The Canoe He Called Loo Taas

The Canoe He Called Loo Taas

by Amanda Reid-Stevens & Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas


Publisher's description (Benjamin Brown Books, 2010): Loo Taas is the amazing 50-foot canoe designed by legendary artist Bill Reid, and carved by members of the Haida community. Her name means "Wave Eater." This is the story of how she came to be through the eyes of the designer's daughter. This is the story of Loo Taas. In 2009, Loo Taas was the alternative mode of transportation for the Olympic Torch while touring on Haida Gwaii. Elder Percy Williams was the torchbearer.

Resource format: Picturebook

Age recommendation: Grades 1 - 3

Keywords: canoe, Bill Reid, community, Haida Gwaii, Indigenous art

Year of publication: 2010

Publisher information: Benjamin Brown Books