Trickster Tales

Trickster Tales

by David Booth & David Bouchard


Publisher's Description (Rubicon Publishing):
These fun and engaging traditional stories combine moral lessons and humour, and lend themselves to rich classroom discussion about right and wrong, respect and disrespect, honesty and dishonesty. The tricksters in these stories can take many forms, such as animals, mythological heroes, or transformers. They love to laugh and play jokes, often getting into trouble, but they can also be helpful and wise."--Publisher's website. Scholastic's Trickster Tales consists of eight different series from the West Coast, Plains, Great Lakes, East Coast, and the North.

Author Biography (Strong Nations):
David Bouchard, speaker, author and educator, is an award-winning writer who has penned over 70 books in both English and French. David is one of Canada’s most sought-after public speakers for his gift of storytelling. In 2009 he was named to the Order of Canada for his contribution as an author of children’s books. David is Métis/Ojibway of the Martin Clan; his Ojibway name is Zhiibaayaanakwad. Born and raised in Saskatchewan, David now lives in Victoria, British Columbia. He is a former president of the Métis Nation of Greater Victoria and continues to serve as a community leader.

Resource type: Graphic Novel

Age recommendation: K-3, 4-6

Keywords: Graphic Novels, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Levelled Readers, Literacy, Shared Reading, Graphic Novel, Trickster

Year of publication: n.d.

Publisher information: Rubicon Publishing