Partner Teacher: Expression of Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in supporting Field Experience! To learn more, please visit our Partner Teacher Field Experience webpage. 


The 2024-2025 Partner Teacher: Expression of Interest Form is now open!

The Partner Teacher is the classroom teacher who works closely with Pre-service Teacher(s), opens their professional life to the Pre-service Teacher, and very gradually increases the Pre-service Teacher’s involvement in classroom curriculum, learning, and activities. 

To express your interest and support, we invite Calgary area principals, school liaisons and teachers to complete this form. If you are a teacher, please confirm your Principal supports your expression of interest before submitting this form. After this form is submitted, we will add you to our Partner Teacher roster. 

Key dates: 
  • If we have matched you with a Field Experience III/IV pre-service teacher, we will let you know in October.
  • If we have matched you with a pair of Field Experience II pre-service teachers, we will let you know in February.
After you are added to our Partner Teacher Roster:
  • The UPE Field Experience team will connect with a number of times throughout the year. When you are serving as a Partner Teacher, you will also be in regular contact with the Field Instructor allocated to your pre-service teacher. 
Placement Policies to note:
  • Our placements require the full support of the Partner Teacher, School Principal and School Board.
  • Not all teachers are matched with a pre-service teacher. We are not always able to find a suitable match for all our placements and partner teachers. Please know we will do our very best – we are very thankful so many Partner Teachers are interested in mentoring a pre-service teacher from the Werklund School of Education.
  • Placement information may be shared within the University of Calgary and with your school district, as a part of our data collection and reporting processes. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
For more information:
Please confirm you are in Calgary or a surrounding community
This form is intended to collect information from Teachers, Principals and School Liaisons in Calgary and Area. This includes school divisions in and around the City of Calgary. 

Geographically, Calgary & Area includes: Airdrie, Beiseker, Blakie, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Cayley, Chestermere, Cochrane, Crossfield, Diamond Valley, Heritage Heights, High River, Indus, Kathyrn, Langdon, Longview, Millarville, Okotoks, Red Deer Lake, Springbank, and Strathmore. 

If you are not in Calgary & Area, please do not complete this form.

Our Community-Based placements are coordinated through the School District. If you are interested in serving as a Partner Teacher, we encourage you to express your interest in serving as a Partner Teacher to your Principal, who should share this information with your School District.

Your Details
School Administration Support
Students are placed as cohorts to observe the school as a whole under the guidance of the Field Experience Liaison. No individual Partner Teachers are assigned or required.
  • Anticipated cohort size: 10-12 pre-service teachers
  • 2-week placement in October
  • Schools determine how the pre-service teachers are distributed within the school.
The focus of Field Experience I is to document the lives and cultures of students, teachers and schools using ethnographic field notes. Pre-service teachers will be expected to assist as much as possible, at the discretion of the Partner Teacher.
We are seeking supportive Partner Teachers for Field Experience III/IV and Field Experience II.
Please list the interested teachers (name, email and teaching assignment details).
  • Language of instruction
  • Other considerations and details we should be aware of during the placement process
  • We will initially include all teachers listed here for Field Experience III/IV (our first round of placements). If a teacher only wishes to be considered for a Field Experience II placement, please indicate this next to their name.
We will review your form submission and add the names to our Partner Teacher roster for Field Experience 2024-2025. If we have any questions, we will reach out.
Field Experience I placements:
  • If you indicated your interest in supporting a cohort of Field Experience I pre-service teachers, we will reach out with more information in June to confirm your support. We will supply a complete list of pre-service teachers in September.
Field III/IV placements:
  • If we have matched a Partner Teacher from your school with a Field Experience III/IV pre-service teacher, we will first confirm the placement with the School Administration Team, and then with the Partner Teacher. We anticipate this will happen in early October. If we are unable to make a match, we will reach out with more information, as we would be happy to include the teacher in our Field II roster.
Field II placements:
  • If we have matched a Partner Teacher from your school with a pair of Field Experience II pre-service teachers, we will first confirm the placement with the School Administration Team, and then with the Partner Teacher. We anticipate this will happen in early February. For Field Experience II, we do our best to match teachers with a pair of Field Experience II pre-service teachers. If a teacher would prefer only 1 pre-service teacher, please reach out to note this preference.
Teaching Assignment Details
Please provide your anticipated teaching assignment details. We will reach out if we need more information!
Please briefly describe your anticipated teaching assignment, including:
  • Subject(s) taught
  • Grade(s) taught
  • Language of Instruction, if not in English
This comments section is visible to to students and school administrators during our placement process. Please do not include any special requests in this section. 
These general categories help us sort and record our field experience placements. Don't worry - we will carefully review your teaching assignment description and notes during the placement process. 
Please select your preferred Field Experience
We are seeking supportive Partner Teachers for Field Experience III/IV and Field Experience II. Please select your preferred Field Experience.
If you select Field Experience III/IV, we will do our best to match you with one pre-service teacher. If we do not successfully match you with a Field Experience III/IV pre-service teacher, you will be added to our Field Experience II partner teacher roster. If you select Field Experience II, we will do our best to match you with a pair of pre-service teachers. Please reach out if you would prefer only one pre-service teacher for this placement.
Our placements are only made with the full support of the Partner Teacher, School Principal / School Administration team and School District.