Masculinities Studies in Education
New Media
Here is a recent interview with Dr. Michael Kehler.

For information on the Masculinity Summit that is taking place in Calgary, Canada please click on the link below.
Why Study Masculinities?
Masculinities Studies research operates from a profeminist standpoint. As such researchers in the field conduct research that draws on feminist theories addressing gender identities. Specifically masculinities scholars argue that masculinities are fluid, socially constructed and that the ways in which boys and men take up “projects of masculinity” are connected to power relations. Along this line masculinities studies draws on feminist stand point to interrogate how and when men enact, perform masculinities and how this intersects within a matricies of power including sexualities class, and raced identities.
People might be interested in masculinities studies because it further contributes to an already burgeoning field that examines and raises critical questions about injustices and inequities in societies. Extending past research, masculinities studies continues to interrogate issues of power as they emerge from how masculinities are navigated and constructed in daily interactions.
The primary goal for a Research Professorship in Masculinities Studies in Education is to clearly launch a research agenda that connects within and beyond the university communities. In doing so the goal of this research professorship is to create a dynamic and vibrant research community that contributes to a transformative scholarly community with practical implications within education and beyond.
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Michael Kehler
Originally from Kingston, Ontario, Dr. Kehler completed his undergraduate degree s (B. A. Hons, B.Ed) at Queens’ University. Following years of teaching high school English within Canada and abroad, Dr. Kehler pursued his Ph. D from Michigan State University. He taught at the Faculty of Education and Womens’ Studies at Western University, London, Ontario for 17 years before accepting the positon as Research Professor in Masculinities’ Studies in Education at the University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education.
Click here for a full profile of Dr. Michael Kehler
Research Into Masculinities at Werklund
Meet the Graduate Student Team
We are a group research students examining the ways in which masculinities are constructed and performed.
Find out more about the programs available in the link below.
Dr. Gabriel Knott-Fayle
Dr Gabriel Knott-Fayle is Postdoctoral Associate of Masculinities in Education Studies at the University of Calgary's Werklund School of Education. He completed his PhD in Communication and Media and has researched areas of gender, sports, media, cisgenderism, masculinities and discourse
Ryan Jones

Ryan Jones (he/him)-Ryan is a current EdD student at the University of Calgary, working under Dr. Kehler. He explores the balance between masculine pride and shame in the classroom through an affective lens of emotional awareness. Ryan's current research is looking at the effects of toxic masculinity discourse on the learning environment for High School boys and how this may affect their achievement emotions.

Masculinities News
In the News Michael Kehler writing in The Conversation Canada
Who says boys don’t cry? Why we must encourage men and boys to express their emotions
In the News Michael Kehler and Gabriel Knott-Fayle writing in The Conversation Canada
Suffering in silence: Men’s and boys’ mental health are still overlooked in sport
Real cowboys do cry
Werklund research prof Michael Kehler wrangles with expressions of masculinity at Calgary Stampede
In the News The Conversation Canada
World Cup 2022: Men’s soccer must stop silencing activism and allyship
In the News The Conversation Canada
Hockey Canada scandal highlights toxic masculinity in sports
Trump-Biden debate: A locker room brawl in the midst of COVID-19 crisis
The first debate of the U.S. presidential election was a disturbing but unsurprising display of white privileged masculinity, writes Michael Kehler, Werklund School of Education, in Conversation Canada
Recent Publications
Knott-Fayle, G., M. Kehler, and B. Gough (2023) Navigating Allyship: Straight and Queer Male Athlete’s Accounts of Building Alliances. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/18902138.2023.2277087
Borduas, C., M. Kehler, & G. Knott-Fayle (2023, July) School Spaces, School Places: Shifting Masculinities During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Educational Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2023.102211 (Eds. G. Stahl, A. Keddie & L. Scholes)
Knott-Fayle, G., M. Kehler, B. Gough (2023) Curating Embodiment: Transformation and Tensions in Men’s Accounts of Shared Nudity. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities. pp. 1-24.
Waling, A., Kehler, M., Power, J., Kerr, L., Bourne, A. (2022). ‘I don’t think my torso is anything to write home about’: men’s reflexive production of ‘authentic’ photos for online dating platforms. Journal of Gender Studies. ‘I don’t think my torso is anything to write home about’: men’s reflexive production of ‘authentic’ photos for online dating platforms: Journal of Gender Studies: Vol 0, No 0 (tandfonline.com)
Kehler, M. & C. Borduas (2021) ‘Isn’t that a girl problem?’: Boys, bodies, and the discourse of denial. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 14(2), pp. 65-89. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/boyhood-studies/14/2/bhs140205.xml
Waling, A., L. Kerr, A. Bourne, J. Power, M. Kehler (2020) “It’s nice to be appreciated”: Understanding men’s engagements with sexting and practices of sending Dick Pics to women". Sexualities, 1-24, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1363460720947297. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1363460720947297
Kehler, M., T. Fowler, C. Borduas (2020) Masculinity, violence, and privilege: An examination of ongoing challenges within hockey and sport culture. Prepared and submitted to the National Hockey League-Melissa Parnagian, Brian Blake, Paul LaCaruba, February 18.
View recent media appearances, podcasts, and masculinities research resources below.
For a complete list, view Michael's Profile here.
Last Lecture
New Masculinities For Older Boys
SSHRC COVID-19: School spaces, school places: Examining adolescents masculinities during the COVID-19 pandemic: With growing concern about the social and education implications of COVID-19, newly launched initiatives are being called to action in uncovering the significance of gender-based analysis (GBA+) during pandemic times. For our SSHRC funded project, in partnership with the Centre for Sexuality, this exploratory research examines how the social construction and materialization of masculine subjectivities, how boys "do boy," may be negotiated and possibly reconfigured in home schooled spaces during COVID-19 times. The examination of masculinities in pre, during, and post COVID-19 times supports an investigation into how school spaces (home, regular school) regulate the (de)construction of rules and norms of masculinities that students implicitly and explicitly understand. Central questions include: To what extent do actual spaces and places (school, home) produce and regulate the construction of teen masculinities? Which forms of adolescent masculinities, prevalent in secondary schools, are challenged in COVID times? Which forms of "adaptive masculinities" emerge in relation to the shifting socio-cultural context in which boys are schooled?
SOTL: Schooling masculinities in teacher education: Disruptive practices, transformative pedagogies in gender and education: This project is designed to introduce and respond to ongoing issues teacher candidates address with regards to gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in Alberta schools and specifically boys, bullying, homophobia and sexism. This project is two-fold in scope and focus. Our primary objective is to better understand to what degree an intentionally designed, optional course can disrupt teaching/thinking about gender in education and directly influence teacher's pedagogical practices. In other words, our team is examining the "what is" in the process of teaching and learning. Additionally, this project will explore how students learn about gender issues in education, more specifically masculinities in education and how that might inform teaching practice and teacher education
M3: Media, Masculinities, Mental Health: This project investigates the relationship between men’s engagement with online dating, and erotic imagery production practices.
- The aims of this project include 1) understanding the relationship between potential male body image anxieties and/or confidences and online dating platforms; and 2) examining the role of online dating platforms in the wider sense of mental and sexual health and, and overall well-being of young men.
Athletes for Action: This project explores and evaluates the experiences of contributors to the Worldwide Roar; an innovative, immersive approach to promoting healthy masculinities and allyship in sport. In partnership with Dr. Brendan Gough & Dr. Adam Lowe of Leeds Beckett University, UK, this project is commissioned by Sport Allies to produce a report on current research regarding homophobia, gender, and sporting culture.
Podcasts and Webinars
Kehler, M. D. (2022) - OnBoys: Sport, Masculinity, and Navigating the Playing Field
Kehler, M. D. (2021) - Modern Manhood: Boys, Sport, and Homophobia
Kehler, M. D. (2021) - What Does it Mean to be a Man? VIV Mental Health with Kristopher Marks
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Rethinking Masculinity - Panel Discussion
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - In that Moment, You're Scared: Boys and Hazing
Kehler, M, D. (2018) - Peer Review Podcast: Men and Masculinities in the Post #MeToo Movement
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - Men and Masculinities: Rethinking the Rules that Delineate Masculinity - A Conversation with Michael Kehler and Wali Shah
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - What is the Future of Gender in Canadian Society
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - What Does it Mean to be a Man?
TV and Radio Discussions
Kehler, M. D. (2021) - Sexual Violence Crisis at Western University
Kehler, M. D. (2021) - Addressing Sexual Assault at Post-Secondary Schools
Kehler, M. D. (2021) - New Book Questions What it Means to be a Modern Man
Kehler, M. D. (2020) - Pandemic Creates Historic Moment to End Macho Culture
Kehler M. D. (2020) - Masculinity Under the Microscope
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Men and Boys Can Be Allies for Gender Equality
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Feds to Commit to Feminist Engagement and Gender Equality
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Ottawa Commits to Bring Men into Fight for Gender Equality
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - #MeToo: What Happens When Men Take Action to Change
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - The Inner Workings of Locker Room Culture
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Masculinity and Sport
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Bring all the Boys to the Room
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Did Gillette Miss the Mark with It's Toxic Masculinity Ad?
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Mass Praise and Outrage over Gillette's #MeToo Commercial
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Hundreds Brave Cold Temperatures in Women's March
Kehler, M. D. (2019) - Masculinities Professor Applauds Gillette Ad
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - Tackling Toxic Masculinity
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - What's Next for #MeToo?
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - Being a Man in #MeToo
Kehler, M. D. (2018) - Boys to Men: #MeToo and University of Calgary Lectures
"Queers in Sports” with Gabriel Knott-Fayle
Quick Chat: The Mask You Live In Panel Discussion
Quick Chat Michael Kehler: Masculinities Studies
Quick Chat Michael Kehler: Addressing Homophobia in Sport
Calgary’s Silver Gummy Foundation — which strives to use education as a means of reducing male-perpetrated sexual and domestic violence — made a gift of $250,000 to UCalgary to support the new Professorship in Masculinities Studies at the Werklund School of Education.