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Post-secondary Leadership and Learning


Master of Education - MEd Interdisciplinary (4 course program)




One year (4 consecutive terms)


Graduate Program Administrator:
Shelley Enderton

Academic Coordinators:
Dr. Shelleyann Scott

Program Overview

Leaders, managers, and administrators are pivotal to creating environments that are supportive to quality learning, student experience, and retention and satisfaction – that is, to institutional reputation for quality learning.  This program is designed to provide exposure to evidence-based foundation; personal reflection, analysis and action planning opportunities; and pragmatic solution-oriented learning experiences and tasks that will facilitate learners’ development of the requisite knowledge, skills, and attributes/attitudes to promote successful leadership and learning within post-secondary contexts.

Program Details

Courses in this program are offered fully online. Courses are held in both an asynchronous environment (D2L) and a synchronous (real-time) environment (Zoom) which allows instructors to virtually meet and talk with students and experience a live exchange of ideas, hear class presentations and do group work with access to a whiteboard. For additional information regarding online delivery, refer to the eLearn website.

At the end of this program students will have:

  • explored theories, research, and practical applications that will influence their understanding of the origin and context of post-secondary institutions and will shape their leadership beliefs and actions with their colleagues, academics, professional staff, technical experts, and students.
  • explored a range of leadership theories, models and approaches for more effective leadership for learning within the post-secondary sector.
  • acquired an understanding of both the importance and strategies for optimal teaching, learning, assessment, as well as the importance and approaches to building relationships with students.
  • An evidence-based understanding and set of strategies to facilitate adult learners’ learning, the need for continual enhancement of curriculum content and designs, teaching, learning, and assessment as well as the implications of and opportunities presented by technology for the 21st learner and post-secondary teaching instructor.

This program will be of interest to aspiring and incumbent post-secondary managers/leaders, service personnel, library and technology experts, instructors and curriculum leaders who work with students, provide service, lead and/or design curriculum and earning experiences within the post-secondary sector. Post-secondary institutions may include: colleges, institutes, universities, and varied post-secondary learning organizations and academies, such as: police academies, professional accreditation organizations, private universities/colleges, polytechnics, institutes of technology or the arts, and others.

A registration package will be sent to new students after they have been admitted. Registration for the summer term will be available in late winter. Fall and Winter registration opens in the spring. Your Graduate Program Administrator will send more information about registration to you.

Fee details are available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.

The University of Calgary offers multiple ways to meet the cost of your education. Please refer to the Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries page to learn more about options available to students. For additional information, please contact Student Financial Support.

Program Schedule & Course Descriptions

  • Program begins each Summer term (refer to the Academic Schedule for specific dates)
  • Outlines are normally available 1-2 weeks prior to the start of term in D2L
  • 3 units per course

Term 1 - Summer

Origins of Post-secondary Education
EDER 619.65

This course provides an historical foundation to contemporary post-secondary education contexts. Themes explored include seminal historical, political, philosophical, and cultural dimensions which shaped current leadership and teaching practices. Understanding the past provides students with the knowledge necessary to work within, and potentially shape, contemporary and future post-secondary organizations.

Term 2 - Fall

Post-secondary Learners and their Development
EDER 619.63

This course examines the post-secondary “student experience” related to “what matters most”. It explores the people and structures that facilitate students’ development along with strategies to enhance student success, satisfaction, and retention.
Potential themes include: Student engagement theory, student development, ethnic, racial, cognitive development theory; student resistance theory; generational theory; understanding learners and their expectations; EDI and accommodations (e.g., Indigenous empowerment and reconciliation (exploring the TRC calls to action), immigrants/refugees, linguistic diversity, special needs, etc.).

Term 3 - Winter

Teaching and Learning in Post-secondary
EDER 619.08

This course examines the research/practice related to optimal teaching, learning, and assessment in post-secondary. It examines T&L from students, teaching educators, and leaders/administrators’ perspectives. Additionally, T&L and assessment are examined from a range of stakeholders’ lenses. Varied post-secondary institutions are considered to identify how varied mandates may influence T&L.

Term 4 - Spring

Leading in Post-secondary
EDER 619.64

This includes formal and informal leadership and encompasses student, library, technology, international, and other support services that impact the student experience. It explores the challenges and underpinning theories of academic (instructional) and service leadership “from the middle” with the view to solving problems and designing sound, pragmatic action.

Have Questions? Connect with Us


Graduate Program Administrator (GPA)

Dr. Shelleyann Scott

Academic Program Coordinator

Dr. Shelleyann Scott

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