Postdoctoral Scholars
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Postdoctoral ScholarWerklund School of Education, Specialization, Counselling PsychologyStigma, Self-Compassion, Sexual Minorities, Gender Minorities, Motivation, Body Image, Eating Behavior, Physical Activity
Postdoctoral FellowWerklund School of Education, Specialization, Language and Literacy
Postdoctoral AssociateWerklund School of Education, Specialization, School and Applied Child PsychologyEducational Neuroscience, Transdisciplinary Research, Teaching and Learning, Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Post-Doctoral Scholar of Masculinities Studies in EducationWerklund School of Education, Office of the Dean
Postdoctoral AssociateWerklund School of Education, Specialization, Learning SciencesSTEM education; authentic assessments; multilingual learners; embodied learning; design-based research; mixed methods; education equity
Post Doctoral AssociateWerklund School of Education, Specialization, Language and LiteracyCorrectional Education: Technology Assisted Literacy and Language Learning Research Project, YouthLink Research Project - The comprehension and retention of a school age students after participating in a crime prevention program offered through the Calgary Police Museum, The benefits of international teacher and student exchanges, Perspectives on Correctional Education: Engaging the Voices of Instructors and Incarcerated Students.