Chuck in the City

Chuck in the City

by Jordan Wheeler & Christopher Auchter 


Publisher's description (Theytus Books, 2000): Chuck loves a good adventure. He proved that in Just a Walk. Now Chuck and his mom are heading to the city to visit his grandmother in her new condo. He knows he shouldn't wander off, but the lure of the lively city streets proves too much for a curious little boy to resist.

A rhythmic ebbing and flowing of words and phrases punctuates Chuck's exciting escapade as he befriends and provokes some furry, four-legged city critters, dodges skaters and bladers on bustling sidewalks, gets lost and then uses his wiles to find his way back home.

Resource type: Picturebook

Age recommendation: grades K-2

Keywords: Cree, reserves, rural, urban, humour, rhyming, early literacy, visiting

Year of publication: 2000

Publisher information: Theytus Books