Blackfoot Children and Elders Talk Together

Blackfoot Children and Elders Talk Together

by E. Barrie Kavasch


Publisher's description (Powerkids PR, 1999): Children and Elders talk together about their Blackfoot culture. Topics include Blackfoot ways, celebrations, the land, families, ceremonies, food and prayers and thoughts about the future. Other titles in this series that focus on children and Elders of the following cultures: Apache, Crow, Lakota, Seminole, Zuni.

Resource format: Non-fiction Picturebook

Age recommendation: grades 1-5

Keywords: oral traditions, Blackfoot culture, Blackfoot language, land-based learning, Apache, Crow, Lakota, Seminole, Zuni, family relationships, Elder storytelling

Year of publication: 1999

Publisher information: Powerkids PR