Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA)

Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA)

Girls Culture Club Facilitator

Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA)

CIWA is a non-profit organization established in 1982 as a registered charity. CIWA is a culturally diverse settlement agency that recognizes, responds to, and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant and refugee women, girls, and their families. CIWA’s uniqueness is based on its gender specific mandate. Over the years, CIWA has continually responded to emerging needs of immigrant women and girls, developed innovative programs, established meaningful partnerships, and has come to be recognized as a provincial and national leader in outcome-based gender-specific settlement services.

Girls Culture Club

Establishes an opportunity for immigrant girls to share and discuss similar experiences they have encountered as a youth in a new environment. The goal is for the girls to understand that they are not alone and that a support network exists for them.

The group discussions include areas of interest and concern such as women’s issues, health wellness and awareness, ethic and Canadian culture, educational strengths and weaknesses, language barriers, cross cultural conflict and much more.

The Girls Culture Club are implemented at various times: after school group, lunch hour group, and in-school programming.



Up to six (6) female-identifying bachelor of Education students taking EDUC 450 in the Winter semester.


Help facilitate discussions of topics relevant to middle and high school age immigrant girls to support their adaptation and integration process.


Mostly Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Note: Days and hours vary according to program (see below).


Calgary; school locations vary according to program (see below).

Girl's Culture Club Logistics

What's Involved

Lunch Hour Program and After School Program

  • Provide and use their own lesson plans
  • Gain confidence in co-facilitating group sessions
  • Provide mentoring support to newcomers and immigrant girls
  • Support CIWA’s youth clients with their academic and career aspirations
  • Ensure that CIWA’s youth clients get the support they need and that they are in a fun and safe learning environment

In-School Programming

  • Support and co-facilitate with CIWA staff
  • Help CIWA staff to prepare program materials
  • Attend meetings and training regularly and on time
  • Engage in weekly activity with girls
  • Support young immigrant girls in achieving their goals and completing their outputs every session
  • Be culturally aware and sensitive towards clients and other volunteers


Pre-service teachers need a current Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (one calendar year accepted). Students who do not already have a police check should begin this process at their local police station as soon as possible, as police checks often take 4-6 weeks to process.

For the Community Partner:

  1. Completed - Volunteer intake
  2. Resume
  3. Picture identification such as driver’s license,
  4. Police Information Check results, including vulnerable sector (one calendar year accepted)
  5. Child Welfare Intervention Check results (one calendar year accepted)

  • Apply a variety of facilittion strategies to encourage discussion, generate ideas, and build consensus.
  • Apply a variety of mentorship strategies to support mentees' personal, social, and academic goals.
  • Develop cross-cultural competencies related to language, culture, and place.
  • Gain experience working with youth in an individual setting.
  • Lead or co-lead the component of at least one project within the program.

Werklund Dates and Times


Applications Open: August 28, 2024

Event #1 - Werklund Student Orientation: October 22, 2024, 2:00 - 3:00 pm, 
Education Tower (EDT) 450

Applications Close: October 22, 2024


Event #2 - Prepare to Launch: January 16, 2024, 9:00 - 10:00 am, EDT 450

Event #3 - Strategies Workshop: February 6, 9:00 - 10:30 am, EDT 450

Event #4 - Wrap up and Reflect: March 6, 9:00 - 10:30 am, EDT 450

Girl's Culture Club Service Dates

Program locations, dates, & times. Please note volunteers are not expected to be at all days/times listed.


  • Father Scollen School: Grades 5-6, 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM
  • Terry Fox School: Grades 7 & 8, 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM


  • St. John XXIII School: Grades 4, 5 & 6, 12:00 PM to 12:40 PM
  • St. John XXIII School: Grades 5 & 6, 12:03 PM to 12:43 PM
  • St. Michael School: Grades 7 & 8, 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM


  • Crossing Park School: Grades 5 & 6, 11:54 AM to 12:34 PM
  • Crossing Park School: Grades 7 & 8, 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM


  • St. Martha School: Grade 9, 3:10 PM to 4:20 PM
  • St. Monica School: Grades 7 & 8, 11:25 AM to 12:03 PM

Note: In total, pre-service teachers agree to commit to a minimum of 20-35 hours for their service-learning experience

Making Connections

  • Throughout the semester, pre-service teachers will curate their volunteering experiences using a creative medium (e.g., photos, art, storyboarding, videos, etc.) that best reflects their experiences in the program. Your creative reflections will form part of a public showcase of Werklund student experiences later in the year.
  • Pre-service teachers will participate in 2 group meetings: one at the mid-point and another at the end of their placement (1 hour each). These group meetings provide pre-service teachers with opportunities to reflect on the community placement experience and to guide improvements for the program.

Applications for the Winter 2024 cohort of the Volunteering with Diverse Communities Program are now closed.

“I have learned so many skills that I will be carrying forward with me into my teaching, and I also had a lot of fun!”

Girl's Culture Club Volunteer/Participant (2020-2021 Program Student)