Find Your Cause
The Werklund School of Education has become known as a change leader in education. We lead and advance research and theory that influences educational policy and professional practice through purposeful collaborations. We recognize our responsibilities to individuals, to our partners in education and community settings, and to current and future generations of learners. Among the flagship areas where we focus our research and development are:
Child Wellbeing
At Werklund we are committed to advancing the holistic notion of what is needed to ensure all children thrive as they grow from child to adolescent and onto emergent adult; be it in their schools, homes and communities at large. From early learning, to social emotional learning, and in consideration of neurodiversity, Werklund is dedicated to redefining how teachers, school psychologists and counseling psychologists support lifelong learners.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Werklund School is resolute in our support and promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion in the schools of all children. By giving voice to the students, teachers, school psychologists and counselling psychologists are poised to eradicate conditions which have historically marginalized LGBTQ+, ethnic minority, and other vulnerable populations in traditional school settings.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion News
How high school educators can help girls resist Islamophobia
Indigenous Education
We are committed to strengthening teacher education for Indigenous peoples through fully integrated strategies that address the preservation of culture and language, as well as barriers to post-secondary education.

Indigenous Education News
Rural high school students try on design thinking, problem-solving and collaboration at Indigenous Youth Forum
STEM Education
The four STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – are among the foundational building blocks of education. A solid base in these core subjects is the key to innovation, and strong expertise in STEM is an emerging requirement for the future economy. At Werklund, we are committed to developing teaching and learning initiatives that will inspire new careers in STEM education, as well as enhance and expand the learning opportunities for today’s teachers, scientists and industry partners.

Gather around a virtual campfire, complete with fire-crackling sound effects, for some LGBTQ storytelling