Five-Year Concurrent Bachelor of Education
Your concurrent pathway
This pathway allows you to obtain two undergraduate degrees within five years, getting great subject area expertise from your co-degree, and completing your professional teaching program!
Important dates and upcoming events
Jan. 15, 2025
For those interested in applying for an Undergraduate Research Award or the BEd Honours, join our Undergraduate Research: Next Steps Webinar at 6:00pm MST.
Feb. 1, 2025
Change of Program Application Deadline: We encourage those interested in applying to change their program within Education or into Education to seek advising in advance of the Change of Program Application Deadline.
Feb. 4, 2025
Our After-Degree - Next Steps webinar for Future Students interested in a 2025 intake runs today at 6.00pm MST!
Feb. 16, 2025
Fall Term Break runs today through February 22nd, except for Field IV students who should refer to their placement school calendar.
Feb. 25, 2025
Continuing Student Registration for Spring and Summer 2025 Opens today!
March 13, 2025
Continuing On-Campus Four-Year Registration Webinar runs today at 3.00pm MDT!
March 20, 2025
Concurrent Progression into EDUC 400s Webinar runs today at 3.00pm MDT!
March 31, 2025
Completing your degree requirements in Winter 2025? Today is the deadline to Apply to Graduate!
April 11, 2025
Today is the last day for regularly scheduled classes!
May 13, 2025
Newly Admitted On-Campus Four-Year Registration Webinar runs today at 6.00pm MDT!
Suggested program sequence
Check out the overall Concurrent program structure, below:
Education years
Specific program requirements
All Concurrent students will complete 150 units, comprised of 21 EDUC major courses, as well as 29 co-degree courses. Concurrent students are responsible for ensuring that they meet the degree requirements and regulations of their partner faculties. It is your responsibility to see your co-degree Advisors, to make sure that you are on track to finish co-degree requirements.
EDUC 201*
Education Semester 1: EDUC 420 | EDUC 427 | EDUC 430 | EDUC 435 | EDUC 440**
Education Semester 2: EDUC 445 | EDUC 450 | EDUC 456 | EDUC 460 | EDUC 465
Education Semester 3: EDUC 521 | EDUC 525 | EDUC 530 | EDUC 535 | EDUC 540
Education Semester 4: EDUC 551 | EDUC 556 | EDUC 56X Series | EDUC 560***
* Non-majors interested in taking this course should read and fill out the web-form.
** Check out our Registration Guide for EDUC 400 and 500-level semester details.
*** Visit our course outlines for EDUC class details!
Although your co-degree may not require you to take a course in literature, you will want to ensure to take one in one of your Arts or option course spaces. The reason is that Alberta Education requires ‘6 semester hour credits’ in English or French Literature for the purposes of teacher certification. 3 of those units are covered already with the mandatory Education Major course, 'EDUC 435: Literacy, Language, and Culture'. Thus, you are responsible for meeting the other 3 units with a semester-long course. Visit our list of acceptable courses to get some ideas!
Please Note: Kinesiology students should plan to take this course as one of their options in their first year.
If you're looking for more EDUC content prior to starting your 400 and 500-level years, you may want to consider taking one of our 200 or 300-level series courses.
First years and above can consider taking at least one of our 200- level series of EDUC courses, which are offered in an online delivery-format. Please note that enrolment in a 200-level course is space-dependent due to pathway restrictions, and requires that you submit a request via our web-form.
If you are heading into your second year or above, you may want to consider some of the below Education-specific options, engineered for Education students:
EDUC 305: Inside Mathematics
EDUC 307: Integrating Arts Education
EDUC 309: Early Childhood Development
EDUC 311: Language and Literacy, Learning in the Classroom
EDUC 313: Starting with Story: Teaching and Learning with Indigenous Literatures
EDUC 314: Mindfulness and Well-Being in Higher Education
SCIE 331: Scientific Explorations
Considering the Honours pathway? Your Honours classes can also meet elective requirements! Because admission and coursework doesn't occur until the final year of your program, we encourage you to connect with an Advisor to chat about how to plan your degree!

Staying Connected
"As a concurrent student, it can be hard balancing both degrees, but, there are ways to stay involved! I joined the Early Childhood Education Council and the Education Students' Association. Maintaining that connection has helped me feel more prepared and confident about jumping into my field experiences."
- Sabrina Rizzuti, current student
Please note that the University of Calgary does not provide students with an assessment of transfer credit prior to formal admission. No transfer credit ever applies to Education major courses: you must complete all mandated EDUC classes in order to obtain your degree. Any transfer credit awarded can only work towards fulfilling co-degree classes.
Future Students can utilize Transfer Alberta in the meantime. This site provides a basic guideline as to what transfer credit you might receive.
If you are a newly admitted student, check out the Registrar's guide to enrolling as a transfer student. Ensure to meet with your co-faculty advisors to see what credit you have received, and how it fits into your co-major.
A few regulations that we think you should know about:
The Concurrent program is structured in a '3+2' format, meaning that students will spend the first three years of their degree working on their co-degree requirements, and the last two, on their Education coursework. As such:
- You must have completed all co-degree requirements before starting Year 1 Education (your fourth year).
- You cannot take non-Education courses during Education semesters.
- You must present a 2.50 GPA on all courses taken during your last co-degree year, in order to progress into your Education courses.
All University of Calgary students must use their Ucalgary.ca accounts for any and all University of Calgary or degree-related correspondence. Email will not be sent to personal accounts.
You must additionally ensure to include your eight-digit UCID number in all correspondence.
Non-Standard Scheduling
Please note that Education courses are scheduled with 'non-standard' dates and times, and may differ from those semester timelines that you are used to in your non-Education courses. You should anticipate courses or field experiences that run outside of regular semester dates.
Education Year 1 Orientation
Students entering their first year of their Education classes will be required to attend a faculty orientation session in September. Orientation is mandatory, as it imparts information about field placements, certification, and professional program expectations. Speakers often include the Director, Field Experience, the Director, Student Experience, as well as the Werklund School of Education Dean and Undergraduate Programs Associate Dean. You should thus plan to be available the first week of September, prior to the official start of classes.
You are not required to participate in other Orientation Week activities that you would have completed for your first year in university. Information about how to sign up for the faculty-specific session will be sent out via email closer to the session date.
Spring and Summer Term Courses
You can absolutely complete co-degree courses in the spring and summer terms! These classes can be taken right up to the summer term preceding your first EDUC semester. Just ensure that all co-degree requirements are completed by that summer, as we will be checking in September!
Co-Degree Term Course Loads
We know that you may have volunteer, work, or study abroad opportunities that may mean you have to take fewer than 5 courses in your co-degree terms. That is absolutely fine: just ensure that you are falling within the maximum 7 years allotted to complete your degree, and that you will be finished all co-degree courses prior to starting your EDUC terms. It is your responsibility to see your co-degree Advisors to ensure that you are on track to finish your co-degree requirements.
Please Note: You cannot overload your Education semesters. The Bachelor of Education is a full-time professional program, and you cannot take additional classes outside of those proscribed. As such, if you need to ‘catch-up’ on your co-degree requirements, you will need to utilize your spring and summer semesters.
Applying to Graduate
You will apply to graduate from both of your degrees at the same time, via one application in your MyUofC. You will do this during your last year of 500-level EDUC courses.
Student Information
As a student in professional program, it is your responsibility to thoroughly review and abide by the information contained in the following pages:
First time registering? Connect with the New Student Registration Assistance program