05 

This course provides a macro-level examination of the place of individual, group and organizational learning in the community and contemporary society; perspectives on societal change, work and learning; philosophical and ideological perspectives.

Program & Practice Evaluation
EDER 602 

Students in this course will have an opportunity to discover how to creatively establish, plan, and evaluate adult education programs that will positively affect their organization or community.

Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
EDER 619.08 

This course has been designed to increase both your awareness and your understanding of the learners involved in higher education today, as well as what is considered to be teaching and learning for these learners. It will give you the opportunity to link the theory and practice of teaching and learning through focusing on the achievement of specific learning outcomes. Finally, it will give you the opportunity to look at the implications of the theories and research about learners and learning for you, as educators, leaders and administrators.

Collaboratory of Practice
EDER 604 

Collaboratories of Practice represent a fusion of two important developments in contemporary research: communities of practice and collaboratories. A collaboratory is a new networked organizational form involving structured experiences of authentic, real-world practice which serve as sources of active inquiry and professional learning. This course provides opportunities for individuals or groups to investigate real world problems and to devise or recommend pragmatic solutions suitable to their contexts.

Contact Us


Graduate Program Administrator

Lisa Dale


Academic Program Coordinators

Dr. Patricia Danyluk

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