Navigating Experiential Learning
So many options, how is one to choose?
With over 30 Experiential Learning program options available, sometimes finding the best fit for your education and career goals can be overwhelming. To give yourself a break from decision fatigue, you can navigate your choices using the different program breakdowns:
- Experiential Learning Outcomes
- Use the list of learning outcomes below to see which programs identify that specific outcome as part of their program
- Opportunities Available to Community-Based Students
- Find online or remote in-person programming opportunities accessible to community-based students
- Global Learning Opportunities
- Abroad or at home, search through programs that have been identified as opportunities that connect to Global Learning Initiatives
- Programs by Time Commitment
- Get a sense of the overall time commitment for our programs so you can work in some experiential learning and avoid overloading your schedule!
Experiential Learning Outcomes
We are still in the process of adding learning outcomes from some programs to the list. Please check back on occasion as we continue to build our database.
Build Community
Apply a variety of leadership strategies to develop meaningful relationships with the program and its participants.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Community Helpers Workshop Series
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Peer to Peer Mentorship Program
Develop cross-cultural competencies related to language, culture, and place.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Books to Build on: Indigenous Literatures for Learning Workshop
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Stampede School Facilitators
Develop stronger connections to the professional community and specific organizations.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Calgary Police Services - YouthLink
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Identify specific opportunities for you to contribute to program communities in a positive, professional manner.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Police Services - Youthlink
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Pedagogy and Practice
Examine a variety of approaches to teaching and learning in non-traditional educational settings.
BioGeoscience Institute - Trips and Programs
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's (CPO) PhilKids
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Ismaili Council for the Prairies
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
St. Anne Academic Centre - High School ELL Support
Examine how educators apply teaching concepts in their daily work.
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's (CPO) PhilKids
Complex Needs Educational Experience
St. Anne Academic Centre - High School ELL Support
Examine how teaching and learning take place in other contexts.
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's (CPO) PhilKids
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Share and receive knowledge regarding teacher education and teaching practice.
Books to Build on: Indigenous Literatures for Learning Workshop
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Stampede School Facilitators
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Implement Skills
Apply a variety of facilitation strategies to encourage discussion, generate ideas, and build consensus.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Stampede School Facilitators
Community Helpers Workshop Series
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Peer to Peer Mentorship Program
Apply a variety of leadership strategies to develop meaningful relationships with the program and its participants.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Community Helpers Workshop Series
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Peer to Peer Mentorship Program
Design and implement a variety of activities that meet students’ interests and learning needs.
Lead or co-lead the component of at least one project within the program.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Reflect and Guide
Apply a variety of mentorship strategies to support mentees’ personal, social, and academic goals.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Community Helpers Workshop Series
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Peer to Peer Mentorship Program
Articulate how specific experiences contribute to their growth as an educator.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Evaluate successes and setbacks as part of ongoing professional development.
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Peer to Peer Mentorship Program
Examine how programming fosters inclusion and personal growth.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Books to Build on: Indigenous Literatures for Learning Workshop
Complex Needs Educational Experience Logistics
Identify specific opportunities for you to contribute to program communities in a positive, professional manner.
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement (ACE)
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Police Services - Youthlink
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Model positive behaviour for children, youth, teachers, and parents.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Police Services - Youthlink
Dare to Care Bully Prevention Program
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Telus Spark School Programming Support
The Immigrant Education Society
Navigate new challenges as an educator with the support and guidance of a mentor in a similar field.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Work with Students
Apply a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of individual learners in different educational settings
Complex Needs Educational Experience
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
St. Matthew School - Literacy and Numeracy Support
Design and implement a variety of activities that meet students’ interests and learning needs.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Examine how programs and educators create communities that are conducive to teaching and learning.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Police Services - YouthLink
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Professional to Pre-Service Mentorship Program
Examine how programs develop students’ literacies (reading, writing, numeracy, digital, etc.)
Books to Build on: Indigenous Literatures for Learning Workshop
Complex Needs Educational Experience Logistics
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
Ismaili Council for the Prairies
Examine the diverse ways children and youth experience and express knowledge, actions, and identities.
Books to Build on: Indigenous Literatures for Learning Workshop
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Gain experience working with youth in a classroom setting.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's (CPO) PhilKids
Calgary Stampede - Journey 2050
Calgary Stampede School Facilitators
Complex Needs Educational Experience Logistics
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
Ismaili Council for the Prairies
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
St. Matthew School - Literacy and Numeracy Support
Gain experience working with youth in a small group setting.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - TIPS
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's (CPO) PhilKids
Calgary Police Services - Youthlink
Complex Needs Educational Experience Logistics
Dare to Care Bully Prevention Program
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
Ismaili Council for the Prairies
St. Matthew School - Literacy and Numeracy Support
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Gain experience working with youth in an individual setting.
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Complex Needs Educational Experience Logistics
Dare to Care Bully Prevention Program
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
St. Anne Academic Centre - High School ELL Support
Model positive behaviour for children, youth, teachers, and parents.
Building Community in Calgary Classrooms (BCCC)
Calgary Police Services - Youthlink
Dare to Care Bully Prevention Program
École des Hautes-Plaines - Support en littératie et numératie de la M à la 12 en français
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta Workshop Facilitators
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
St. Matthew School - Literacy and Numeracy Support
Telus Spark School Programming Support
The Immigrant Education Society
Community-Based Students
While Community-Based students are always welcome to join on-campus or Calgary-based opportunities when possible, we recognize that is not always an option. The Experiential Learning team is continually working to increase the number of opportunities available to Community-Based students.
Opportunities change frequently, so please continue to check back for updates!
Books to Build On Workshop
Professional Learning
The Books to Build On: Indigenous Literatures for Learning workshop will be hosted online.
Canadian Wildlife Federation's Environmental Education Workshop Series
Professional Learning
Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) workshops can be held online if there is enough interest.
Community Helpers Workshop Series
Professional Learning
Community Helpers training provides participants with tools and strategies to effectively recognize and respond to mental health concerns and provide support.
Learning Buddies Network
Online volunteer opportunities as well as some in-person volunteer opportunities for those in BC.
Literacy and Numeracy Support for High School ELLs - St Anne Academic Centre
TBD for 2024-2025, St. Anne Academic Centre may have online volunteer opportunities.
Mountains to Mole Hills
Professional Learning
Mountains to Mole Hills: Illuminating Stories in Science gives students an opportunity to engage with local primary research and develop skills in translating science to a broad audience
Trellis TEAM
TBD for 2024-2025, Trellis may be able to support virtual volunteer opportunities.
Werklund Peer to Peer Mentorship
The Peer to Peer Mentorship Program will always be facilitated entirely online.
Werklund Professional to Pre-Service Mentorship
The Professional to Pre-Service Mentorship Program will always be facilitated entirely online.
Werklund Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship
The Graduate to Undergraduate Mentorship Program is always facilitated entirely online.
Asynchronous Land-Based Opportunity
Land-Based Opportunities
Continue your journey to connect or reconnect with the land. This program is designed to be completed where students may be and at their own pace throughout the academic year. Complete a series of activity prompts and reflections based on place, land, and more.
Junior Achievement Southern Alberta
If you are located in southern Alberta, Junior Achievement Southern Alberta can find you opportunities to facilitate workshops in areas closer to where you live.
Learning Buddies Network
Online volunteer opportunities as well as some in-person volunteer opportunities for those in BC.
Let's Talk Science
The Let's Talk Science Challenge is a free, competitive, team-based enrichment program.
Check back soon to learn more!
Mountains to Mole Hills
Professional Learning
Mountains to Mole Hills: Illuminating Stories in Science program gives students an opportunity to engage with local primary research and develop skills in translating science to a broad audience.
Self-Directed Experiential Learning Framework (SELF)
Professional Learning
This program recognizes and enhances the paid and volunteer work that BEd students are engaged in outside of the Werklund School of Education
Summer Experiential Learning On Campus
During your two weeks on campus in July, we organize an Experiential Learning opportunity specifically for Community-Based students!
Global Learning Opportunities
Global Learning helps you to gain experience working with international students, experience other cultures, compare and contrast education systems in different countries, and see the world through varied perspectives. We support international, local, and virtual ways to have these experiences.
Opportunities change frequently, so please continue to check back for updates!
Outgoing in Fall
11 placements in 9 countries
Virtual in Fall
Join your classmates and international colleagues to address a variety of global education topics
Incoming in Winter
The Werklund School of Education welcomes program partners from Australia (Queensland University of Technology), China (Shanxi Normal University), and Japan (Hokkaido University of Education) onto campus between January and March.
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth
Transitioning Into Post-Secondary (TIPS)
Classrooms Without Walls
Online teaching program for students in conflict zones
Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE)
Curriculum Specialists
Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE)
Literacy Tutors
Literacy and Numeracy Support for High School ELLs
Calgary Catholic School District & St. Anne Academic Centre
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA)
Girls Culture Club
The Immigrant Education Society (TIES)
Childminding Program Facilitator
Land-Based Field Trip Series
Field trips and other opportunities to learn from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers
Asynchronous Land-Based Opportunity
Continue your journey to connect or reconnect with the land. This program is designed to be completed where students may be and at their own pace throughout the academic year. Complete a series of activity prompts and reflections based on place, land, and more.
Programs by Time Commitment
Opportunities change frequently, so please continue to check back for updates!
Biogeoscience Institute (BGI) Trips
Fall & Winter Semesters
Land-Based Learning Trips
Fall Semester
Books to Build On Workshops
Fall Semester
Canadian Wildlife Federation Workshop
Fall & Winter Semesters
Summer Series Experiential Learning Workshop
Summer Semester
Canadian Wildlife Federation - Project WILD Series
Fall Semester
Canadian Wildlife Federation - Below Zero Series
Winter Semester
Community Helpers Training
Fall Semester
Building Community & Connection in Classrooms
September, based on your schedule
Service-Learning Placements
Fall & Winter
Volunteering with Diverse Communities Placements
Winter Semester
Wildflower Riding Club Interdisciplinary Learning Communities
Fall & Winter Semesters
Outgoing Teaching Across Borders
Approximately 18 months
- From initial Interest Sessions in September to final TAB Showcase in your final Winter semester.
Peer to Peer Mentorship
October to March
- Approximately one meeting per month
Professional to Pre-Service Mentorship
May to February
- Introductory conversations between May and August
- Approximately one meeting per month in September to February
Werklund Undergraduate Ambassadors Team
September to April
- Based on events and session timing
Arts Co-Curricular Enhancement Program
Complete the 6 steps throughout your entire degree, at your own pace.
Asynchronous Land-Based Opportunity
Continue your journey to connect or reconnect with the land. This program is designed to be completed where students may be and at their own pace throughout the academic year. Complete a series of activity prompts and reflections based on place, land, and more.
Mountains to Mole Hills
The Mountains to Mole Hills: Illuminating Stories in Science program gives students an opportunity to engage with local primary research and develop skills in translating science to a broad audience.
Self-Directed Experiential Learning Framework (SELF)
The Self-Directed Experiential Learning Framework (SELF) program recognizes and enhances the paid and volunteer work that BEd students are already engaged in outside of the Werklund School of Education.

Experiential Learning Planning Guide
Use this guide to help plan out what opportunities you want to participate in and when you will be able to fit them into your degree.
If you have any questions, email the Experiential Learning team at