Master of Education: Interdisciplinary Pathway

Course-based, 3 Step laddered pathway to achieve an MEd in Interdisciplinary Studies

Master of Education (MEd), Interdisciplinary Studies route

The Graduate Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies is cohort-based and delivered over a year to accommodate busy working professionals. Beginning in the Summer term students will complete four courses over the academic year (for a total of four 3-unit courses).

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Certificate with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to apply for admission into the Graduate Diploma in Interdisciplinary Studies. Graduate Diploma holders will be eligible to apply for admission into the MEd Interdisciplinary Studies degree. 

Within the MEd Interdisciplinary Studies route there are two distinct pathways:

Pathway 1: MEd Interdisciplinary Studies – Educational Research, Specialization: Interdisciplinary Studies

  • In year 1, applicants will select one of the Interdisciplinary topics (listed below) to earn a Graduate Certificate. 
  • In year 2, applicants will select one of the Interdisciplinary topics offered that admission year to earn a Graduate Diploma. In year 1 and 2 students may select topics similar in subject content or diversify and choose topics in completely different subject areas.
  • In year 3, applicants will select the third, and culminating topic, Educational Research – Interdisciplinary Studies Step 3  which is necessary to fulfill requirements for the MEd, Interdisciplinary degree.

Pathway 2: MEd Interdisciplinary Studies – Educational Research, Specialization: School Counselling

  • In year 1, applicants must complete: Foundations in School & Counselling Psychology to earn a Graduate Certificate. 
  • In year 2, applicants will select either: Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools: Social Justice in Practice or Supporting and Enhancing Children's Mental Health to earn a Graduate Diploma. 
  • In year 3, applicants will select the third, and culminating topic, Educational Research - School Counselling  Step 3; which is necessary to fulfill requirements for the MEd, Interdisciplinary degree.

Graduate Certificate

Apply to one interdisciplinary topic and earn a Graduate Certificate

The Certificate is cohort-based and delivered over a year to accommodate busy working professionals. Beginning in the Summer term students will complete four courses over the academic year

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Certificate with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to apply for admission into the Graduate Diploma.

Graduate Diploma

Apply to one interdisciplinary topic and earn a Graduate Diploma

Students may apply to a topic similar in subject content to their Year 1 (certificate) topic, or diversify and choose topics in completely different subject areas.

Graduate Diploma holders with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher will be eligible to apply for admission into the Master of Education degree program.

Master of Education

Complete 4 research courses and earn an MEd Interdisciplinary degree

In this final stage of the MEd Interdisciplinary route, students can draw on their last two topic areas to study a program of practice.

Students must successfully complete Step 1 (certificate) and Step 2 (diploma) in order to apply to the final step which is a research year. Upon successful completion of your chosen research topic, you will be awarded your MEd Interdisciplinary studies.

View research year details

MEd Awards and Scholarships

Students are eligible for some internal scholarships.  See the program-recommended awards page for details. 

Program Delivery

Topics are delivered face-to-face, fully online, or blended (combined face-to-face and online). Our Interdisciplinary topics run over either three (Summer, Fall, Winter) or four (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) terms. Delivery and schedule information is listed on each topic page.


Blended topics consist of our summer residency, and on campus experience held in Summer with online work completed before and/or after your time in Calgary. Fall, Winter, and Spring courses are typically held online through Desire2Learn and Zoom. Check each topic to confirm format for delivery.

Fully Online

The fully online courses are held in both an asynchronous environment (D2L) and a synchronous (real-time) environment (Zoom) which allows instructors to virtually meet and talk with students and experience a live exchange of ideas, hear class presentations and do group work with access to a whiteboard. There are typically no more than 5 sessions over a 13-week term (Fall and Winter) and fewer over a 6-week term (Spring and Summer). For additional information regarding online delivery, please refer to the Online Delivery link under the Student Resources tab on the GPE website as well as the information found on the eLearning website.

Off Campus

These topics will take place face-to-face off-campus. Courses will take place both outside on the land at the Kainai reserve, and using classroom space provided by Red Crow Community College in Standoff, Alberta and also at Blackfeet Community College, in Browning, Montana, USA. Courses will take place in summer, fall, and winter semesters. The use of seasons is intentional given the seasonal nature of Niitsitapii approaches to wellness. Please see more detailed information below regarding dates and delivery for individual courses.

Programs In Progress (Summer 2024 start). Topics listed below are intended to provide information for students currently enrolled in these programs.

Fully Online Delivery

Dynamic Design in Education

Topic details

Early Childhood Education

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Educational Neuroscience: Applications for Teaching & Learning

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Educational Research - Step 3

Topic details

Foundations in School & Counselling Psychology

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Inclusive Education

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Learning Disabilities in the Classroom

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Literacy in the Diverse Classroom

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Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools: Social Justice in Practice

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Post-secondary Leadership and Learning

Topic details

School Counselling - Step 3

Topic details

School Leadership - Pathway to AB Ed LQS Certification

Topic Details

Supporting and Enhancing Children’s Mental Health

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Teaching English as an Additional Language

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Transdisciplinary Leadership: Leading Healthy Organizations

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Blended Delivery

Indigenous Education: A Call to Action

Topic details

Knowing and Learning in STEM: A Transdisciplinary Approach

Topic details

Off Campus Delivery

Niitsitapii Ihtsitapii’patapiio’p: Blackfoot Ways of Knowing & Connecting

Topic details