Jan. 14, 2015

Meet the GPESA

Graduate Programs in Education Students' Association

The leadership of the Graduate Programs in Education Students' Association is in the midst of a very exciting year, and they have been busy, busy, busy!  While the group of seven continues to organize initiatives to meet the academic and social of their classmates through activities such as research seminars and social pub nights, they also have plans to launch new projects and events. Led by president Maisha Syeda, the leadership team includes Maisha Syeda, Laura Moonie, Frances Kalu and Nina Howorun. 

They recently took a few minutes to talk a bit about their plans.

Maisha:  "Firstly, we published GPESA's first ever Newsletter this past December. The Newsletter featured news, updates and mini articles on topics and issues pertaining to academic endeavours, social life and mental health of graduate students.

Secondly, GPESA is hosting a special event, "Research Editing and Publication: Powerful Conversations with an Expert Panel" on January 22. In attendance, there will be a number of well-published individuals from various fields of Education and Educational Psychology to share their tips on writing and publishing research manuscripts. GPESA will also be launching its student-run writing group at the event to support our colleagues produce sound academic papers and research manuscripts.

Finally, GPESA aims to collaborate with community partners to provide opportunities for our colleagues to enhance their engagement and leadership in the community. GPESA welcomes and encourages feedback and participation from all our graduate students to help us accomplish our goal of enhancing our overall educational experience at Werklund School of Education."

What are some of the challenges grad students face? What does the GPESA do to support them?

"Students can face an array of challenges throughout their time in graduate school, such as:

-Inadequate work-life balance (all work, no life)
-Moving to new city
-Negative physical and psychological effects of increased stress levels
-Increased financial stress and expectations

The predominant way GPESA provides support for graduate students is by being available through various means, including email, telephone, social media, and face-to-face interactions during office hours and social events. We would also like our graduate students to know that we are available to answer questions and/or offer support regarding academics and professional development, as well as any personal, professional, or social areas of their lives.

GPESA also strives to work with faculty and our community partners to provide resources and respite to our graduate students, particularly pertaining to challenges faced by graduate students. For example, this year GPESA is planning to organize a couple of academic-de-stress activities in an effort to reduce our students' stress levels. GPESA also provides access to other resources to help support graduate students' changing needs, such as the contact information of relevant faculty members, events, seminars, presentations, networking experiences, and academic deadlines as well as a platform for social respite.

We are here to help make our students' experience in graduate school as enjoyable and successful as possible!"  

Tell us about some of the activities planned for Werklund's graduate students.  What sort of activities and programs are available to them?

"GPESA plans a few social events each year to connect graduate students in Education in an informal, casual setting. Most recently, we held a Pub Night at the Den, where students were able to come out for a drink and some appetizers while connecting with new colleagues. These social nights are a great opportunity to network with fellow classmates, as well as people who are in a different area of study than yourself.

Additionally, on every first Thursday of the month, GPESA holds its own research seminars that address topics of interest to graduate students. One of our Fall seminars, "How can I make an effective SSHRC application?" provided an opportunity for our Master's students to have their applications peer-reviewed by previous SSHRC holders.

Finally, as the academic year progresses, GPESA is planning to facilitate a writing group for students as well as participating in community outreach initiatives, providing opportunities for students to gain valuable community services and leadership experiences."

How can students have their voice heard through the GPESA? Can raising their concerns and experiences have an impact?

"GPESA has the ability to extend and strengthen a grad student's ‎voice within the School. Our members sit on faculty committees and are voting, contributing members of decision making processes within the School. 

If students have concerns or questions that they cannot resolve through talking with their supervisors or with their GPE advisors, they should know who their GPESA rep is and how to contact them.

There is a GPESA rep for each Educational Study Area or, as we call them, EDSAs. Right now, we are holding bi-elections for vacancies in Leadership and Learning Sci. You can nominate yourself or a fellow student if you want to help those EDSAs!

Grad students can also approach one of us in the executive - Maisha, Laura, Frances, Nina, or Andrea. We want to know - and need to know - your suggestions, questions and concerns related to your grad student experience in the Werklund School of Education. We will then address your concerns anonymously at the appropriate School committee meeting."

What's happening in your EDSA?

EDSA: Adult Learning
Name of rep: Alyssa Ficaccio

"This semester in Adult Learning we have a new opportunity for students to attend monthly on-campus lunch events. Stay tuned for information on upcoming lunch events, as well as graduate student seminars and colloquia dates led by the Adult Learning EDSA!"

EDSA: Counselling Psychology
Name of rep: Tiffany Beks

"Right now, in the Counselling Psychology study area, we are focusing on completing our self-study for re-accreditation. This is a comprehensive review of all aspects of the program and will include a site-visit."

EDSA: Curriculum & Learning
Name of rep:  Menaka Thirukumaran

"We recently had an introduction mixer, and many people were able to attend.  We are hoping to have another mixer before the end of the calendar year to give people even more opportunities to network and celebrate the end of term.  On January 22 we will be having a session entitled "Every act of knowing brings forth a world: Why does educational research matter in the world?" We would like to encourage everyone to attend, as having purposive research is relevant to all of us." 

EDSA: Language & Diversity 

Name of rep: Brianna Hilman

"In the Language & Diversity EDSA, students are regularly meeting with Faculty members to discuss matters pertaining to our academic endeavors. Recently, we had a round-table Q/A discussion on PhD Candidacy. "

EDSA: School and Applied Child Psychology (SACP)
Name of rep: Stephanie Huynh

"The SACP is an innovative program designed to prepare students for the field of School and Applied Child Psychology. The program is actively working towards CPA (Canadian Psychological Association) accreditation with both students and faculty and highly engaged at the forefront of research and clinical work. In addition to our course work and theoretical/clinical training, students also receive school-based practicum experiences and internships.

We also pride ourselves on the extensive work done in the U-CAPES clinic (now known as the Integrative Services Clinic, or ISE) where students work with supervising doctoral student clinicians and faculty to provide psychological assessment, prevention and treatment services to improve the well-being of children and families.  Last month, our clinical work was inaugurated as Werklund's new education and applied psychology clinic, Integrative Services in Education on the 4th floor of Education Tower."

GPESA would also like to welcome our new rep for Learning Sciences, Eliana Elkhoury. She joined our team in mid-November of 2014, following our bi-elections.
