Dianne Gereluk
Werklund School of Education
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Contact information
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Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist
Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc
Educational Background
PhD Educational Policy and Foundations, Institute of Education, University College London, 2004
MA Educational Policy, University of Calgary, 1999
BEd Secondary Education, University of Alberta, 1994
Dianne Gereluk received her doctorate of philosophy at the Institute of Education, University College London in 2004. She was a senior lecturer at Roehampton University, London England, from 2003-2009. Upon returning to Alberta, Dianne Gereluk served as Chair of Leadership, Policy and Governance specialization at the University of Calgary from 2011-2013. From 2013-2018, Dianne Gereluk served as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs in Education at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.
Dr. Gereluk is author of Education and Community (Continuum, 2006), Symbolic Clothing in Schools (Bloomsbury, 2008), Education, Extremism and Terrorism (Bloomsbury, 2012), Questioning the Classroom: Perspectives on Canadian Education (Oxford University Press, 2016 co-authored with Christopher Martin, Bruce Maxwell, and Trevor Norris), Understanding School Choice in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2016, co-authored with Lynn Bosetti) and co-edited book with Michael Corbett, Rural teacher education in Canada: connecting land and people (Springer,2019).He co-authored book with Bruce Maxwell and Christopher Martin, Professional Ethics and law: a handbook for Canadian Teachers, will be published in 2022 (Canadian Scholars Press).
Dr. Gereluk’s work has been published widely in the Guardian, Times Higher Education, National Post, The Independent, and other academic and professional journals. She speaks regularly on CTV, CBC, and Alberta Primetime on politically sensitive topics in schools and education.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dianne Gereluk has provided service and leadership to the Werklund School of Education and University of Calgary since her arrival in 2011. She was Chair of the Educational Leadership Specialization from 2011-2013 before being appointed as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in Education from 2013-2018. She served as a member of the executive cabinet for the University of Calgary United Way Campaign from 2014-2017. At the provincial level, she was a member of the Teacher Education Certification Committee (Alberta Teachers’ Association) from 2013-2018, and executive committee member of the Alberta Education Workforce Planning Committee from 2013-14, and is currently Chair of the Association of Deans of Education. She has served in numerous capacities over her academic career with the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Philosophy of Education Society (USA), and the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. She has served the broader community as a mentor with CRIEC/Bow Valley College Mentoring Collaborative, Center for Excellence in Immigrant and Intercultural Advancement, and for the Calgary Immigrant Services for Professional Immigrant Women.
Areas of Research
Dianne Gereluk’s research examines normative aspects of educational policy and practice specifically related to politically contested and controversial issues in education. An overarching philosophical focus examines how educators can create the conditions for more robust political deliberation in an increasingly polarized civil society. Her work has also looked at political controversies in schools such as gun violence, gender and sexual identity, and youth radicalization. For over fifteen years, Gereluk has been a prominent spokesperson on the issue of dress code policies in schools, in North America and Europe. More recently, Gereluk has examined just preconditions for equity and access for rural schooling in Canada, and on the notion of well-being in higher education.
- Educational policy
- Philosophy of education
- Educational reforms
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Inclusive by design: a multimedia pathway to governance transformation in higher education
PI: Aleem Bharwani. Co-applicants: Bonnie Lashewicz, Dianne Gereluk, Dianne Mosher, Lorian Hardcastle, Malinda Smith, Michael Hart, Pamela Roach, Wendy Cukier
Co-designing, implementing and evaluating and inclusive governance model for University faculties in partnership with equity-seeking communities in Treaty 7 territory/Métis Nation of Alberta/Southern Alberta
PI: Aleem Bharwani. Co-applicants: Bonnie Lashewicz, Dianne Gereluk, Dianne Mosher, Lorian Hardcastle, Malinda Smith, Michael Hart, Pamela Roach, Wendy Cukier
- Publication of the Year Award (for Understanding School Choice in Canada, co-authored with Lynn Bosetti), Canadian Association of Foundations in Education. 2017
- Leadership Excellence in Education Award, Werklund School of Education. 2016
- Teaching Award for Curriculum Development, University of Calgary - Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning. 2015
- U Make a Difference Award, University of Calgary. 2015
- Strategic Initiative: Philosophy in Educational Policy and Practice, 2014
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK. 2007
- Research Fellow, Beliefs, Rights and Values Research Centre, Roehampton University. 2008
- Educational Theory Award, 2012
- Roehampton University Teaching Fellowship, Roehampton University. 2007
- Spencer Foundation Scholarship , Spencer Foundation. 2003
- Anne Louise Mundell Humanitarian Award, University of Alberta. 1993
- Professional ethics and law: a handbook for Canadian teachers. C. Martin; D. Gereluk; B. Maxwell. Canadian Scholars Press. 325. (2022)
- Rural teacher education in Canada: connecting land and people. Corbett, M. & Gereluk, D.. Singapore: Springer.. 328. (2019)
- A problem-based approach in philosophy of education. B. Maxwell; D. Gereluk; A. Colgan. Routledge. 30-Jan. (2019)
- Rural teacher education in Canada: connecting land and people. D. Gereluk (eds.); M. Corbett. Springer. 300. (2019)
- Flourishing and well-being in the academy: a capabilities approach. Gereluk, D. . Philosophical Inquiry in Education.. (2018)
- Building ethical judgment and reasoning for preservice teachers. C. Scramstad; D. Gereluk; J. K. Donlevy; B. Maxwell; Tanchuk. Canadian Association for Teacher Education. 15-38. (2018)
- School trustees acting badly and freedom of expression under the Charter. Donlevy, J.K., Brandon, J., Gereluk, D. . Education Law Journal, 27(2), 125.143. ISSN 08382875. (2018)
- Should Schools Have Dress Codes?. D. Gereluk; B. Warnick. Macmillan press. 20-Jan. (2017)
- Reflecting and informing health and wellness: the development of a comprehensive school health course in a Bachelor of Education program. Russell-Mayhew, S., Ireland, A., Murray, K., Nutter, S. Gabriele, T., Peat, G., Gereluk, D.. Journal of Educational Thought, 50 (2&3). 156-181. (2017)
- Understanding School Choice in Canada. L. Bosetti; D. Gereluk. University of Toronto Press. 177. (2016)
- School identity in the context of Alberta charter schools.. Thompson, M., Gereluk, D., & Kowch, E. . Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 10(1) DOI: 10.1080/15582159.2015.1132934. 112-128.. (2016)
- Questioning the Classroom: Perspectives in Canadian Education. T Norris; D. Gereluk; C. Martin; B. Maxwell. Oxford University Press. 265. (2016)
- Questioning the classroom. Dianne T Gereluk. (2016)
- (2015). Normative considerations in the aftermath of targeted gun violence in schools. . Gereluk, D., Donlevy, J.K., & Thompson, M.. Educational Theory. 65(4). DOI: 10.111/edith.12127. 459-474. (2015)
- Canada’s constitutionally protected Catholic schools and gay-straight alliance clubs. . Donlevy, K. Brandon, J., Gereluk, D. & Patterson, P.. Education and Law Journal, 24(1). ISSN 0838-2875. 49-65. (2015)
- Parental rights, teachers’ professional autonomy and contested pedagogy under the Alberta Human Rights Act.. Gereluk, D., Farrell, M., Donlevy, J.K., Patterson, P., & Brandon, J.. Critical Education, 6(2). ISSN 1920-4125.. 1-18. (2015)
- Citizenship education and the construction of identity in Canada. Dianne T Gereluk. (2014)
- Parental Rights and the Aims of Education. Dianne Gereluk; J Portelli; W. Hare. Detselig Enterprises Inc.. 326-338. (2013)
- Education, Extremism and Terrorism: What Should be Taught in Citizenship Education and Why. Dianne Gereluk. Bloomsbury. (2012)
- Education, extremism and terrorism. Dianne T Gereluk. (2012)
- Should Parents Have a Say in Their Children’s Schooling?. R Bailey; Dianne Gereluk. Continuum. 125-135. (2010)
- Children’s Autonomy and Symbolic Clothing in Schools: help or hindrance?. G Preyer; Y. Raley; Dianne Gereluk. Routledge. 198-211. (2009)
- What Not to Wear: Dress Codes and Uniform Policies in the Common School Ideal. G Haydon; M. Halstead; Dianne Gereluk. Wiley-Blackwell. 141-154. (2009)
- Symbolic clothing in schools. Dianne T Gereluk. (2008)
- Education and Community. Dianne Gereluk. Continuum. (2008)
- Symbolic Clothing in Schools. Dianne Gereluk. Continuum. (2008)
- : Le cadre éthique et légal de l’enseignement : Guide pour les professionnels de l'enseignement. . B. Maxwell. D. Gereluk and C. Martin. Presses de ‘Université du Québec. 344. (2023)
- The Permissible and contested boundaries of religious dress worn in schools: contemporary examples of religious restriction - Canada, France, Kenya, and Turkey. D. Gereluk and H. Haggarty. Bloomsbury Publishing. (2023)
- Gendered inequities in the academy. . D. Gereluk. Springer. 175-184. (2020)
- A systematic review of the conceptualization, interpretation, and implementation of shared governance in post-secondary contexts. K. Raza, P. Roach, . Hardcastle, L., A. Hayden, D. Gereluk and A. Bharwani. Studies in Higher Education. 1-19. (2024)
- A whole-school approach to address youth radicalization. D. Gereluk. Educational Theory. 1-18. (2023)
- “Teacher burnout is one of my greatest fears”: Interrupting a narrative on fire. E. Williams, E. Tingle, J. Morhun, S.Vosa, K. Murray, D. Gereluk, and S. Russell-Mayhew. Canadian Journal of Education. (2022)
- The insufficiency of high school completion rates to redress educational inequities among Indigenous students. D. Louie and D. Gereluk. Philosophical Inquiry in Education. 43-58. (2021)
- Responsive middle level teacher education: learning from central Alberta middle school leaders. J. Rheaume, J. Brandon, K. Donlevy, and D. Gereluk. American Journal of Educational Research. 445-454. (2019)
More Information
- “Alberta Education looks to fill 3 high-level curriculum jobs — no classroom experience necessary” CBC news, October 26, 2021. Alberta Education looks to fill 3 high-level curriculum jobs — no classroom experience necessary (yahoo.com)
- “How a school curriculum is written’, Calgary CBC Eyeopener, October 23, 2020. https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-5-calgary-eyeopener/clip/15804799-how-school-curriculum-written?share=true
- “It’s time to address the hidden agenda of dress code policies”. Global News Radio 770 CHQR. August 28, 2018.
- “Back to school: laid-off oilpatch professional fuel spike in applications at U of C’s education faculty”, CBC news, April 13, 2017,
- “Addressing Concerns about Gender-Based Learning”, Calgary Herald, March 29, 2017“
- Calgary school dress codes sexist” Calgary Herald, October 11, 2016
- “The importance of male teachers: there aren’t enough male teachers in elementary classrooms. And that’s bad news for your kids. Today’s Parent, Oct. 5, 2015. http://www.todaysparent.com/kids/the-importance-of-male-teachers/
- “Recruiting Rural Teachers”, Alberta Primetime, July 27, 2015 http://alberta.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=666449&binId=1.2002989&playlistPageNum=1
- “Terrorism: comment l’école aborde le sujet” Par Falila Gbadamassi, January 15, 2015. Francetvinfo, Geopolis, http://geopolis.francetvinfo.fr/terrorisme-comment-les- systemes-educatifs-abordent-le-sujet-50813
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