Registration Guide - On-Campus

Information for all students

Please register in your classes as soon as you are able to, in order to build your optimal schedule: we are unable to overload full classes. Additionally, do enroll in all of your EDUC courses for the upcoming year: both Fall and Winter enrollment is available during the same registration appointment!

Plan to be available from 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday! We do have some flexibility in our course offerings, but cannot guarantee that we can accommodate timetabling preferences. Additionally, some 'empty spaces' have been built to allow for group work, professional development, field trips, and other events.

Please Note: It is not possible to take Community-Based sections as an On-Campus student, regardless of seat availability. Exceptions are not made for any work, volunteer, or other scheduling conflicts, due to the high volume of requests received. Per above, plan to be available on-campus 8.00am to 5.00pm, and review our Summer course offerings, selected online options, and Field Experience dates in the tabs, below!

You should also take advantage of Schedule Builder to help plan your weekly timetable. Shopping cart validation is also available - check out the Registrar's site on how to check your shopping cart for potential errors. Once you have completed your initial schedule build and registration, we recommend that you use the Student Centre to make any adjustments.

Note I: Not enrolling in all of your courses - especially your Field Experience classes - may result in issues securing you a partner school placement in terms of both suitability and timeliness. The Field Form and our Field Team's communications operate on the basis of your registration.

Note II: Fees holds will prevent you from registering in your courses, and critically, will also prevent our Field Team from swapping you into the appropriate Field Experience course section once assigned. If you are not properly enrolled in the right section, your Field Instructor cannot assign your grade. Please ensure to clear up all fees holds as soon as is possible.

Scroll down for more information on registration dates, flagged enrolment issues, as well as your specific Guide, based on whether you are taking your 400 or 500-level courses.

Continuing Student Dates

Visit this page for dates to view the class schedule, add courses to your shopping cart, and select 'enrol'!

Newly Admitted After-Degree Dates

Visit this page for dates to view the class schedule, add courses to your shopping cart, and select 'enrol'!

Other Tips and Tricks

Remember to select 'Enrol'! Adding a course to your Shopping Cart does not register you in said.

Double-check your schedule prior to enrolling, as sections and/or rooms may have shifted since adding classes to your Shopping Cart.

Fall 2025 Courses

No known issues

Winter 2026 Courses

No known issues.

Taking Summer Courses as an On-Campus Student

On-Campus students have the opportunity to take EDUC 525 and/or EDUC 535 in the Summer term, if desired. Our Summer course offerings are prioritized for Teaching Across Borders and Community-Based students. Once these students have been able to register, we will open these classes up to all other students, space-pending. To enrol, you must submit a request via the form below.

Summer 2025 Request Dates: The Summer Course Request form will open on April 9th, 2025 at 12:00pm (noon) - check back for more details.

Considerations Before Submitting your Request:

Note I: Summer courses will take place from July 7th to 18th, excluding weekends. EDUC 525 runs 9.00 - 11.50am; EDUC 535s run 1.00 - 3.50pm.

Note II: While these courses run over two weeks in July, they are bound by Summer semester dates. As such, students should be aware that the last date to drop these courses without penalty is July 7th, the first day of classes. Dropping after this date will incur a 'W', or withdrawal grade, without tuition refund.

Note III: Students not heading into their final year of 500-level EDUC courses cannot take EDUC 525 or 535 this Summer – if offered, they can only be taken immediately preceding a Fall term of other 500-level EDUCs.

Students need also be aware of the following:

1. A seat in the Summer term courses is not guaranteed - it depends entirely upon space availability. Please note that seats in EDUC 535 are particularly limited, and some sections may not be able to accept any On-Campus students;

2. Students should acknowledge that they may have assignments, group-work, papers, etc, due after July 18th, as the Summer term technically runs until the end-of-August;

3. Tuition is due July 9th;

4. Students should enrol in the Fall term equivalent of their desired Summer offering in the meantime. Because a seat in the Summer term is not guaranteed, students will want to ensure that they have registered in all 500-level courses mandated. If successful in gaining a Summer term spot, registration will be 'swapped' on the student's behalf. Students who fail to enrol in the most desirable time for the Fall section, and who are unable to be offered a Summer term seat, will have to enrol in whatever Fall section is left: students will not be overloaded into full courses due to 'late' registration;

5. In the instance of more requests received than available seats for a given course, registration offers will be made based on form submission time-stamp (first-come, first-served).

Due to popular demand, we have developed some of our 400 and 500-level EDUC courses as online offerings, specifically for our On-Campus students!

Further permissions are not required for the majority of these sections: to enroll, check out your Guide, below, and look for those sections that are marked as online offerings. Simply enroll in these classes as you would any of your others! Check out the above tab for this year's enrollment dates.

Note I: Adding/dropping/swapping works for these sections in the same way as it does for any others. Please be aware of enrollment capacities, and the last days to swap into an online course from an on-campus (should seats be available), or vice versa! Add/drop dates may be different, due to the different meeting patterns of on-campus versus online courses. We cannot enroll you in an online course past its add date, nor can we swap you back into an on-campus class past its add date.

Note II: Please note that just like your on-campus courses, we will not overload you into an online section should it be full. Registration is first-come, first-served, as it is with your preferred on-campus section times! Please anticipate your schedule accordingly - all of your classes may wind up being in-person!

Note III: Sections reserved for Community-Based students will not be made available to On-Campus students, regardless of seat availability.

Note IV: Please note that after review by the Associate Dean and other faculty members, only specific courses have been chosen to be offered online. If an online section is not listed under a particular course, it isn't offered!

Note V: Before enrolling in an online section, we encourage you to check out the Zoom Session Schedule for these courses, as classes are not self-paced, and have mandatory synchronous sessions.

Note VI: Fall 2025 online EDUC 500 options will include EDUC 521 and EDUC 530. Online offerings depend on seat availability in the online Teaching Across Borders sections, after participating TAB students have registered. Please thoroughly review our Fall TAB Sections Request Form if you are interested in taking one of these classes online! The Fall TAB Sections Request Form for 2025 will open at 12:00pm (noon) on Wednesday, April 9th, 2025. Email to inquire.

Four-Year and Concurrent progression regulations are embedded in our EDUC 400 and 500-level courses. Sometimes, this can cause enrolment errors if the registration system sees some of the below common issues, making it seem like you may be short course units. These include:

  • Outstanding Letter of Permission or study abroad/exchange credit;
  • Courses with D grades not being used towards your co-degree or teachable, or;
  • Missing a Literature course

If you have across-the-board error messages when attempting to enroll in your EDUC 400s or 500s, please email us at so that we can troubleshoot! We are often able to post registration allows so that you can get into your courses while we wait for transfer credit to be posted, D grades to be investigated, and more! If you are concerned about meeting progression regulations, please do not hesitate to connect with us!

400-level EDUC course terms

  1. EDUC 420 – Issues in Learning and Teaching

    All Students: Lecture 01

  2. EDUC 427 – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

    Register by route:

    Early Childhood Education: 427.01, Section 01

    Elementary: 427.02, Pick Any of Sections 01 - 05

    Secondary: 427.03, Pick Any of Sections 01 - 04

    Note: On-Campus Four-Year K-12 English Language Learners and Four-Year K-12 Second Languages students should select an Elementary Route section. Please email us at if you run into any error messages.

  3. EDUC 430 – Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching

    Please read the information contained in the below EDUC 430 tab prior to enrolling. EDUC 430 will be opened to enrolment on May 28th, 2025, at 1.00pm, MDT - if you live outside of the Calgary time zone, ensure to check your local time!.

  4. EDUC 435 – Literacy, Language and Culture

    Register by route:

    Early Childhood and Elementary: Pick Any of Sections 01 - 06

    Secondary: Pick Any of Sections 08 - 11

    Note: On-Campus Four-Year K-12 English Language Learners and Four-Year K-12 Second Languages students should select an Elementary Route section. Please email us at if you run into any error messages.

  5. EDUC 440 – Field Experience I

    All Students: Lab B99

    Please Note: All students will register in Lab B99, and will later be moved to the appropriate section based on section selections for EDUC 430.

    Field I Dates, Fall 2025: October 6th - 17th. Check out our field page for more information.

    Reminder: Your Field I placement location is informed by your EDUC 430 section registration, as each 430 section corresponds to a different geographic area. 

EDUC 430 is an on-campus course, taking place Mondays and Fridays. However, each section corresponds to a different geographic area, which will help inform where you are placed for your Field Experience I (EDUC 440). As such, to ensure an equability of access to desired sections for all of our students, this course will remain closed until late May, once the majority of students' enrolment appointments have been generated. Students should enrol in all other Fall and Winter courses in the meantime. If you are enrolling shortly after opening day, know that it can take a minute for all of our systems to refresh - particularly Schedule Builder. As such, we suggest looking for on-campus sections via Course Search!

Note I: We cannot overload students into full sections, as our numbers are constrained by available partner teacher schools. Students are thus encouraged to have two or more back-up sections in mind when registering, in case your first choice section fills up. Please note that you will not be able to register in more than one section simultaneously - simply keep your picks written down!

Additionally, know that:

A. Only Field I is informed by your EDUC 430 registration: future placements will be informed by the Field Experience Placement Information Form (more information about this form and process will be sent to students by our Field Team in the Fall), and;

B. During Field, all other courses stop - you do not have to attempt to commute from the University to your placement in between classes! Your Field Experiences run the length and breadth of the school week over its stated dates (see the registration information for EDUC 440).

As such, if you are unable to get into your preferred section, please enrol in the next best option: while we cannot overload you, Field I is just two weeks, and your location will not follow you into future Field placements.

Note II: You must still register in EDUC 440 - that is your actual Field Experience course! Registering in EDUC 430 does not get you enrolled in Field (and vice versa).

Note III: French and Second Languages students must register in Section 12. Your registration will be amended accordingly if you enrol in another section (Ie, You do not have a choice of geographic area, due to language constraints). Non-French and Second Languages students who have enrolled in Section 12 will be dropped, and asked to enrol in another section with remaining seat availability.

Note IV: Sections will not be visible in the Student Centre/Schedule Builder until opened. All sections run Mondays and Fridays - please refer to the section times, below, to help plan your class schedule.

What to know about Field Experience geographic alignments:

Our Field Experience team works to confirm Field I host schools throughout the Spring and Fall. Field I placement schools are generally confirmed and assigned in September. As a result, we can only share tentative geographical alignments that reflect historical field experience placements. Section descriptions with additional details are intended to assist with your registration, however, we ask you to please note the following: 

  • Your 430 section will prioritize your Field Experience placement in a specific area or quadrant in Calgary and Area. Please know that placement sites are limited, and we appreciate your flexibility! 
  • While we aim to secure a placement for you within a 60-minute commute of your home, travel times could be up to 90 minutes one-way.

Sections 01 - 04: Calgary Northwest and Core [Mondays and Fridays - S01: 2.00 - 3.20pm; S02: 9.30 - 10.50am; S03: 8.00 - 9.20am; S04: 3.30pm - 4.50pm]

  • S01: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Hidden Valley, Panorama Hills, Huntington Hills and Thorncliffe. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 
  • S02: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Royal Oak, Tuscany, Hawkwood, and Arbour Lake. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 
  • S03: For planning purposes, please note that that Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Brentwood, University District, Bowness, and Collingwood. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 
  • S04: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Riverside, Beltline, Hillhurst, Bridgeland-Riverside, and Cliff Bungalow. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 

Sections 05 - 06: Calgary Northeast and East [Mondays and Fridays - S05: 11.00am - 12.20pm; S06: 3.30 - 4.50pm]

  • S05: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Chestermere, Forest Lawn, Marlborough, and Mayland Heights. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 
  • S06: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Saddleridge, Taradale, Whitehorn and Skyview Ranch. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 

Sections 07 - 08: Calgary South [Mondays and Fridays - S07: 8.00 - 9.20am; S08: 11.00am - 12.20pm]

  • S07: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Springbank Hill, Glamorgan, North Glenmore, Lakeview, and Kingsland. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 
  • S08: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Southland, Evergreen, Lake Bonavista, Sundance, Deer Ridge and Douglasdale. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 

Section 09: North of Calgary [Mondays and Fridays - S09: 2.00 - 3.20pm]

  • S09: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Airdrie and Crossfield. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above as this is tentative and may change. 

Section 10: South of Calgary [Mondays and Fridays - S10: 12.30 - 1.50pm]

  • S10: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team is hopeful host schools will be in and around Okotoks, Red Deer Lake, Legacy, Mahogany, Auburn Bay, McKenzie Town. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above as this is tentative and may change. 

Section 11: General Calgary and Area (Non-Specified) [Mondays and Fridays - S11: 9.30 - 10.50am]

  • S11: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team will aim to secure host schools in Calgary. We recommend students enrolling in this section have access to a vehicle in this section to reduce commute times. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above, as this is tentative and may change. 

Section 12: French and Second Languages Teachable Subject Areas [Mondays and Fridays - S12: 12.30 - 1.50pm]

  • S12: For planning purposes, please note that the Field Team will be securing placements in several quadrants across Calgary. This section is only for students in a French or Second Languages Teachable Subject Area. Please see the note about the Field Experience geographical alignments above as this is tentative and may change. 

Note: If you will be requesting an Out-of-Area placement in EDUC 440, please ensure that you have completed the Field Experience Placement Information Form. Making this request does not guarantee an Out-of-Area placement. Out-of-Area placements for on-campus students are subject to geographical restrictions and placement availability. Please stay tuned for the deadline to submitting this request.

To learn more about Field Experience I (EDUC 440) and Field Experience requirements, please visit the field experience page. 

  1. EDUC 445 – Individual Learning: Theories and Applications

    Register by route:

    Early Childhood and Elementary: Lecture 01 and Pick Any of Labs 01 - 06*

    Secondary: Lecture 02 and Pick Any of Labs B07 - 11

    *Note: On-Campus Four-Year K-12 English Language Learners and Four-Year K-12 Second Languages students should select an Elementary Route section. Please email us at if you run into any error messages.

  2. EDUC 450 – Diversity in Learning

    All Students: Pick Any of Sections 01 - 10


    Online Option (On-Campus Students Only): Section 20

    *Please read the information contained in the below EDUC 450 tab.

  3. EDUC 456 – Assessment

    Register by route:

    Early Childhood and Elementary: Pick Any of Sections 01 - 06*

    Secondary: Pick Any of Sections 07 - 11

    *Note: On-Campus Four-Year K-12 English Language Learners and Four-Year K-12 Second Languages students should select an Elementary Route section. Please email us at if you run into any error messages.

  4. EDUC 460 – Specialization I

    Please read the information contained in the below EDUC 460 tab prior to enrolling.

  5. EDUC 465 – Field Experience II

    All Students: Lab B99

    Please Note: All students will register in Lab B99, and will later be moved to the appropriate section once Field Placements are assigned by our Field Team.

    Field II Dates, Winter 2026: March 16th - April 24th. Check out our field page for more information.

Students in EDUC 450 are encouraged to consider applying for the optional volunteer opportunity, Volunteering with Diverse Communities program associated with this course. Please ensure you follow the program's application process during the Fall semester in order to participate in the Winter semester.

Register by Teachable Subject Area:

460.01: Early Childhood Education 

460.02: Elementary - English Language Learners

460.03: Elementary - English Language Arts

460.04: Elementary - Fine Arts

460.05: Elementary - French

460.06: Elementary - Inclusive Education

460.07: Elementary - Mathematics

460.08: Elementary - Physical Education

460.09: Elementary - Science

460.10: Elementary - Second Languages*

460.11: Elementary - Social Studies

460.12: Secondary - English Language Arts

460.13: Secondary - Fine Arts

460.14: Secondary - French

460.15: Secondary - Mathematics

460.16: Secondary - Physical Education

460.17: Secondary - Science

460.18: Secondary - Second Languages

460.19: Secondary - Social Studies 

460.25: Elementary - Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

500-level EDUC course terms

  1. EDUC 521 – Design for Learning

    All Students: Pick Any of Lectures 01 - 07


    Section 10: This section will take place, and have assignments engaged with, an opportunity at Stampede School: check out last year's course outline for details. The course will run primarily at Stampede School, however class may be held on-campus from time-to-time, at the discretion of the instructor. If you register in this section, please be prepared to participate in this opportunity.


    Section 20: Online Option (On-Campus Students Only): Please read the information above "Online sections for on-campus students"


    TAB section request - see 'Online sections for on-campus students', above

  2. EDUC 525 – Ethics and Law in Education

    All Students: Lecture 01

  3. EDUC 530 – Indigenous Education

    All Students: Pick Any of Sections 01 - 09


    TAB section request - see 'Online sections for on-campus students', above

  4. EDUC 535 – Specialization II

    Please read the information contained in the below EDUC 535 tab prior to enrolling.

  5. EDUC 540 – Field Experience III

    Lab B99

    Please Note: All students will register in Lab B99, and will later be moved to the appropriate section once Field Placements are assigned by our Field Team.

    Field III Dates, Fall 2025: October 27th - December 12th. Check out our field page for more information. 

Students register by Teachable Subject Area:

535.01: Early Childhood Education

535.02: Elementary - English Language Learners

535.03: Elementary - English Language Arts

535.04: Elementary - Fine Arts

535.05: Elementary - French

535.06: Elementary - Inclusive Education

535.07: Elementary - Mathematics

535.08: Elementary - Physical Education

535.09: Elementary - Science

535.10: Elementary - Second Languages*

535.11: Elementary - Social Studies

535.12: Secondary - English Language Arts

535.13: Secondary - Fine Arts

535.14: Secondary - French

535.15: Secondary - Mathematics

535.16: Secondary - Physical Education

535.17: Secondary - Science

535.18: Secondary - Second Languages

535.19: Secondary - Social Studies

535.25: Elementary - Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

  1. EDUC 551 - Comprehensive School Health and Wellness

    All Students: Pick Any of Labs 01 - 11; Auto-Enrolled in Lecture 01

  2. EDUC 556 - Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

    All Students: Pick Any of Sections 01 - 11

  3. EDUC 56X Semester 4 Option Series

    Select one of the following Semester 4 options. All courses are offered online. Please make note of meeting times when registering - some Zoom times run later in the day. Additionally, some courses have anti-requisites to specific teachable subject areas due to similarity of content in Specialization courses and students are encouraged to select a course that is different from their teachable subject area. 

    EDUC 561 - Reading Instruction in the Elementary Classroom

    EDUC 562 - Mathematics Instruction in the Elementary Classroom

    EDUC 563 - Complex Classrooms

    EDUC 565 - Child Development from K-12

    EDUC 566 - Humanities Instruction in the Secondary Classroom

    EDUC 567 - Mathematics/Science Instruction in the Secondary Classroom

    EDUC 568 - Supporting English Language Learners

    EDUC 569 - Assessment for Learning in K-12

  4. EDUC 560 – Field Experience IV

    All Students: Lab B99

    Please Note: All students will register in Lab B99, and will later be moved to the appropriate section once Field Placements are assigned by our Field Team.

    Field IV Dates, Winter 2026: February 12th - April 24th. Check out our field page for more information.

Teaching Across Borders 500-level registration

Further information about 500-level registration processes will be sent to participants in the Winter semester. Review the tabs below for details on course sections. Please note that some classes may not appear in the Student Centre until opened to Teaching Across Borders student enrollment.

  1. Summer 2025

    EDUC 525

    Lecture 01

    EDUC 535

    Note: Classes will not be visible in the Student Centre/Schedule Builder until TAB student registration is completed by the Advising Team.

    Registration is by Teachable Subject Area - please refer to the 535 tab, above, for section details.

  2. Fall 2025

    Note: Classes will not be visible in the Student Centre/Schedule Builder until TAB student registration is completed by the Advising Team. Please refer to the MT times for each section below, and ensure to check on equivalent local times for your area of placement.

    EDUC 521

    S26: Thursdays, 7.00 - 8.30am MT - Brazil, Germany, Madrid, Glasgow, USA

    S27: Thursdays, 7.00 - 8.30pm MT - Australia, Hokkaido, Osaka

    EDUC 530

    S26: Wednesdays, 7.00 - 8.30am MT - Brazil, Germany, Madrid, Glasgow, USA

    S27: Wednesdays, 7.00 - 8.30pm MT - Australia, Hokkaido, Osaka

    EDUC 540

    All TAB students will return to complete Field Experience III! Check out the Guide, above, for details.

How to register

Registration at UofC

The Registrar's Office has great 'how-to' registration tutorials and resources.

Learn more about how to register

Schedule Builder

To help plan your weekly timetable, take advantage of Schedule Builder, accessible through your MyUofC.

Using Schedule Builder

Continuing Student Registration Webinars

Four-Year and Concurrent students looking for more information on non-Education terms should check out our Continuing Student Registration Webinars, below! We also suggest visiting the First Year Degree Guide and your pathway's detailed program site.

On-Campus Four-Year Webinar

We'll chat about course selection and program progression for your second year and beyond!

When: Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at 3:00pm

Register here!

Concurrent Webinar

We'll chat about progression considerations, degree structure, when to get a graduation check done, EDUC registration, and more!

When: Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 3:00pm

Register here!

Further registration questions? Connect with us!