Bridging Pathway
Who this pathway is for
The Bridging to the Community-Based Bachelor of Education pathway provides students who do not present the course English Language Arts 30-1, or meet the competitive admitting average for their desired teachable subject area, the opportunity to upgrade for admission into the Four-Year degree. The same geographic eligibility requirements mandated for the Community-Based program apply - visit our Four-Year Community-Based page for details.
Students who successfully complete:
- All 6 courses mandated in the Bridging Pathway
- Achieve a minimum grade of B- in EDUC 101: English Academic Success
- Achieve an overall GPA of 2.50 across all Bridging courses
will be admitted into the Four-Year Community-Based Bachelor of Education. Five of the six 200-level EDUC courses will be used towards the degree’s elective course requirements.
You must have applied to the Four-Year Community-Based Bachelor of Education, and must meet all other admission requirements mandated. You will be evaluated for Bridging eligibility automatically if you do not meet the admitting requirements for the Four-Year program. It is not possible to apply into the Bridging Pathway directly.
Please Note: This program only offers a summer term intake.
Suggested program sequence
Summer term courses will take place on-campus, during a two-week intensive in July. Fall and Winter term courses will be offered via distance, or involve your in-classroom Field Experiences, in your home community.
Four-Year Community-Based Bachelor of Education Years
Visit our Four-Year Community-Based site for details about on-campus Summer courses, and your time in Calgary.
Specific bridging courses
Bridging year courses focus on children's literacy, with fall term courses exploring reading, and winter term classes exploring writing. Course descriptions can be found via the links below:
EDUC 101 | EDUC 205 | EDUC 207 | EDUC 209 | EDUC 211 | EDUC 213 | EDUC 215
If you are a current Bridging student, visit your Registration Guide for enrolment information.
Moving into the Four-Year program
If you are a current Bridging student heading into your winter term courses, you'll want to start thinking about next steps for moving into the four-year degree!
1. First, ensure that you are meeting all of the eligibility requirements stated above.
2. Second, when prompted by the Advising Team, please reply to an email asking you to declare what teachable you would like to move into. Please note: this prompt will include suggested teachables for which you are eligible, Ie, If you never took Math 30-1, you would not be eligible - and thus, not prompted - to apply for Mathematics. Please request your teachable appropriately! You will be directed on next steps in the Change of Program application process.
3. This application will be reviewed in May, after your final Bridging program grades come in, to ensure that you present the 2.50 GPA required across all mandated courses, plus the minimum B- required in EDUC 101. If you meet those requirements, you will officially become a Four-Year Community-Based degree student as of the summer term! At that time, you will be prompted to enroll in your next set of classes. From now on, you are a Four-Year student, and should ensure to review and follow the information contained on that program page and registration guide. You are also encouraged to attend all of the orientation sessions set for four-year students, as these will cover different information than the sessions set for the Bridging orientation.
Visit our Four-Year Community-Based page