Trellis' Youth Programming

Trellis Society is a Calgary-based social services agency that works with people of all ages and backgrounds to overcome barriers and reach their full potential. They improve access to resources, develop family and community supports and help people build their capacity to deal with life’s challenges. Trellis’ offerings make up a holistic system of care that is designed to wrap supports around people, families, and communities, with the goal of establishing a critical foundation for generational change.
Youth Programming offers a safe, welcoming place for youth to come after school, make friends, and participate in activities that encourage learning and discovery, health and wellbeing, physical literacy, creative expression, leadership development, and a positive connection to community and family.
What's Involved
- Pre-service teachers will attend a 2-hour orientation in October. The orientation session is intended to introduce participants to Trellis Society and Youth Programming. It will also include information about on-site contacts for each location as well as opportunities for additional learning through Trellis workshops and trainings.
- Pre-service teachers commit to attending at least once a week at one of the three locations for 2 hours. There is potential participation at other Trellis workshops and trainings for additional hours.
- Activities during sessions may include:
- Assisting youth with their homework and other assignments. This will occur in a group setting and on a drop-in basis to support youth in the best possible way.
- Helping youth learn more about pursuing post-secondary education through mentorship (i.e., researching institutions, deciding on a program, helping with the application process, etc.).
- Pre-service teachers need a current Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (issued after May 1 of the current academic year). Students who do not already have a police check should begin this process online with their local Police station as soon as possible as police checks often take 4-6 weeks to process. Please see the Field Experience Police Information Requirement webpage for more information on how to request a PIC-VS.
- Students placed with Trellis Society also require a Child Intervention Check issued by Alberta Human Services within the last 6 months. While this is not necessary to begin the program, it is something that will need to occur as soon as possible. More information will be provided at the orientation session.
- Optional certifications include First Aid and CPR, ASIST, or Mental Health First Aid.
- Experience in various school subjects is an asset.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Apply a variety of leadership strategies to develop meaningful relationships with the program and its participants
- Apply a variety of mentorship strategies to support mentees’ personal, social, and academic goals
- Examine a variety of approaches to teaching and learning in non-traditional educational settings
- Examine how teaching and learning take place in other contexts
- Examine the diverse ways children and youth experience and express knowledge, actions, and identities
- Gain experience working with youth in a small group setting
- Model positive behaviour for children, youth, teachers, and parents
Youth Group Programming Dates and Times
- Program Dates:
- Fall: early October to mid- December
- Winter: early January to mid-March
- Orientation Session: TBA
- Sessions will take place throughout the week, Mondays-Fridays at various locations. All sessions will be held between 4:00 and 8:00 PM (times will differ depending on the location).
- Stability and predictability are hallmarks of trauma informed practice when working with children and youth. We strive to provide this for the youth we serve at Trellis and therefore, encourage students to continue with the program for both the Fall and Winter semesters.
- The program time commitment is 2 hours approximately once a week (with the potential for additional days if pre-service teachers have the capacity).
Co-Curricular Service-Learning Dates
Fall Semester Timeline
- Fall 2024 Applications Open: August 28, 2024
- Werklund Information Sessions:
- Cancelled; please email wse.experiential@ucalgary.ca with any questions about the Service-Learning program or to arrange for a meeting.
- Fall 2024 Applications Close: September 17, 2024 for smaller programs, larger placement applications are ongoing.
- Fall 2024 Placements Start: early October (program dependent)
- Fall 2024 Placements End: mid-December (program dependent)
Winter Semester Timeline
- Winter 2025 Applications Open: November 15, 2024
- Winter 2025 Information Session: November 26, 5:00 pm (Zoom)
- Winter 2025 Applications Close: Ongoing, program-dependent
- Winter 2025 Placements Start: early January (program dependent)
- Winter 2025 Placements End: mid-March (program dependent)
Experiential Learning Check-In & Reflection Opportunities
All participants in Experiential Learning programs are welcome and encouraged to attend at least two of the check-in & reflection sessions below as part of their program. Reflection is an incredibly important part of experiential learning. It encourages students to consider their experience so far and to adjusted as needed as they go forward through the rest of their program, or into the next step of their career.
Fall Check-In & Reflection Sessions
- Tuesday, October 15, 2024: 9:30 am (Zoom)
- Monday, October 21, 2024: 2:45 pm (in-person, register here)
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024: 5:00 pm (Zoom)
- Monday, November 4, 2024: 9:30 am (Zoom)
- Tuesday, November 19, 2024: 12:00 pm (Zoom)
- Friday, November 29, 2024: 9:30 am (in-person, register here)
- Tuesday, December 10, 2024: 5:00 pm (Zoom)
- Thursday, December 12, 2024: 9:30 am (in-person, register here)
Winter Check-In & Reflection Sessions

Applications for some Fall 2024 placements are still open!
Interested in applying for a volunteer opportunity?
- Log on to Elevate and go to My Werklund Experiences > Courses/Programs
- Find the Service-Learning program and click Apply
- Complete the Service-Learning Application