Werklund Undergraduate Research
Exploring your research opportunities
Werklund School of Education Bachelor of Education students have the opportunity to engage in undergraduate research, through undergraduate research awards and our Honours program.
The benefits of engaging in research
Undergraduate research awards provide students with the opportunity to pursue research between May and August, under the supervision of a faculty member, while the addition of Honours to your degree allows you to engage in research throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall terms of your final year. Students are able to delve into a research topic that is in alignment with their interests, deepening their understanding in the area and gaining research skills and experience. Research awards provide financial support for students while they engage in their research endeavours, while the Honours program adds an official research designation to your degree. Past research award recipients have identified the following academic, professional, and personal benefits from their research experience.
- Improve academic abilities which will help as you progress through your program
- Gain research experience that can help you prepare for graduate studies (and may help to support your application)
- Opportunity to learn from and collaborate with your supervisor
- Broaden your exposure to educational research
- Incorporate your research findings into practice, both in your field experiences and as a professional
- Increase awareness of the research and literature available, and the importance of utilizing research-supported methods as a professional
- Speak to your research experience in future employment opportunities – both the knowledge you have gained on the topic itself, and the research process
- An opportunity to network and build connections in the community
- Expand your professional skills in areas such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, project-management, and time-management
- A research award or Honours provides you with the time and resources to explore a topic that you are passionate about
- Opportunity to gain clarity around your personal goals and interests
- Gain increased confidence in yourself and sense of connection to the teaching profession
I've already started incorporating my knowledge gained in this research into my course work. I am better student, a better researcher and I am confident this experience will make me a better professional in my field.
Justin Acton
PURE award recipient 2021
Recommendations for your award or Honours applications
Straight from past undergraduate research award winners, some tips and tricks on preparing for and submitting your application!
Start early
It is best if you are able to start early, as developing a research proposal can take time (however, don’t let this prevent you from applying even if you didn’t get an early start)! The Doucette Library is a great place to start!
Consider the topics that are of the most interest to you, and start brainstorming some questions you have that you would be interested in investigating. Consider the research interests of Werklund School of Education Faculty.
Reach out
Talk to your instructors, Undergraduate Programs in Education, fellow students, and then reach out to potential supervisors.
Students can apply to both the Honours program and research awards. Additionally, students can apply to both PURE and the Werklund Undergraduate Research Award, and are highly encouraged to apply to both! Applying to both will increase your chances of winning an award.
Starting your research journey? Get your Ready for Research micro-credential!
Past Honours research projects
Thank you to all Werklund School of Education faculty who supported undergraduate students through their applications and research!
Douglas Li
"AI for Microskills in IELTS Preparation: Actualized and Potential"
Elizabeth Gauthier
“A review of the literature on artificial intelligent speech-recognition chatbots for second language learning”
Amanda Hanson Main
“Inuit Pedagogies for Improved Student Engagement”
Sammy Yung
“Language, Power, and Science Education Strategies for English as an Additional Language (EAL) Students”
Pella LeDrew
“Unearthing the Métis Voice: Finding Space for Métis Knowledge in Alberta Classrooms”
Sarah Cowan
“Differing Paradigms to Substance Use Education: A Literature Review of the Efficacy of Harm Reduction and Abstinence Approaches to Substance Use Education for Secondary Students”
Claire Gillis
"Identifying Inconsistencies in Grades 1-3 Canadian Number Sense Curricula to Support Children in Military Families Moving Across Canada"
Alexandra Goreham
"Indigenous Stories on Screen: The Effects of Film Narratives on Identity Formation and Reconciliation in Classrooms"
Juan Antonio Razon
"Alberta Pre-Service Teachers & LGBTQ+ Students: The Interplay Between Alberta Politics, LGBTQ+ Youth, and Future Teachers"
Ravneet Singh
“Connecting Homes: Immigrant Indian Families' Experiences through the Lens of Art-Based Research”
Taysha Briggs
“Unlocking Early Literacy Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Holistic Review of Interventions”
Simran Sallan
“An Analysis of Bill 15 and Professionalism in Alberta”
Sharandeep Kang
“Indigenous Education: A New Approach to Inclusive Curriculum and Understanding of Education Dynamics to Foster Inclusion”
Madelyn Parkinson
“AI and Language Learning”
Past research award winners
Thank you to all Werklund School of Education faculty who supported undergraduate students through their applications and research!
Werklund Undergraduate Research Award Recipients
Kathrina Cabalteja | “A Scoping Review of Artificial Intelligence in Upper Secondary Science”
Daniela Heger Dorantes | “The Readability of Children's Books”
PURE Program Recipients
Cathrine Keeler | “Assessing the Impacts of Digital Media on Classroom Literacy Practices”
Rebecca Holm | “How Alberta educational leaders are supporting gender diverse students”
Tommy Rider | "Faux Vacancy Within Barren Lands; Art Show Name: Within Barren Lands"
Sophie Garcia | "Indigenizing the Nickle Galleries: Curatorial Project"
Josiah Grof | "Politics of Resentment & Place Across the Urban-Rural Divide: An Analysis of Ontario Politician’s Social Media Posts"
McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health Biomedical Engineering Award
Alana Lo | "Biomarkers of Bone Turnover in Peri- and Early Menopausal Women"
Werklund Undergraduate Research Award Recipients
Eric Kun Xie | “A Symptom of the [Cis]STEM: Queer Cognitive Dissonance in Tertiary STEM Education"
Michael Larocque | “Integrating Strength and Conditioning into High School Physical Education: A Scoping Review and Narrative Synthesis"
Daniela Lozano Sarmiento | “Enhancing Elementary Mathematics Education: A Synthesis of Recommendations for Proving and Argumentation"
PURE Program Recipients
Rebecca Holm | “Gender Diversity Policy as Discourse: An Environmental Scan of Alberta School Authorities"
Jasmine El-Hacha | “Cultivating Inclusive Curriculums: Critical Discourse Analysis and a Call to Action"
Kevin Sandal | "G.E.A.R.S.: Gamification for Supporting the Transition of ADHD Youth to Post-Secondary Education"
Alberta Innovates
Sarah Sbeiti | "Technology Integration in Support of Wellness for Neurodiverse Students"
Aislyn Rickard | "Music-Based Learning in Special Education: How Music can help Improve Emotional Regulation for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
Werklund Undergraduate Research Award Recipients
Evan Beck | “Teacher Technostress During COVID-19: A Rapid Review”
Kevin Dang | “Community English Language Learner (ELL) Programs and Supports”
Leila Linton | “Technology-Enhanced Music Education during COVID-19: A Literature Review”
PURE Program Recipients
Arianna Mamer | “Integrating Critical Literacy into Science Classrooms”
Mischa Simpson Kovalchuk | “Boardgame Reasoning: A Field Guide”
Munesah Rahman | “'Changes in Students’ Written Communication of Strategies and Challenges with Iterative Board-Game Play”
Sharmaine Tay | “A Review of the Research: Collaborative Group Learning in Education during COVID-19 - A Call Forward"
Tajinder Athwal | "English-as-an-Additional Language Learners in Chemistry Classrooms – A Literature Review”
I entered the PURE program having very little knowledge regarding research, so do not feel like you need to be an expert.
Samantha Ruud
PURE award recipient, 2021
Sharing your Research
Past undergraduate students have shared their research through a number of venues, below! You can also check out the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience stories of students' experiences during their research!

Inspired? Apply for awards, now!
Questions about Werklund awards? Get in touch