About applying for awards
To all students:
- You must apply for graduate awards; you are not automatically considered
- Award application requirements may vary for every award. It is the applicants responsibly to fully read and submit the completed application in order to have your application reviewed
- Ensure you reach out to your reference three to five weeks ahead of the deadline. Learn more.
To prospective students:
- You may apply for awards after you have submitted an application for admission and receive a University of Calgary student number (UCID)
- You do not need to be accepted into your program before you apply for awards.
To international students:
- Some awards are restricted by citizenship; however, there are many awards for which international students are eligible.
University of Calgary, Faculty of Graduate Studies - Scholarships and Awards
Graduate Award Competition
The Graduate Award Competition (GAC) encompasses a broad range of awards funded by donors and the University of Calgary.
Competition Opens: November 1
Werklund deadline*: December 15
*Please note:
- The internal application deadline differs from the FGS deadline
- Students in course-based and professional degree programs are NOT eligible
Awards you can apply to through the GAC application:
- Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships
- Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarships
- Open Doctoral Awards
- Entrance Awards (for new-incoming students)
- Special Awards
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES): These AGES are program recommended. All eligible Canadian/Permanent Resident students who apply to the current Graduate Award Competition (GAC) or for a Tri-council scholarship will automatically be considered for this award except for EdD students. For more information about AGES, see https://grad.ucalgary.ca/awards/award-opportunities/ages
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) – International: All eligible international students who apply to the current Graduate Award Competition (GAC) will automatically be considered for this award. For more information about AGES, see https://grad.ucalgary.ca/awards/award-opportunities/ages
Indigenous Awards
The following awards are administered through the University of Calgary via Indigenous Graduate Award Competition (IGA) *new for 2023 award year the ii’taa’poh’to’p and Metis moved to IGA
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship Indigenous . For more information about AGES, see https://grad.ucalgary.ca/awards/award-opportunities/age
- ii’taa’poh’to’p Graduate Scholarship
- Métis Scholar Graduate Award
Competition Open and Deadline Dates: As the launch and deadline vary from year to year, please check the to the Indigenous Graduate Award Competition (IGA) page which FGS update as details become available. Please note: FGS also advertises this information in both GRADvisor and GRADpost three times in each once this award launches.
Entrance Competition Awards
The Faculty of Graduate Studies offers awards to new students through the annual Entrance Competition. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) applicants to Graduate Programs in Education are encouraged to apply for Entrance Awards.
Competition Opens: November 1
Werklund deadline*: December 15
*please note, the internal application deadline differs from the FGS deadline
Students are Eligible to submit an application: if you have not started your PhD program prior to the November 1 launch of the Graduate Award Competition.
How to Apply: An application for this competition is submitted using the online scholarship application and selecting the Graduate Award Competition Application. Please refer to the Terms of reference section of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Entrance Awards page for further details on how to apply.
Please Note: The GAC application can only be submitted once you submit your admissions application and receive your University of Calgary student number (UCID). You are not required to meet the eligibility requirements in the terms of reference of an award when you apply, but if successful, you must meet the eligibility requirements at the time the award is paid.
University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education – Program Specific Awards
Program Recommended Awards
Werklund School Program Recommended Awards are available specifically to Werklund School graduate students.
Competition Opens: November 1
Application Deadline: May 1
Students are Eligible to submit an application: if you are a current and entering students. Please see the eligibility criteria for each award.
How to Apply: An application for this competition is submitted using Elevate.
Current Werklund Graduate Programs in Education students, can log into Elevate by selecting Students and following the steps found in the How to Apply student job aid.
Applicants who submitted an application to a Werklund Graduate Programs in Education program (i.e., incoming students) and have been issued a UCID, need to log into Elevate by selecting Students one time to activate the account and following the steps found in the How to Apply student job aid.
Special Note:
Curriculum Vitae (CV): This template is provided as a suggested format for CVs required for program-recommended award applications. You do not have to use this template if you already have one you prefer to use. Please remove the red instructions as you fill out the template.
Transcripts: If you’ve completed University of Calgary graduate course work, you are required to submit a copy of your University of Calgary unofficial transcript. The Graduate Programs in Education Office will not provide copies of unofficial transcripts to students. The unofficial transcript must provide grades up to Fall 2023. Final grades for Fall 2023 will appear on transcript by January 2024. Unofficial transcripts can be viewed and downloaded at any time through your Student Centre. Learn how to view your unofficial transcript.
Adjudicated by: The Werklund School Graduate Programs in Education Scholarship and Awards Committee. If nominated for an award the Faculty of Graduate Studies will email with formal notification. If not nominated, the Graduate Programs in Education will email with this notification.
Receive award status notification: Beginning of August
For a complete list of program-recommended awards, refer to the Graduate Studies Awards Database and search “program-recommended” for your specialization (Educational Research or Educational Psychology)
Werklund Doctoral Scholarship
The Werklund Doctoral Scholarship enables an exceptional new scholar working in the Werklund School of Education to consolidate his/her research training, to develop and initiate original research in creating Bold Solutions for a Complex Connected World and to participate in Werklund School of Education strategic academic initiatives and activities.
Competition Opens: September 1
Application Deadline: May 18
Students are Eligible to submit an application: By the application deadline the student must have completed at least 1 term in program
Receive award status notification: Beginning of July
Achievement Awards
Recognizing outstanding graduate student work and leadership.
J.B. Hyne Research Innovation Award
Purpose: The Faculty of Graduate Studies created this award to recognize graduate students in any discipline who excel in research. It is named to honour Dr. James B. Hyne, the first Dean of Graduate Studies (1966-1989).
Qualifications: Open to students registered full-time in a thesis-based graduate program
Value: A commemorative plaque and $500 cash prize
Application Package: You must provide the following as one PDF document:
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae that clearly indicates your contribution to publications and collaborative research activities
- A one-page summary of your thesis that explains the research objectives and the significance, impact, and the originality of the results. This summary must be written, dated and signed by you.
Applications are to be emailed to gpe@ucalgary.ca with the subject line "2025 J.B. Hyne Research Innovation Award".
Werklund internal application deadline which differs from the FGS deadline: May 1.
Michael Lazar Community Service Award
Purpose: This award is presented to a graduate student from any discipline who, through a sense of personal commitment, has served the university community well beyond meeting academic requirements. Michael Lazar was someone who cared for the university and the community in which he lived. He served as Graduate Students’ Association president in 1992/93, was a member of the Alumni Association Board, a fundraising volunteer in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, a member of University search committees, and was appointed adjunct professor in the Faculty of Engineering. Michael’s longstanding commitment to the university was recognized in 1995 with the Order of the University of Calgary.
Qualifications: Open to students registered full-time in a thesis-based graduate program
Value: A commemorative plaque and $500 cash prize
Application: You must provide the following as a PDF document:
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae that clearly indicates your leadership and involvement in the university community
Applications are to be emailed to gpe@ucalgary.ca with the subject line "2025 Michael Lazar Community Service Award".
Werklund internal application deadline which differs from the FGS deadline: May 1.
Medals and Prizes
Recognizing graduates whose dissertations make an original and significant contribution to their academic field.
Application Information
Students who submitted a thesis or doctoral dissertation to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) within the eligible time frame are included on the FGS Medals List. The Graduate Programs in Education (GPE) office selects nominees from this list based on the awards terms of reference. If nominated, students will be contacted by the GPE Office.
Internal medals and prizes
Click to see the terms of reference for each:
- Chancellor's Graduate Medal
- Governor General's Gold Medal
- University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis Prize
External medals and prizes
External medals and prizes that are administered through the university.
University of Calgary
External Grants
Federal awards are funded by the Government of Canada and administered either through the University of Calgary or the Government of Canada. They are often considered the most prestigious awards for graduate students, requiring a very high standard of scholastic achievement and exemplary leadership. Of the tri-agency awards (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC), most Werklund students are eligible for SSHRC.
The following federal awards are administered through the University of Calgary:
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Please note the internal SSHRC application deadline is traditionally in October. The specific deadline date is communicated by various means to students.
https://grad.ucalgary.ca/awards/award-opportunities/sshrc - Killam Trust at the University of Calgary, Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR).
- EdD students may be eligible for Tri-council awards. Before submitting an application, it is highly recommended that the review the eligibility criteria on the Tri-council site and contact FGS at Faculty of Graduate Studies Award email, gsaward@ucalgary.ca to confirm eligibility.
- Alberta Graduate Excellent Scholarship (AGES) – Research: All eligible Canadian/Permanent Residence students who apply for a tri-agency scholarship (including EdD students) will automatically be considered for this award. For more information about AGES, see https://grad.ucalgary.ca/awards/award-opportunities/ages
Other Awards
University of Calgary Internal Grants - Office of Research
Research Services assists researchers in obtaining internal and external operating research grants, prizes and awards. They advise on and facilitate the nomination of University researchers for provincial, national and international awards.
Graduate Student Association (GSA) Scholarships and Awards
Scholarships and awards administered by the Graduate Student’s Associate.
Conference Travel Awards
Awards available for eligible students to offset costs incurred for conference presenting:
- Werklund School of Education Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards - currently available
- Graduate Students Association Professional Development Grant
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Profiling Alberta Graduate Students (Travel Award) Canadian and Permanent Resident - cancelled until further notice
Here is the link to the Travel Award Criteria.