Leading in Post-secondary Contexts

Accepting applications for this topic summer of 2025


Master of Education - MEd Interdisciplinary (4 course program)




One year (4 consecutive terms)


Graduate Program Administrator:

Academic Coordinators:
Dr. Shelleyann Scott

Program Overview

This program is designed to serve as an effective leadership preparation and development program that will provide a valuable evidence-based foundation interwoven with relevant and current pragmatics of leading and managing for success within dynamic and unpredictable post-secondary contexts.

Program Details

This program provides essential background for formal and informal academic and/or non-academic leaders who are aspiring or current leaders, managers or administrators within a post-secondary institution. This program provides requisite curriculum content, research, and practical applications related to leading people, leading change, achieving financial competencies, and perspicacious and sagacious in problem solving current issues and nimbly avoiding or strategizing potential threats.

This program will be of interest to aspiring and incumbent post-secondary managers/leaders, service personnel, library and technology experts, instructors and curriculum leaders who work with students, provide service, lead and/or design curriculum and earning experiences within the post-secondary sector. Post-secondary institutions may include: colleges, institutes, universities, and varied post-secondary learning organizations and academies, such as: police academies, professional accreditation organizations, private universities/colleges, polytechnics, institutes of technology or the arts, and others.

A registration package will be sent to new students after they have been admitted. Registration for the summer term will be available in late winter. Fall and Winter registration opens in the spring. Your Graduate Program Administrator will send more information about registration to you.

Fee details are available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.

The University of Calgary offers multiple ways to meet the cost of your education. Please refer to the Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries page to learn more about options available to students. For additional information, please contact Student Financial Support.

A written statement of intent (suggested length: 300 words) indicating the applicant's reasons for pursuing a graduate program in Graduate Programs in Education. The statement should address the following:

  • Please identify your reasons for applying to this graduate program.
  • Please outline the particular topics or questions that you plan to pursue in your specialization.
  • In what way is this program related to your desired career path or employment objectives?

Two references are required for students applying to the Graduate Certificate (Step 1). References will be asked to complete an online reference form. No hard copy documents will be accepted.

  • Graduate Diploma (Step 2) applicants are not required to submit references.
  • Master of Education - Educational Research Topic (Step 3) applicants are not required to submit references.

Applicants to the Master of Education - Educational Research Topic (Step 3): the minimum admission requirements for the final step of the MEd Interdisciplinary degree program also include completion of steps 1 and 2, the Graduate Certificate AND the Graduate Diploma in Education.

Relevant Prior Learning Considerations:

In exceptional circumstances, individuals who do not meet formal academic requirements but who have significant life achievements may be considered for admission to the program. The candidates must provide the relevant graduate program with evidence demonstrating a potential to undertake successfully the proposed program of studies.

Such candidates are advised to make early contact with Graduate Programs in Education, and supply additional supporting documents as part of their application package, such as:

a) Evidence of personal continuing education/training.

b) Results in these continuing education efforts.

c) Experience in a field related to the aspired degree.

d) Evidence of successful management of people, resources, finances, situations.

e) Increasing or varying responsible positions in organizations related to the aspired degree.

f) Work-related products, e.g. reports, programs of learning or training, handbooks, videos, manuals, workshops, seminars.

g) Evidence of personal growth in knowledge, understanding, management skills, and intellectual resources.

h) Evidence of innovation.

i) Evidence of leadership, coordination.

Admission to all graduate programs is highly competitive due to limited enrollment capacities. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

All graduate programs are governed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. In the case of any conflict, regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar take precedence over material on this website. Please consult the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar for University of Calgary graduate admission requirements.

Offers of admission are valid only for the term to which applications are made. Graduate Programs in Education will not grant deferrals of admission. Students unable to take up an offer will be required to submit a new application.

Program Schedule & Course Descriptions

  • Program begins each July (summer term 1) 
  • Outlines are normally available 1-2 weeks prior to the start of term in D2L
  • 3 units per course

Term 1 - Summer

Post-secondary Policy and Governance

Governance is the formal system designed to oversee the balance between institutional autonomy and public accountability; while policies are the rules created by leaders that guide operations. Governance and policies are the framework for operations, alignment, accountability, and authority and these provide the parameters of power and authority for leaders.

Registration info:
EDER 619.34

Term 2 - Fall

Change and Innovation in Education

This course is designed to examine the meaning of change and innovation, the change agents and implementers, and impacts and evaluation of the change. Specifically, the ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘where to now’ of leading change and innovation will be explored.

Registration info:
EDER 619.xx

Term 3 - Winter

Economics and Finance in Post-secondary Contexts

This course examines the key socio-political, economic, and financial dimensions involved in the relationship between post-secondary institutions and funding agencies. Topics relate to relevant accountabilities, political trends, and implications for leaders’ and other stakeholders’ work within post-secondary education.

Registration info:
EDER 619.31

Term 4 - Spring

Current Issues and the Future of Post-secondary

This course is specifically designed to explore current and emergent trends and issues and will “possiblize” future crises and/or opportunities that may confront leaders in PS. Learners will be encouraged to individually and collectively critically analyze and problem solve issues in their own and peers’ contexts and to brainstorm strategies to address potential weaknesses and/or threats to PS institutional operations, quality, funding, and reputations.

Registration info:
EDER 619.66

Have Questions? Connect with Us


Graduate Program Administrator (GPA)

Dr. Shelleyann Scott

Academic Program Coordinator

Dr. Shelleyann Scott

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