July 21, 2015
Meet the 2015-2016 GPESA Executive and EDSA Representatives
The Graduate Programs in Education Students Association Departmental Student Association Executive is comprised of GPE students who work to coordinate activities that promote communication links among students, faculty members and staff. They also serve as student representatives to the committees of Graduate Programs in Education and the Werklund School of Education, as well as working with the University of Calgary Graduate Students Association (GSA). Executive positions are one-year terms.
Maisha M. Syeda - President
Laura MoonieVice - President-Academic
Nazia ViceerVice - President-Student Life
Chuanmei LinVice - President-Finance
Brit Paris - Promotions and Media Relations Officer
Heather Craig - Secretary
Andrew Mardjetko - Adult Learning
VACANT - Curriculum and Learning
Konstantinos Chondros - Counselling Psychology
Brianna Hilman - Language and Diversity
Laura Flanigan - School and Applied Child Psychology
Gina Ko - Leadership
VACANT - Learning Sciences
Learn more about the Graduate Programs in Education Students Association