Totem Tale: A Tall Story from Alaska
by Deb Vanasse & Erik Brooks
On a full-moon night in Alaska, a totem pole magically comes to life. The Grizzly, Beaver, Frog, Eagle, Wolf and Raven all stretch and scratch and voice their relief at being free at last. But then the first dawn light appears on the horizon, and the totems have to reassemble themselves in the proper order before morning. Who should be on top of whom? Can wise Raven reason with these contentious creatures?
Deb Vanasse's enchanting text and Erik Brooks's lively illustrations make this a memorable modern folktale.
Resource type: Picturebook
Age recommendation: Pre-K - Grade 3
Keywords: Alaska, modern folktale, totem pole
Year of publication: 2006
Publisher information: Sasquatch Books
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