June 4, 2015

International students raise money to support relief efforts in Nepal

IFP bake sale raises more than $1500

The International Foundations Program (IFP) hosted a bake sale to raise funds to help those affected by the devastating earthquakes in Nepal.

The international students who come to IFP study academic English so that they can succeed in their post-secondary studies.  While here, explains IFP Manager Karen Campbell, they also learn aspects of Canadian culture—and fund raising is part of that culture. In fact, IFP has held bake sales to support several world disasters since 2010.

“We are proud to see all of our students, both international and Canadian, fully embrace this concept by doing their part to give back,” says Campbell.  “Everyone involved was totally dedicated to make the bake sale successful and everyone involved had fun too.”

With the hard work of the students and the commitment of the Canadian government to match all Red Cross donations for Nepal received before May 25, the bake sale raised a total of $1560.