Fall TAB Sections Request Form

Fall 2024 Request Dates:

Opens April 8th, at 12.00pm (noon); Closes April 30th, at 12.00pm (noon).


Each Fall term, EDUC 521 and EDUC 530 are offered online for students participating in Teaching Across Borders (TAB).

These courses are initially restricted to TAB students. However, should space be available, on-campus students may also take these courses.

Due to limited seats, on-campus students must fill out this request form in order to be considered for seats in these sections. Please note that 'early' requests received via email or any other medium than this form will not be prioritized.

Ensure to read the information below, as you will be asked to confirm you have read and understood all details as a part of the request form:

Note: Due to software restrictions on these courses, students will need to log their registration request(s) via this form to get enrolled.

2024's TAB course offerings are as follows:

EDUC 521:

S26: Thursdays, 6.00 - 7.30am

S28: Thursdays, 6.00 - 7.30pm

EDUC 530:

S26: Wednesdays, 6.00 - 7.30am

S28: Wednesdays, 6.00 - 7.30pm

Students need also be aware of the following:

1. A seat in TAB section courses is not guaranteed - it depends entirely upon space availability. Please note that not all sections may run, depending upon annual changes with TAB program country participation.

2. Please ensure to pay attention to section times - these times have been developed due to time zones of our TAB partner countries, and may conflict with on-campus offerings. We will not adjust on-campus classes for desired TAB sections, nor overload classes so that it lines up with desired TAB sections. Please plan your schedule accordingly.

4. Students should enrol in the on-campus equivalent of their desired TAB offering in the meantime. Because a seat in a TAB section is not guaranteed, students will want to ensure that they have registered in all 500-level courses mandated. If successful in gaining a TAB section spot, registration will be 'swapped' on the student's behalf. Students who fail to enrol in the most desirable time for the Fall section, and who are unable to be offered a TAB section seat, will have to enrol in whatever Fall section is left: students will not be overloaded into preferred full courses due to 'late' registration.

5. Students are responsible for checking the add/drop deadlines for desired courses, using their MyUofC. Students will not be enrolled into courses after the add date, and dropping after the associated deadline will incur a withdrawal, or 'W'. Different meeting patterns may mean that TAB sections have different add/drop dates than on-campus counterparts.