MA in Adult Learning

Thesis-based, on campus degree

  The MA in Adult Learning program is informed by a rich heritage rooted in a commitment to human, community and social development. As a hub of interdisciplinarity, the focus of graduate studies within this specialization is on adult learning and adult education. Our graduate students draw from multiple and diverse contexts and interest areas, which include: traditional post-secondary and continuing education; business and industry; NGOs; community development and international organizations.

Program Information for Current Students

Program requirements* are as follows:

Course requirements

(a) Educational Research 608 and 3 units from any other 600-level thesis-based research methods in education course.

(b) 12 units selected from Adult Learning courses and any additional courses as determined by the supervisor in consultation with the student.

For courses offered by term, please refer to the Master of Arts homepage.

Graduate courses from other departments, faculties, or universities may be taken to partially fulfill your degree requirements. Approval from your supervisor and the unit in question are required to take these courses. Please ensure that your Graduate Program Administrator in Graduate Programs in Education receives written confirmation of these approvals. 

Your Master's thesis is the focus if your degree program. You should, in consultation with your supervisor, formulate an appropriate thesis topic as early in your program as possible. The nature and type of your proposed research will affect the time needed to complete your program.

Our students typically complete their program requirements within two years from their first term, and are expected to complete all requirements within four years from their first term.

Visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies' website for more information on writing and defending your thesis.


(c)The Masters thesis is the focus of the degree program. In consultation with the supervisor, the student should formulate an appropriate thesis topic as early as possible because the nature and type of proposed research will affect the time needed to complete the program.

Master's students are normally assigned a permanent supervisor at the time of admission.

Students typically complete all program requirements within two years and are expected to complete all requirements within four registration years.

*Please visit the University Calendar to see all program requirements for the Master of Arts degree.

Master's Student Checklist

At the beginning of your program:

  • Register for an eID to access myUCalgary. Keep your eID and password confidential.
  • Accept your Offer of Admission in the online Student Centre.
  • Activate your UCalgary IT account and e-mail. You will be expected to regularly check your UCalgary e-mail while in program.
  • Confirm your current e-mail address to your Graduate Program Administrator (see your Admission Letter for contact information). Please include your full name, UCID number, program, and specialization.
  • Connect with your supervisor to plan your program.
  • Initialize your registration.
  • Register for your courses.
  • Check with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Research Services and SSHRC for possible research funding.
  • Attend orientation at the beginning of September!

Within 12 months:

  • Confirm the number of courses required for program completion with the supervisor.

Every May:

  • Submit the online Annual Progress Report form through student centre, approved by supervisor, and Graduate Program Director of GPE or designate.

Every 12 Months:

Within 4 years:

  • Have ethics clearance approved before collection of data.
  • Complete thesis.
  • Supervisor establishes the committee for final oral examination.
  • Upon successful oral examination, submit two unbound copies of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies along with the Thesis Clearance form.
  • Submit an Application for Degree through your Student Centre.
  • Attend convocation and celebrate!

Program Forms

There are various forms related to a student’s progress through their graduate degree. Please refer to the forms for detailed instructions on their proper completion. Students who have any questions or concerns should contact their Graduate Program Administrator. Required forms are available in the GPE office and some can be accessed by downloading them from Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Please visit our Master of Arts homepage to view the schedule of courses.

We encourage students to consult with their supervisor to select courses.

Contact Us


Administrative Questions?

Sylvia Parks, Graduate Program Administrator (GPA) 403.220.4105


Academic Questions?

Dr. Theodora Kapoyannis

Complete Program Details

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies' homepage to see information for thesis-based students.