Undergraduate Research information events
Check out our 2024/2025 events, below!
Bachelor of Education students, across all five pathways, may apply to add Honours to their degree. Taking place during the final year of the degree, Honours gives students the opportunity to develop research skills and explore research interests, gaining practical knowledge and aiding in the transition into professional life or future studies.
Interested in applying? Review eligibility and application information, below!
Wondering what your 500-level year will look like if you add Honours? See below!
Considering Honours? Check out Dr. Amy Burns' thoughts on adding Honours to your degree, below!
Check out our 2024/2025 events, below!
When: Wednesday, October 2nd from 6.00 - 7.00pm
What: Learn more about our BEd Honours program and Undergraduate Research Awards with Associate Dean, Dr. Erin Spring.
Registration Closed.
When: Thursday, November 21st from 4.30 - 5.30pm
What: Meet potential supervisors and discuss project ideas!
Registration Closed.
*Note: This event will be offered in-person in EDT 202 for on-campus pathway students, and via Zoom for Community-Based students. Each session will cover particular pathway considerations, meaning the Zoom session is only intended for Community-Based students. Registered Community-Based students will receive the Zoom link via email one day in advance of the event.
When: Wednesday, January 15th from 6.00 - 7.00pm
What: Learn more about developing your research idea and completing the application. This conversation will be led by Dr. Erin Spring, Associate Dean.
At this session we will go over how to decide on a topic and how to narrow it down, how to complete the application form, how to approach a potential supervisor (if you do not yet have a supervisor), and, finally, for those pursuing the BEd Honours, the structure of the honours program and what that entails.
Registration Closed.
After the February 1st deadline, if you are otherwise eligible, you will be sent the supplementary application package asking you to describe your project and program goals, as well as confirming you have a supervisor in place! The supplementary package includes both a program proposal/research aims aspect, as well as a joint student/supervisor checklist.
In the meantime, we highly encourage you to check out some great resources on approaching a supervisor, writing a potential supervisor an email, and our list of Honours supervisors!
Thank you to all Werklund School of Education faculty who supported undergraduate students through their applications and research!
Douglas Li
"AI for Microskills in IELTS Preparation: Actualized and Potential"
Elizabeth Gauthier
“A review of the literature on artificial intelligent speech-recognition chatbots for second language learning”
Amanda Hanson Main
“Inuit Pedagogies for Improved Student Engagement”
Sammy Yung
“Language, Power, and Science Education Strategies for English as an Additional Language (EAL) Students”
Pella LeDrew
“Unearthing the Métis Voice: Finding Space for Métis Knowledge in Alberta Classrooms”
Sarah Cowan
“Differing Paradigms to Substance Use Education: A Literature Review of the Efficacy of Harm Reduction and Abstinence Approaches to Substance Use Education for Secondary Students”
Claire Gillis
"Identifying Inconsistencies in Grades 1-3 Canadian Number Sense Curricula to Support Children in Military Families Moving Across Canada"
Alexandra Goreham
"Indigenous Stories on Screen: The Effects of Film Narratives on Identity Formation and Reconciliation in Classrooms"
Juan Antonio Razon
"Alberta Pre-Service Teachers & LGBTQ+ Students: The Interplay Between Alberta Politics, LGBTQ+ Youth, and Future Teachers"
Ravneet Singh
“Connecting Homes: Immigrant Indian Families' Experiences through the Lens of Art-Based Research”
Taysha Briggs
“Unlocking Early Literacy Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Holistic Review of Interventions”
Simran Sallan
“An Analysis of Bill 15 and Professionalism in Alberta”
Sharandeep Kang
“Indigenous Education: A New Approach to Inclusive Curriculum and Understanding of Education Dynamics to Foster Inclusion”
Madelyn Parkinson
“AI and Language Learning”
Questions? Connect with our Advising Team!