Collective Wellbeing
As a pillar within the Werklund School academic plan, the wellbeing of our faculty, support staff and students matter.
Profiles in Wellness at Werklund
At Werklund, we're interested in how academic and support staff, as well as our students, support their wellness. We believe that sharing the benefits of our self-care activities with each other can help build our collective well-being.
We invite you to participate by describing your wellness activity in a personal quote in the form below, and then upload a photograph of yourself taking part in the activity - whether it's meditative or athletic, enjoying a still moment or something more action-oriented. We're interested in learning how each of us takes care of our wellness.
This initiative is supported by the UCalgary Health Champions Committee, led by Dr. Shelly Russell-Mayhew and Ever Active Schools, and is meant to elevate the profile of wellness within the Werklund School and across UCalgary.
Thank you for your participation!

Tell us about your self-care
Share one of your self-care activities with Werklund. Send us a quote that captures your wellness, along with a photograph of yourself participating in your wellness activity. With your permission, these photos and quotes will be used to promote wellness on our campus.
Collection of personal information
Your personal information is collected under
the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
Access to Information page.