Honouring the Buffalo: A Plain Cree Legend

Honouring the Buffalo: A Plains Cree Legend

by Ray Lavallee, Judith Silverthorne, & Mike Keepness


Publisher's description (Your Nickel's Worth Publishing, 2015): "A long time ago, Our People came from the Northern Woodlands to the Great Plains looking for food," Grandfather said. "They saw that the Buffalo lived in harmony with Mother Earth the same as Our People did." Through the Creator, the buffalo gave themselves as a gift for the sustenance and survival of the Plains Cree people. The largest land animal in North America once thundered across the Great Plains in numbers of 30 to 50 million. They provided shelter, food, clothing, tools, hunting gear, ceremonial objects and many other necessities for those who lived on the Plains. But by 1889, just over a thousand buffalo remained, and the lives of the Plains Cree people changed. The buffalo is honoured to this day, a reminder of life in harmony with nature as it was once lived. This is the story of how the buffalo came to share themselves so freely. The text is in English and y-dialect Plains Cree.  Y-dialect Plains Cree translation by Randy Morin, Jean Okimasis, and Arok Wolvengrey. 

Resource format: Picturebook

Age recommendation: Pre-K to Grade 7

Keywords: Plains Cree, buffalo, gift, sustainable living, language, histories

Year of publication: 2015

Publisher information: Your Nickel's Worth Publishing